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Hello Psychedelic people B)


A new label has born from the deep forests of Canada !

Altar Records presents "Air" various artists sheduled to be released by next month!





Altar records presents its first compilation under the theme of the first element : AIR.


In the course of 2009 throughout 2010, Gabriel aka Dj Zen (Altar Records' producer) will be compiling - for your pleasure - a total of 5 high quality compact discs - high quality in terms of the excellent artists presented in the compilations, the fully recyclable product packaging and last but not least their collection value : the discs will be limited to an output of 300 in total, each with a unique hand-written number.


Each lot of 300 Cd's will be professionnally printed in Quebec, Canada, in Digipack de luxe format, therefore saving on transportation costs normally involved in the distribution process.


The lots will be distributed exclusively by

Altar-Records.com and on Discogs for the CD format, as well as in all the good digital distribution stored on the Internet such as Beatport an such for you Ipod.


Dj Zen has given himself the task of producing an exclusive worldwide series under the Elements theme : first comes "Air", in spring 2009 "Water", then , "Fire" will come in the course of summer 2009, "Earth" in the fall and finally "Ether", scheduled for the winter 2010.


During the winter months of 2009, "Air" will come out and will be featuring string and wind instruments that will make you float high up into melodic heavens with known artists Asura, Aes Dana, Solar Fields, Zymosis, RA, Chronos..,

without forgetting some high quality danceable psychedelic ambiant compositions that are sure to prime the dancefloors of your upcoming parties!


Don't miss your chance to get a copy - there won't be many and the collectioner status

of these discs will be in effect with the first 200 copies sold.





Any questions may be sent to:




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Wonderful cover art. Also Solar Fields!! The RA track isn't too shabby either. Seems like a solid releasing, gonna finish listening to them samples.


Wow, impressive. And nice of you to go for the collector direction. Even if I'm not really an Ultimae ambient-style lover, I might just grab a copy for this "high collector value" :P


Anyway, good luck. You don't have a fixed release date for Air I guess?


EDIT: I see a 15.02.2009 on the site. I guess it's it.


I think it would be kind of nice to go for more upbeat stuff with Fire and Earth. Could be a nice diversity and it sticks with the elements concept, but perhaps this was already your idea.


And I'm not seeing Water? Did you forget it? Perhaps for Spring...


Looks great! Nice cover, nice line up. Looks like a must buy and I'd like to collect the set. Hope I'm lucky enough to be one of the 300 :)


I assume there will be a water one also? Will it be water themed with lots of watery sounds? I love the sound of water, especially in music :wub:


Also, who remixed Air Song? Is it Solar Fields? Looking forward to hearing that :D


Just a question about the numbers, someone was saying that printers will only print 1000 but that can't be true, you wont have 700 extra copies lying around will you? You'd never be short of a coaster :lol:


Good luck with this, I'll be buying ;)

  abasio said:

Looks great! Nice cover, nice line up. Looks like a must buy and I'd like to collect the set. Hope I'm lucky enough to be one of the 300 :)


I assume there will be a water one also? Will it be water themed with lots of watery sounds? I love the sound of water, especially in music :wub:


Also, who remixed Air Song? Is it Solar Fields? Looking forward to hearing that :D


Just a question about the numbers, someone was saying that printers will only print 1000 but that can't be true, you wont have 700 extra copies lying around will you? You'd never be short of a coaster :lol:


Good luck with this, I'll be buying ;)

Thx! Yep some link will be available to buy when the CD out from the press plant, so from my website and from Discogs.

You'll never get those available thru Psyshop, Saiko, Beatspace, etc...I'll pass on distributers!


'Water' will follows this spring!


Sure it's Solar Fields' own remix, all trax on this v/a are exclusive :D


No it's only 300 copies hand-numbered with a water-proof pen.

Some promo's from original press plant CD's (real CD, no CDr) will be available, but in a paper sleeve, not in the Digipack, so I know what you meant about saying pressing 300 but in fact the label press 1000...It's not the case here 'cuz I want quality over quantity B)

So it's real 300 Digipacks and some promo's.That's it!

  visine said:

22 Euro for a CD is a bit much don't you think?


Saikosounds sell CD's for about $14 which is just over 10 Euro plus a few bucks for shipping.


