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seen the original video of Omen , didnt like it as well , lets try wot it sound like now


lol rghost.ru , if anyone has problems with host , i can help :D


lol , damn fuckers ! i got these warnings lol



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Hi Psykorell,


We hope you're well and, by way of introduction, Web Sheriff represents

Cooking Vinyl Records, Take Me To The Hospital and The Prodigy in

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First-of-all, the band have asked us to pass-on their "BIG RESPECT" for

plugging The Prodigy / "Invaders Must Die" (street date 23rd February).


Secondly, we're messaging you as you might not be aware that, in order

to synchronize your footage with The Prodigy's music and recordings, you

actually require a synchronization license from the band's publishers

and record labels, which, unfortunately, is more complicated than you

might imagine.


That being said - and having now secured special, fan exemptions /

automatic, copyright clearances to help fans during this pre-release -

we are very happy to be able to inform you that, subject to simply

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"Copyright recordings, music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission

of Take Me To The Hospital / Cooking Vinyl - for original performances

by The Prodigy, check-out the official channel at

www.youtube.com/prodigychannel ."


and this should be prominently displayed at the very beginning of your

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being pulled by YouTube).


We are writing to you directly, as a fan, in order that your account

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moral rights in their music and lyrics.


For the avoidance of doubt, this permission ONLY applies to the use of

A. material already released by The Prodigy, B. the single "Invaders

Must Die" (which is also the title track of the album of the same name)

and C. concert / live show versions of songs from the new album ... ..

and NO permission shall be granted for the use of any other, unreleased

(studio) recordings from "Invaders Must Die".


In the event that your video is removed because you haven't logged-on to

your account and read this message, please let us know asap once you

have logged-on and we shall be more-than-happy to help you to reinstate

your video (this time including the copyright credit) ; for which many



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formality. This communication is also confidential and copyright - and,

again, without prejudice - and, as such, all communication to third

parties (other than, of course, your legal representatives) is strictly

prohibited : please excuse this further formality which, hopefully,

we'll soon be able to dispense with. : )


With Thanks & Regards,





and now this one lol


Dear Member:


This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by COOKING VINYL / TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL / THE PRODIGY. claiming that this material is infringing:


The Prodigy - Omen ( Syn Sun Remix ): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS9ypuuub9g


Please Note: Repeat incidents of copyright infringement will result in the deletion of your account and all videos uploaded to that account. In order to prevent this from happening, please delete any videos to which you do not own the rights, and refrain from uploading additional videos that infringe on the copyrights of others. For more information about YouTube's copyright policy, please read the Copyright Tips guide.


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YouTube, Inc.


if i concider the "old skool" history of synsun, and how great i think those tracks are, i can only conclude this really is not good in my humble opinion!

can't understand why "big" labels are putting so much effort and money is this empthy sounding music: lack of structure, lack of a real melody, lack of story, lack of effort, lack of original concepts, lack all that makes goa what is IS (and was)...lack of psy, lack of building up, lack a real high point in the song, lack of good use of breaks, lack of variation, lack, well almost everything that can make full on good


because, there is good full: can i promote phonokol a good artist? well, come to belgium and listen too bitkit and digicult: i hope the future has more install for full on, because this only makes it faster to the death room


sorry dudes, but this reallly really sucks, i just can imagine that an artist can be happy with this

maybe people who hear full on for the first time think this is good, but i'm sure wheh are serious collectors evolving is music and full on they will also break with this! no?



hoping for a real revivel of full on, because i could enjoy it some years ago, not any more!

seems with goatrance also full on is dying!


sorry; maybe I was rude (to the phonokol guy(s) )




please just release some more complicated full on, or goatrance, your country is booming with new goatrance artists and the world is booming with fresh full on talents, give those who are really making it in what it is (and was) more the chance: you have the name, reputaion and connections to do so, not? ;)


i would be perfectly happy to see that (finally) happen (again)



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