good carma Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Alladin group parties are back for monthly events @ club exit, The venue has been renovated and additional sound has been added. Get ready for a worm winter sounds with amazing decoration and top notch music by world class producers and DJ’s that will make this experience unforgettable Our first party will be on Friday December 12 2008 so mark your calendars. Main floor ABOMINATION Live & DJ Set (3D vision records) Israel GHREG ON EARTH (Echo Vortex–USP) SF EARWORM (3D Vision) NYC SKETI (Blacklight Activists) Canada ORBIT aka Elnadiv vs Kno-B (Alladin group) Israel-Japan RAFAEL (Soul Sounds) Brazil/Boston Electro Room: RAY BRIONES, Brazil OMER BARNEA, Israel REALITY ENGINE (NYC) And more to be announced Decoration: Backdrops by; NEIL GIBSON (Blacklight Activists) Toronto Canada Spandex & Structures by Ocular Delight /Alladin Deco Team 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm – 6 am $25 in advance @ $35@the door Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd ,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 Our next party will be at take place @ Club Exit on January 16 2009
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