You should fully read:



It's limited press, 300 hand-numbered copies only.

I save on quantity, therefore quality is on the first plan: great artists, stunning quality 100% recyclable - Eco packaging, etc...


By the way Priority Air Mail shipping is included on 22Eur, there's no fees added.

The price includes everything.


It's your choice to buy a release which will only have 300 releases instead of "usual limited quantities to 1000 items"


$29usd is like ordering 2 regular Cd's at Saiko or Psyshop... lol what's the matter with that?



  visine said:

22 Euro for a CD is a bit much don't you think?


Saikosounds sell CD's for about $14 which is just over 10 Euro plus a few bucks for shipping.


  faze said:

$29 USD. :(

Just ¥2600 over this end which is normal price for a regular CD over here ;) (or does that mean we are usually being totally ripped off? :P)


The tracklist is indeed good looking, but 22€ is really alot!

Compare this with Opus Iridium, tracklist is groupwise like 50% the same (the expensive names at least), and Opus even had an extra cd! Opus only costed 13€ for 2 cds, maybe 17€ shipping included.


Is there no way to get it cheaper? I'm a student you know... Student discount?

  Baloeba said:

The tracklist is indeed good looking, but 22€ is really alot!

Compare this with Opus Iridium, tracklist is groupwise like 50% the same (the expensive names at least), and Opus even had an extra cd! Opus only costed 13€ for 2 cds, maybe 17€ shipping included.


Is there no way to get it cheaper? I'm a student you know... Student discount?

Plz don't compare my label with any other one, I'm sort of unique in my way of thinking/working :P


As I told above, it's 300 copies limited editions, not 1000 or 2000 Cd's pressed sold at 10euros each, so qualilty over quantity, I prefer selling 300 CD's for 22eur postage incl. and stated as "collector" sold in 6 months than pressing 1000 Cd's and selling them 10eur each for years!!

This is a choice I made to avoid pollution on Earth and I know that ambient/psy won't sell more than 300 item all in all, so why spending $$ and time in 1000 when I can sell 300 for sure?, ..Also it's a bunch of CD's on the theme of the "Elements", there'll be 5 releases, all collectable so if you buy them one by one for 22eur, in a year or two you'll get their value stated as more than the double.


It's your choice to think about the quantity or quality with what labels are releasing, waiting a few weeks more to get 22eur is easy, even for a student ;)


Maybe in a few months some of my releases will be at Ebay, so try to hunt one of them for cheap if you can B)

  Baloeba said:

I see...


No Chance of quantity AND still quality? it is possible as well... :P (see to the new Crop Circles, or Solar Fields or Ra or ...)

No sorry, quantities are not safe for ecology (in term of work at the press plant and it's waste of time and money, etc) and I'll never be able to sell 1000x5 Cd's (all 5 Elements concept) by myself..It's a choice I made ;)


I repeat that my Altar Recs. concept is quite unique regarding on how other labels are working.

I say I'm different, I do not intempt to critizise others in any way.

Cheers ;)


It's certainly your choice to run it how you wish. I certainly respect that. We potential customers were providing feedback for you to do with what you wish.


If ecology is the number one concern of this release, why have any package at all, why not straight digital only? Release high quality FLAC format or WAVs and ecology issue closed.

  faze said:

It's certainly your choice to run it how you wish. I certainly respect that. We potential customers were providing feedback for you to do with what you wish.


If ecology is the number one concern of this release, why have any package at all, why not straight digital only? Release high quality FLAC format or WAVs and ecology issue closed.

Of course it'll be digitally distributed over the net, but I also want my release to be collected by people who likes to have a physical CD in their hands so having the chance to enjoy the covers and a piece in their shelves with less plastic (no jewel case thought it's cheaper at the press) and from a lot of % from recycled materials....

  faze said:

If ecology is the number one concern of this release, why have any package at all, why not straight digital only? Release high quality FLAC format or WAVs and ecology issue closed.

