shantifire Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 FrostRaven – Star Muse – DIGICD011 – Digital Drugs Coalition /Geo-Morningstar Free Track: (FrostRaven - Muse) RELEASE NOTES: FrostRaven – Star Muse Digicd011 Title: Muse Artist: FrostRaven Label: Goa Records and Geo-Morningstar Catalogue: GOAEP005 Format: 1 Panel Insert Audio CD & DDL Barcode: 881034098511 Release: Nov 2008 TRACK LIST 01-FrostRaven - Starchaser 02-FrostRaven - The Well 03-FrostRaven - Tabula Rasa 04-FrostRaven - Night_Freak 05-FrostRaven - Muse 06-FrostRaven - Nightmares 07-FrostRaven - Lore 08-FrostRaven - Dark Wood 09-Virtual Light - Nuclear Sun(FrostRaven RMX) Frost Raven’s debut full length Album entitled “Star Muse” is the latest in cutting edge full power and progressive psychedelic Goa trance music. Artists like Frost Raven from the San Francisco’s bay area underground dance scene are the creative force for this seminal sound that is dominating today’s biggest clubs, festivals and stadiums. Since the early 90s this genre has continued on to become the leading sound in the underground dance culture. This world class album demonstrates the style, production skill, and catchy hooks that have driven this sound to the top of the charts. Frost Raven’s unmistakable melodic sound is crystal clear and full of heart. Get ready to upgrade your music collection with this top of the stack winner! With a background in film and theater soundtrack composition, Frost Raven started out with applications such as Soundforge and ACID Pro. After attending Pyramind; The Institute for Advanced Digital Audio Training, Dustin Musser (aka Frost-RAVEN) gained the skills and exposure necessary to elevate his music to a new level. While in school Dustin was offered a digital contract for his album Desert Walker, which alongside his electro-house EP Fire City, quickly began to dominate INgroove's new releases charts on However Dustin Musser's true passion is psychedelic trance music. Currently Frost-RAVEN has a number of projects on tap. His new down-tempo EP Deep in Blue is set for spring release on the INgooves digital label. Also new tracks can be heard CD compilations on the Geomagnetic, Goa Records and Digital Drugs Coalition labels. Frost-RAVEN is also the co-founder of Somasoundsystem, a Bay Area collective of DJs and producers. Together they represent fresh sounds and pre-current trends. Artist Profile: With a background in film and theater soundtrack composition, Frost Raven started out with applications such as Soundforge and ACID Pro. After attending Pyramind; The Institute for Advanced Digital Audio Training, Dustin Musser (aka Frost-RAVEN) gained the skills and exposure necessary to elevate his music to a new level. While in school Dustin was offered a digital contract for his album Desert Walker, which alongside his electro-house EP Fire City, quickly began to dominate INgroove's new releases charts on However Dustin Musser's true passion is psychedelic trance music. Currently Frost-RAVEN has a number of projects on tap. His new down-tempo EP Deep in Blue is set for spring release on the INgooves digital label. Also new tracks can be heard CD compilation due out February on the Geomagnetic label. Frost-RAVEN is also the co-founder of Somasoundsystem, a Bay Area collective of DJs and producers. Together they represent fresh sounds and pre-current trends: Label Profile: Digital Drugs Coalition is a union of psychedelic trance artists from around the globe who believe that digital art + music are the purest form of getting high. Expect unique, fresh + truly out of this world productions from this hot posse!! Morningstar, division of Geomagnetic Records. Uplifting, melodic, full-on, progressive and perfect for those ecstatic moments of sunshine and awakening, we know you want to be carried on a cloud of feel-good grooviness as you welcome the morning light! was established in the summer of 2001 by Dr. Spook one of the founders of the prominent San Francisco 3D FX and Multimedia boutique known as Minds Eye Media (est.1995). CREDITS: MASTERED BY: Tyler Straub, San Francisco Artwork by: Distribution by Saikosounds / Psyshop (p) and © / Goa Rec. 2008 More info online. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review by: Artist: Frost Raven Title: Star Muse Label: Digital Drugs Coalition Format: CD Released: December 2008 Review: (Track by Track) 01. Frost Raven - Starchaser [133 BPM] After a short n sweet intro begins wide groovy basskicks and mixture of atmospheric sounds and melodies, a base recipe for great uptempo proggy/minimal style psytrance. The track rides consistently keeping hold of the listener's attention and midway it tapers into a breakdown with a short, light melodic line. The track then bursts out with more driving beats and hypnotic yet not overly epic melodies generating a powerful energy and mood. "Starchaser" is a very dance floor friendly track perfect for the late morning or midday at an open air party. Frost Raven wastes no time in establishing he knows how to offer the essential ingredients necessary for a solid tune. The listener is hooked and eagerly anticipates what will come next expecting the same high level production quality for the remainder of the album. 