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Well it's always like that, you prepare everything, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g, and it all fucks up at the end :(((


So here's the story : i'm curently moving to a new appartement, so my server, so the psynews forums. I had arranged everything with the telecoms so that the ADSL service would start in the new appartement (march 14) before the end in the old one (march 18).



- I doubt the 40 year old phone line in my new appartement, (checked miraculously as good by a technician) would cary the ADSL signals correctly,

- ...but i couldn't test because the phone line was cut during some works

- ...and a technician *may come someday soon* to fix it

- ...and on top of that the telecoms opened the wrong service

- ...and i still don't know if my former modem will be compatible with the DSLam routers in the district i'm moving to (i was supposed to check).




Hum...so in he best case (service correctly opened, me tweaking the phone line without hte help of a technician), those forums will be totally unavailable on a partof the 18th and the 19th of march.


If a technician takes some time to come, it will be 3,4,5 days....


If my modem is not compatible with the DSLams there...more than 1 week.


I'm sorry.


Besides, my server is also the DNS server for Psynews itself. So we're gonna ask the name provider take the name "psynews.org" in charge during that shutdown.


Thanks for your attention, apologies, and BOM !!!



Guest rx7style

Sh!t happens, hope it goes as smoothly as possible!

Guest Quazzi

$%$#$"#%$#"!!!!!!!! What am i suppose to do all this days???!!!! Read a book?? go out with my friends?? make my bed?? play soccer?? make my living by going to work??


That is for wussies!!!


"...i'm curently moving to a new appartement, so my server, so the psynews forums."



I can't believe the nerve of this guy!!! Do you only think about yourself??!! Here's a thought you egocentric loser, DON'T MOVE!!!




Just kiding mars. Good luck! :-P

Guest psyfi

i thought you lived in france, which does not fall into the sphere of german telekom?? well, it seems that all tel comapnies are the same.. i had the same shit over here. and remember: NEVER call a help-line that costs you more than a normalm call beacuse you will be stuck in the waiting loop for hours!


good luck! and tell me what i can do during that time??

Guest spacemonkey

**typing trembling in anticepating horror of cold turkey forum withdrawal**


well best of luck and lets hope it will be back soon!


**need the forums needitneeditneeditneeditneeditneeditneedit**

Guest gallowglass

apparently im going to be looking at isratrance more often...



It seems my phone line in my former appartement still works as those forums are still up, so let's update you :

Maybe, i say *maybe* the forums will be online again on the 19th evening (CET).

Guest Mike Indidginus

Good luck with the move Fabien :) I hope your new place is a groovy one :)

Guest krize

hmm good luck mars !!!! Hope the move goes smooth ..

Guest Spifer Jo

good luck 4 your new place...


hope it goes as good as posible.


don't worry we'll still be here :)

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