Or do as somnia! :drama: lightweight home made covers (made from recyling paper), natural colours. :P I like the way they have done it!


But I guess this is up to the owners to decide what's their best choice ;)

  Drosophila said:

Or do as somnia! :drama: lightweight home made covers (made from recyling paper), natural colours. :P I like the way they have done it!

hehehe I'd need to have a nice wife sewing all those covers for me then ;)


Unfortunately for now I'm alone and I have to: listen and discover artists' music, sign them (get in touch over the net, sending contracts, answering questions, etc), make the artwork, mastering, publicity, go to the press plant, pay everyone by advance, distributing Cd's to customers, making and updating 3 websites, making new music with my artists, eating, sleeping, etc...lol I think I have quite enough working 12h/day 7/7 :)


But I agree and support Somnia label, great one, nice concept ;)

  djzen said:

Plz don't compare my label with any other one, I'm sort of unique in my way of thinking/working :P


As I told above, it's 300 copies limited editions, not 1000 or 2000 Cd's pressed sold at 10euros each, so qualilty over quantity, I prefer selling 300 CD's for 22eur postage incl. and stated as "collector" sold in 6 months than pressing 1000 Cd's and selling them 10eur each for years!!

This is a choice I made to avoid pollution on Earth and I know that ambient/psy won't sell more than 300 item all in all, so why spending $$ and time in 1000 when I can sell 300 for sure?, ..Also it's a bunch of CD's on the theme of the "Elements", there'll be 5 releases, all collectable so if you buy them one by one for 22eur, in a year or two you'll get their value stated as more than the double.


It's your choice to think about the quantity or quality with what labels are releasing, waiting a few weeks more to get 22eur is easy, even for a student ;)


Maybe in a few months some of my releases will be at Ebay, so try to hunt one of them for cheap if you can B)

Nice concept and it all seems like quite a rewarding initiative. I think I will gladly be a part of it. :)


But please, keep in mind one thing: the mere fact you print 300 copies of a CD does not (never did, never will) automatically imply that your release will be a highly sought after collector item in a few months. Maybe no one succeeds in getting more than 3 quid for it on eBay. Can you guarantee otherwise and use that as a bulletproof justification of the price?


I have vinyls which never were distributed in more than 50 copies, and don't know anybody willing to pay a beer to get hold of 'em.


Likewise, this very scene has highly sought after collector gems which were printed in thousands of copies, and I would be very surprised if any one of your forthcoming releases ever managed to make them run for their money...


So, once again, very nice you're trying out something different and original, but the quantity does not validate, imply or justify anything, and I do mean anything.


Anyways, good news! Hope to hear some music soon! B)


22 euros, well for a collectors cd, sure. It's not much money. I bet many here complaining are going out every weekend spending 40 euros on beer. Or more. It's a small sum really.

  Melancholyman said:

22 euros, well for a collectors cd, sure. It's not much money. I bet many here complaining are going out every weekend spending 40 euros on beer. Or more. It's a small sum really.

:unsure: 40 euros on beer every weekend ?!?! :rolleyes: NOPE!!!! there are so many CDs on my wishlist that i most probably would prefer to spend that 29$ on 2 CDs...

in any case and in other words it is a release or a series of releases which will bring a great dissapointment on many friends of this magnificent music for not achieving to obtain a copy of this unique creation which consists of great artists.


it will be really negative. negative for either the concerned audience and the label's esteem.


it would be great or rather necessery if the label could provide another print of this release not necessarily special handnumbered while the idea of recycled materials is essential.


therefore more concerned individuals should have the chance to purchase this quality release later on this year or even later, without any anxiety.


the significance and uniqueness of a release doesn't have to be defined by a private edition and can't be, but undoubtedly a release can’t be unlimited or in large numbers.


but could the/a label provide some reprinted copies from time to time if there is a demand for it?


some territorial/continental distributors/shops -fair and helpful- could be chosen and would be really helpful.



So, once again, very nice you're trying out something different and original, but the quantity does not validate, imply or justify anything, and I do mean anything.

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