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Cybernetika-Nanospheric [Ektoplazm] Free dl!

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The first track is great... didn't know what to think of when I saw it ran for about 15 minutes before listening... but great bassline... and progression in general. Hardly even noticed the length... and brilliant pads :) I think this will begin to grow on me... and will certainly have lots of replay value




The second track is slightly better... some absolutely amazing melodies and a great bassline/kick combo as well as great flow and finish. I love the finishing melody. It's like dark psy... only without the overly trying to be dark sounds, but still nice and dark in mood yet sometimes uplifting. This would be a great in between track for sets somewhere near the end of it, it would really build the energy as well as it being quite uplifting near the end. Did I mention this has great flow?




The third track has an interesting intro and has a fairly dark bassline compared to the others. I love the melodyish synth that goes along with it about 2 minutes in. Epic, dark, dancey :ph34r:. This would be a crazy track for sets... I'm practically orgasming over the idea of where to place it. I dunno about the kick in this track though. Otherwise its great. This track is kind've horror in mood... sortof uplifting... and scarey but not even overly trying to be scarey... just a subtle way the melodies work together. Which is a great thing to have. I really love cybernetika's placement of... erm base drops... or whatever you call it when you drop out the kick so only the base plays for a while, really well done in this track and the 1st track.




Hmm the title track... with breakbeats :blink: Yes, I love the mood of this one. Epic with very good melodies and mood... very dancey yes yes yes. :posford: The second bit after about 5:50 is an interesting change in direction... this truly will end up being a very replayable track, I can tell. Derp, I'm a little lost at the 11 minute mark. Hmm... it seems to make sense later on. This is definitely a track I'll need to listen to again a few times.




Mmm a nice downvibe track... with very deep melodies. Was not expecting this... but it fits in raather nicely. Great breakbeats. Very solid track... uplifting yet slightly dark and non cheesy. Shorter track, which isn't necassarily bad concidering we're talking 8 minutes here. Will fit in sets absolutely great.




A fairly nice finishing track... with more breakbeats a nice feeley bass. and holy crap, the albums over allready. Razor sharp precision with the breaks though... really nice placed melodies too, and great synth design here.







9.7... my only complaint is that there aren't more shorter more set friendly tracks, but then again longer tracks are probably better for home listening :) Better then excellent... theres plenty of just that something extra moments that cannot be described otherwise and absolutely no flaws... except for maybe a slightly stronger (perhaps more mids?) kick would be good on some of the tracks. Very glad I downloaded this, will be listened to for a long time. I used to think I could only enjoy albums on the second listen for a while... but that isn't true, very excellent albums like the one being reviewed certainly prove otherwise.


I'll update and give more detailed reviews when I listen to album again a few more times. and ugh, first proper review/op review so go easy :)


I really like Cibernetika unique dark sci-fi psytrance. There's still melody, dark melody, but it's still there, there are pads, basslines e great atmosphere. This stuff should be released, it' much better than all this dark psy and full on stuff around. My opinion is 9.5


I really like Cibernetika unique dark sci-fi psytrance. There's still melody, dark melody, but it's still there, there are pads, basslines e great atmosphere. This stuff should be released, it' much better than all this dark psy and full on stuff around. My opinion is 9.5



I'm not the biggest fan of "darkpsy" out there, but i have really enjoyed listening to all of those tracks.

They sound very atmospheric, sometimes even melodic and epic.

I actually managed to listen to it from start to end without getting bored or irritated, which is an amazing performance when it comes to this genre for me.


Very nice work, keep it up!




01 - Plasmoid (14:47)
02 - The Outer Reach (10:44)
03 - Earthshock (12:44)
04 - Nanospheric (15:01)
05 - Praeforma (8:27)
06 - Finale (8:23)

Total time: 1:10:06

Nanospheric is better than a handful of dark Psytrance albums I own. It's mysterious, dark, and atmospheric. It's also catchy, gripping, and healthy on style and substance, and it's danceable. Those tired of movie samples ruining their experience to escape into the music won't find any here. The artist has covered his bases, producing quite possibly the best dark and/or atmospheric Psytrance album of 2008. The melody/sound work is strong, from leads to supports, ambient tunes compliment developed atmosphere, thus increasing lasting appeal, replay value. Let's take a look at the tracks.

01 - Plasmoid I've heard numerous times from when it was released back around 2006 or 2007. It's a strong and epic, dark world come to life with a superb evolution or two as the song progresses. This track as well as a few on here may actually deserve higher scores. But I'll come back to these as I hear the album more. Plasmoid is great. B+

02 - The Outer Reach follows up Plasmoid nicely. They compliment each other quite well. As a second chapter to Nanospheric actually, this is as strong if not stronger than the previous epic. I prefer the running time here over the previous digit too. More interest seems to take place in a shorter amount of time, thus producing more soundscapes of audio scenery. Whereas the opening track had one, strong melody lead that has stayed with me, this is loaded with interesting melody/sound work. Around 5:16 takes place the first leading melody on the song. The amount of supporting sounds, atmosphere by its side would likely satisfy Asura, Distant Systems, Aes Dana, and more. The song becomes quite infectious, especially from 7:30 forward. I love how the artist enhances the dance friendly aggression with numerous sounds that compliment, another melody lead that's quite unique and catchy, and more. There's also a sustained one-note machine-like melody (exactly at 9:37 for instance) that takes place dozens of times on-and-off throughout. It's awesome. This sound really adds a sweet texture to an already tasty gem. Excellent work. A-

03 - Earthshock is very well done. I wasn't expecting anything this aggressive, atmospheric, and driving (all three). Great track. B+