02. Frost Raven - The Well [142 BPM] After a short hypnotic intro the beats begin at a significantly increased tempo than the previous track. It gradually builds until the basskicks, bassline, and hi-hats kick in to flow simultaneously with a light-hearted mood. So far the tempo and intelligent atmospheres make this track fall somewhere between semi progressive and semi morning full-on. A bit more than 1/3 through the track there is a transition into a stutter beat variation which spirals downward to a sort of squirly crashing point. Then the beats immediately pick up again with a light level of intensity and sounds. It then takes another direction with a 2nd breakdown following a section of light beats behind dreamy melodies. The track tapers off with a minimalistic structure. I had a difficult time following the different directions of "The Well". As far as musical content this track is the lightest on the album. I don't think it was intended to be a danceable piece per se', rather more of a story line. Perhaps "The Well" has a deeper meaning to the production artist than the average listener in search of a beat surf would initially consider. I think it would have fit in better as the album's closing track for decompression but again, the artist may or may not have a rhyme or reason for placing it to follow the much stronger opening track. 03. Frost Raven - Tabula Rasa [135 BPM] Allrighty, now its back to business with "Tabula Rasa". The intro section is groovy electro prog psy with a catchy accentuated bassline and light flowing melody. Then the bottom heavy basskicks, cracking clap, pulsating bassline, and intelligent no-frills melodic soundscapes take into action. After the breakdown the 2nd half of the track has a mellower vibe than the main section but still maintains the groove factor. This is a solid danceable mid-tempo piece. 04. Frostraven - Night Freak [137 BPM] "Night Freak" begins with some dark noises to set the mood over a minimalistic yet upbeat and snappy basskick and bassline. Its very evident the bpm is a tad higher than the previous track. I'm personally a huge digger of oldschool tech-trance ala "The Delta", "Midi Miliz", et al. set at around this tempo. After the intro section it winds down and then quickly picks up again With driving basskicks, rolling bassline, crisp hats, and a subtle yet catchy memorable whistling "whooup" effect. It gradually builds into a point with a little drum roll before a short n sweet epic breakdown at which is great for a well deserved approving reaction from a good crowd. Then the energy level peaks and the track continues to kick serious grooving ass with wide basskicks and high energy acidic melodies. "Night Freak" is a great fusion of some elements of prog psy and morning full-on which results in a very solid stomper. Its one of my favorite tracks on the album and I'd have this one hot n ready on que to include in a midday set outdoors or even at night in a indoor space. 05. Frostraven - Muse [138 BPM] "Muse" begins with a scratchy little intro and then the groovy beats and bassline kick in. The tempo is set at virtually the same as the previous track but this one has more of an edgy tekno-prog with psychedelic sprinkles feel. Any style of psytrance fused with elements of techno will perk up my auditory senses, especially when the pronounced hats and a broken beat clack are included as are in this track. About 1/3 through is a moody melancholic breakdown and the intensity builds nicely from there. At about the halfway mark the sounds and intensity become more aggressive and psychedelic than any of the previous tracks. The layers formulate a well arranged set of sounds that aren't too stressful and fit very well with the groove. Then all of a sudden the train comes to an abrupt halt and an menacing darker mood takes over for the breakdown. A little girl's voice says "music is a glorious expression that is supposed to make people feel happy" then immediately replies a more sinister female voice saying "you obviously haven't heard any of my music..." after which the driving beats and crazy yet not too harsh on the ears psychedelia resume at full force. Muse is a semi prog, semi full-on vibe on the verge of high tech full-on. This track is definitely a floor banger and another one of my favorites on the album. 06. Frostraven - Nightmares [148 BPM] At this point the album takes a drastic change in direction putting aside any slight suggestion to progressive style for faster morning full-on psy/goa. This track includes a few different beat variations that are well transitioned and flow nicely throughout. At about midway into the track the rougher atmospheres and mood approach the threshold of dark style but never cross into that realm. Instead, after a breakdown it takes the listener through a section of goa influenced epic melodies. Contrary to the track's title I find "Nightmares" to be a rather enlightening piece of which especially the last few minutes of the track is perfect for a sunrise set in the open air. 07. Frostraven - Lore [146 BPM] The production is crisp and clean and the psychedelic soundscapes are well arranged and pleasing to the ears. Similar to some of the previous tracks this one has a breakdown with a dramatic yet interesting voice sample. The transitions are well timed and flow very nicely. Though not my favorite on the album, with pumping basskicks, rolling bassline, and great melodic hooks, "Lore" is a solid morning full-on track which would fit perfectly on the beach, in the mountains, or the forest. 08. Frost Raven - Dark Wood [146 BPM] "Dark Wood" is upbeat morning full-on style psy with snappy basskicks and a catchy bassline. There are distinctive oldschool goa trance atmospheres especially through the last 1/3 of the track. Definitely worth more than a couple of playbacks. 09. Virtual Light - Nuclear Sun(Frost Raven Rmx) [145 BPM] For the final track Frost Raven puts his own touches on an original from Virtual Light called "Nuclear Sun". The first half is a little heavier with psychedelic atmospheres. At about midway after the breakdown we're brought home with more of those well heart-felt flowing dreamy goa style melodic hooks. The result is another solid morning full-on psy piece to wrap up the album. Bottom line: Aside from a few exceptions, up to now the majority of American psytrance artists most familiar domestically and internationally are known for producing predominantly dark style. In flys Dustin Musser (aka Frost Raven) a young, creative, talented, and promising producer dropping his 2nd album "Star Muse" to break the mold. This album will definitely please aficionados of lighter psy around the globe with his brand of powerfully cool and refreshing fusion of groovy prog psy with rich melodic morning full-on. The entire album's BPM ranges from 133 to 148, there are several different variations of beats, tempos, and energy levels, interesting and well placed voice samples, and fusions of styles giving the most picky listener and beat bouncer something to sink their ears and feet into. The fact that Dustin has a background which includes formal training in film and theater soundtrack composition, as well as previous cross-style releases to his name surely gave him a leg-up in producing his latest album. Those factors are definitely reflected in the excellent crisp production quality, well structured flow, and developed maturity level of the album. Star Muse will definitely catch the ears and respect of the domestic and international psytrance circuit. Practically every one of the tracks would have no problem keeping an indoor or outdoor dance floor hopping on all cylinders. There is no reason why Frost Raven shouldn't be playing with the big boys on the big international labels at the big parties abroad. He should expect to have many opportunities made available to him to support his album in that way. I look forward to seeing Frost Raven's music career in the psychedelic EDM realm develop and blossom free of limitations into the future. Recommended release. Favorites: 1, 4, 5, 7 Verdict: 8/10 Quote
psytones Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 The promotional text writes that Frost-RAVEN is pretty much one guy, Dustin Musser, or sometimes just called Foxx. He apparently started out in 2002 writing industrial music for ComAcad at Drake High school. ComAcad is the short name for Communications Academy, which was the video and audio program offered at Drake High to 11th and 12th graders (which Dustin was a part of during those years). He eventually compiled an album of the works that he did for ComAcad and gave it away for free. But as he learned more about production and music theory he began to experiment with dance music, writing down tempo and breaks for the most part. In 2003 Dustin created a new album, Chakra. It include new elements to his style such as mixing trance, hardcore, hip hop, and classical styles all together in one tight package. The product was very well received by his buddies, but it never got a release due to insufficient funds. In 2005 Foxx went to the school Pyramind the Institute for Advance Digital Audio Training. It was there he learned advance production technique and the tools of the trade, he then completed his album Desert Walker, which was released online through INgooves digital label in which reads for me that Foxx’s psytrance contribution should be highly interesting and amusingly toxic. Let’s see .. Frosen-RAVEN - Star Muse (Digital Drugs Coalition, Morning Star, Geomagnetic.TV) 2008 (DIGICD011) 01. Starchaser (7:38) 02. The Well (9:18) 03. Tabula Rasa (8:13) 04. Night Freak (8:28) 05. Muse (8:16) 06. Nightmares (8:26) 07. Lore (7:54) 08. Dark Wood (7:32) 09. Virtual Light - Nuclear Sun (Frost-RAVEN Remix) (7:23) 01. The album starts off with some nice and comfortable progressive beats and gets a following of airy star sprinkled sounds that float nicely around your presence. Frost-RAVEN seems to be a magician with some well thought-out ideas and emotions as the sonic wave kicks us with a smile. 