04 - Nanospheric is interesting. I love how it starts out, very elegant and melodicious (hey I made a new word). I just wish it had more character development (layers, build, evolution) as it progressed. My favorite part is the opening as well as the final third (from 11:32 forward) where shimmering sounds linger like fairy's in an ancient pond until a strong, melody lead dances wild throughout the mystic atmosphere. The song seems a bit repetitive, percussion/beat wise than previous tracks so far. For instance, from 3:38 sounds nice, but by 4:45, I'm hoping to hear something more than the general same beat with wonderful albeit atmosphere alone. Fortunately the interlude around 5:25 revives the journey right when I losing hope. Although the melody work remains somewhat minimal, the sound patterns around the beat is strong. A unique, less spotlighted melody arrives around 6:55 along with several others. It's good, though I feel that the song here is running on its atmospheric strength to compensate for having less melody/sound development. The good news is that this less melody heavy approach produces more space amongst the atmosphere. Overall this is my least favorite track here. But the song, few quirks aside, manages to remain entertaining for its fifteen minute running time. I rarely enjoy a song this length enough to hear it numerous times, but in this case, as with Jikkenteki's work, Pleiadian's Modulation, and few others, I enjoy listening to this time and again. There's some melody climax as it progresses over the eleventh too which is very cool. I just the song continued building its taste factor, not just changed key in its final minutes, as I feel like something's lacking that could have made this song amazing not just atmospheric, driving, and interesting around its extended moments of not-so-smart repetition. Good track with some great ideas and elements. B

05 - Praeforma is n extremely cool, atmospheric breaks, Psy number. I love how it begins; this is something I'd love to use in a wonderful, provocative and edgy fantasy film one day, to enhance emotion and engage the viewer in the opening seconds. Evolving into a strong dance beat, the song develops breaks, taking its time to bask in tasty heaven before progressing. A pretty female voice is past in the opening minutes. Build up takes place from around 3:10 to 3:15 and suddenly the more danceable beat arrives. Female hymns, vocals, atmosphere, and a pleasurable and groovy design of melody/sound work here ensures. A change up in sound back to breaks compliments and refreshing interest from around 4:51 to 5:15, a great implementation. Following is yet a second interlude; the emotive, dreamy edge is highlighted like a gorgeous creature, one possibly going extinct, gracefully flying in the evening wind, night sky. The hard, more danceable beat suddenly returns around 6:20, bringing us into the final act. This is a beautiful and gripping song, and my favorite track yet by Lars, Cybernetica to date. It also makes me think of the possibilities if he produced a downtempo album in this general, emotive, surreal and fantasy, magical style. Wonderful track! A

06 - Finale is a strong, Psy/Chill, downbeat number with cool voice samples, atmosphere, and more. It's solid and refreshing, though not what I consider captivating. The song has breaks too which is great. The melody leads are euphoric, contemplative, as if the song is energy moving over a horizon to enjoy the beautiful sunrise before returning to silence until a later date of growth. I really like this number. I feel that the artist has taken the time to produce a strong though not spectacular closing to a very interesting album. Great track. A-

In conclusion, this is a very interesting, atmospheric, dark and/or explore-the-cosmos Psytrance release. Initially I visualized a powerful, dark and gothic cathedral, kingdom a la the eerie Event Horizon (haunted ship but a far more complex structure) moving through space, affecting every form in its path. Later on however, I started to feel like Cybernetika was creating strong and danceable tracks in his style that only this artist, Asura, Distant Systems, and few others succeeds this well at. Finally someone has released a strong dark/night album with great melody/sound work. That someone is Lars of Cybernetika. Nanospheric is a refreshing release. Quality like this is rarely given out for free too, which I found just as surprising as the high amount of good/great tracks here. The style generally begins in the evolved, dark psytrance approach of Plasmoid, released in 2006 or 2007. However this artist steps outside of that vivid box as the album progresses, producing some very driving and dance friendly numbers in this general imaginative, non watered down nor formulaic style! Each track is completely different, u . nique, and strong. The first two appear more mid than up tempo. It's great actually, not overdoing any speed. The following three numbers (tracks 3-5) are more uptempo. Is this slightly faster than the general psytrance song? I don't know. Initially I thought so. Nonetheless, the uptempo work is great. Earthshock is one of the richer, more chilling dance songs I've heard from dark/mysterious psytrance in quite sometimeThe last number is a style and substance filled downbeat, breaks number. No song is average or below. Every track is in the good range and above, great, excellent. Also present is some of the more interesting, intriguing introductions to songs I've heard all year. The concept behind the actual Nanospheric (cover/title and theme) that represents the album's story is quite interesting too. The concept appears like something I'd read about in Quantum metaphysics, philosophy. It's intriguing. Overall I find this the strongest Cypernetica album yet. This being Lar's most evolved, dynamic release to date. I like how the artist keeps the tracks moving and developing, evolving and atmosphere heavy throughout while carrying that strength over into the melody/sound work and at times, infectious leads to strong beats, bass lines, etc.

Favorite tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


Download link: (right click, save as)

Download Cybernetika - Nanospheric [mp3 @ 320]
Download [wav @ 16/44]

http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/cybernetika-nanospheric (courtesy of Basilisk)

  • 1 month later...

this is a great release. i think it is one of the best free albums out at the moment. but there is one thing that bothers me, and that is the drone-sound in plasmoid from nearly the beginning up until minute 8:00 that is pretty lifeless and mixed too loud. for me this track would grade A to A- if just the drone would be less prominent in the mix.


One of the best free releases in a while. Excellent mix of light and dark.


There's no excuse, go get it. :)


Great tracks, good to see experimentation going on. Some of the tracks remind me of Cybernetika's earlier stuff that wasn't quite so full power but still damn good. I love long tracks, why don't more people do long works?

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