02. The progressive beat manifestation picks up and brings us to a heavier baseline that hints of an evolution within the music inside the Star Muse album we are about to journey through. Foxx builds his sounds and there is added another layer of base to make the track bump pleasantly along its progressive path while it morphs into its psychedelic trance realm of frozen muses in classical shoes. 03. A windy breeze brings in the funky baseline and the travelling starts accompanied by predators and a disco sorceress only to be shadow protected by a strong progression of beat manifestations in varies environments. Delightful and playful as it butterflies away in a fortress made of icy emotions. A tad boring in its trials to be evenly variated in beats and landscape but defiantly better then the norm! 04. Continuing of what we have heard and felt before, a slippery slope of marbles rolling along. Shimmering frost bites slides along the side. Star shine grows inside us all, melodies are lifted to higher ground and the cheese starts to smell, but that’s Ok. 05. Humpa bumpa lets all go inside a videogame! Falling effects and staggering beats lead us to some obscure melodies that brings the joint up to a new level. – Slow it down now, brings it up! Add some chime and you got yourself a cool winter.. Music is a glorious expression that is supposed to make people happy Sais the girl with a questioning smile. The old winter witch answers in agony, you obviously haven’t heard my music. And with these words the melodies turn awkward. 06. You better bring me back, it’s getting dark soon and that’s when they come out. Mood is taking a turn to the darker side of Frost-RAVEN and the melodic sound effects takes a speeded up approach to float you away to safety.. Or are they? On the path to safety one has to overcome certain obstacles in life that in the great scheme of it all is vitally important for your own comfortably self. Great twists on the journey. Progressive boredom ends and exiting floating magic trance begins. 07. Choruses are swimming lightly in a crystal clear frozen lake while some ice skaters are whiffing by and showing you some fancy maneuvers. A longer sample kicks in and it’s about an arguing conversation, why this on the beautiful floating ice, I don’t know but now the vibe turned wrong and a little bit unsettling. 08. Grinding your teeth together to stomp it hard on the dusty ground, effects swing by to say hello and balloons squeaks along. Tempo rises so that chorus can take over and lift you up a few inches from the ground while tiger kittens bite your ankles. You shake them off to hover further up in the sky to reach the wonderful birds of chaos and freedom. Then you reach a stage where someone seems in need, or is she in lust? Before you can decide the synthesizers throws you off the ledge to a free fall while feeling the wind blow upwards along your cheeks as you gently land back on your feet on the ground. 09. Rise and shine people, it’s a beautiful day! Lick the sunshine off the vanilla sky, feel the angels grace your eyes and take the plunge into the green frosted grass. Watch out, you might get stung, but it will heal quickly as you again rise and shine to enjoy the beautiful day that echoes away. Recommendation: Foxx has managed to produce a very pleasant psychedelic trance album with some progressive drive influences. The album has a lot of delightful sound-fx that he uses with care to create a journey through a frosted landscape. Sometimes he can make the mood feel like snow floating through the air. Sometimes it’s quiet and lovely, sometimes it’s stormy and pleasant. The overall feel in his album is sort of generic Full-On, this is I guess the albums weakness, that and the minor feel of cheese that surrounds the whole package. Hopefully the follow-up by Foxx will be stronger, less cheese in overall feel and more tight and astral like. About the layers and sounds it all floats together nicely and when you dive into the album you’ll feel how varied it is as each track has it’s moment of shine, and each track has its story to be told with changing moods and beat that goes from soft to hard in an blink of an eye. Had it been even stronger in personality and charm and with less generic feel, this would have gotten a lot more attention. It’s super nice for what it is and I’m sure some people out there will adore it and cherish it. I think I’ll forget about it and bring it out to light once in a while when the mood is called for Frozen Muses from the stars. All I want to say to Foxx is this, Keep up the good work, man! I have been missing albums with so many beautiful variations that I have to look at the music player two-three times to see if we shanged track without it feeling all too messy. Key words: Full-On Progressive. Variation in story and drive. Psychedelic effects and floating atmospheres. 6.9/10 - Because it has some extremly strong moments but fails on the fluff. Where to buy and other links: Frost-RAVEN: Geomagnetic.TV: D.D.C: D.D.C-Space: Saikosounds: Beatspace: Discogs: More Reviews: Quote
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