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I have yet to understand what the hell is this zeitgeist thing... if anyone can explain me in plain English I would apreciate it :)

I guess watch it is the better explanation ;):)


BTW more and more ppl are coming in my videostore and ask to rent it! It seems that more and more ppl are finally getting aware about that things.

Too bad is not officially released on DVD yet. But form the other hand who would distribute it in the first place? :D


We should start a petition that the new Zeitgeist should be released on cinemas.


We should start a petition that the new Zeitgeist should be released on cinemas.

As far as (think) I know they do play these movies to an audience every so often when they have group meetings. Or maybe I'm thinking of some other movement.. Not sure. But they did announce that there was going to be meetings around the world sometime..

As far as (think) I know they do play these movies to an audience every so often when they have group meetings. Or maybe I'm thinking of some other movement.. Not sure. But they did announce that there was going to be meetings around the world sometime..

I actually meant a real distribution. You know like all the other movies got.

I know it sounds ridiculous since none of the big Hollywood companies would like to distibute such a film, but who knows? :)


I actually meant a real distribution. You know like all the other movies got.

I know it sounds ridiculous since none of the big Hollywood companies would like to distibute such a film, but who knows? :)

And if Michael Moore would promote it there would be a hella lot more people that know about it. Whatever people may think of him he still brings a crowd.
  • 1 month later...

ok I've watched it (finally). The thing is this (as with most such "movies"): they take some grains of real factual information, bloat them with interpretations which may or may not be true (obviously forgetting to mention the "may not" in the process...) and then use it as a basis for the usual "THEY" want to control our lives plot. I'm not saying that it does not bring some very thought provoking ideas, just that one should be careful with the interpretation side, and be highly skeptical when they serve you the "THEY" dish.


Take for example the "they knew all along about 9/11" thing... this is completely ignoring how intelligence services work: intelligence is bombarded with information coming from different sources all the time. The thing is that there simply isn't any way of knowing which information is serious enough to act on and which is just bullshit fed by double-agents or people who just want to make money off false information. The US history is overridden by periods when they bought too much crap like in the 60s and the "impending soviet nuclear attack" period, and other periods when fed up with all the fodder information they decided not to act on it. The "military exercises" are also part of the deal since they have some infos about an impending attack so they prepare their troops, all while presenting it as an exercise so that the population won't pannick if it's a false alarm. If the same authorities acted on all the notices (as was the case with the whole "orange level" terrorist threat a few years ago) then the public will say that they are just intentionally making people live in perpetual fear. So it's a VERY fine line that the intelligence office has to know when to cross and when not, with the obvious tragedies involved.


Now I could fill in many pages, taking each element and analyzing it, and finding that most of the time there's a much more logical explanation for the "facts" but I don't know if anyone is interested or even cares.


But again, I was happy to see it, it does indeed present things in a new light and is pretty thought-provoking (especially the religion part) :)


Did you watch the second and most important one Lemmi? Addendum


And what started it all for me was this about 9/11. Loose Change


The Religious part came from this The Great Year


The instructional part in Zeitgeist about Religion isn't important and tend to throw some people off the whole point of Zeitgeist. But its a nice short look at Religions connections. .


Did you watch the second and most important one Lemmi? Addendum


And what started it all for me was this about 9/11. Loose Change

yep I've seen addendum as well. Although well documented I found the Venus project part didn't fit in at all and made me question the actual purpose of the documentary in the first place (I'm always on the lookout for hidden agendas when watching this kind of stuff...)




I liked Addendum quite a lot, don't know how accurate it is about the money thing though ...

But their vision is fine =]

ha well actually the creating money out of thin air and inflation parts are very true (I should know since I studied Monetary Policy at uni, and what they are saying is basically Monetary Policy 101... ;) ). However, the part I don't like is the causality chain, basically claiming that a handfull of bankers carefully control the evolution of the economy to enslave us all. That is simply not true, for example there are theories like the Kondratiev cycles or the Elliott Wave Principle that clearly state that the economy has predictable cycles of upturns and downturns and that they are linked to some fundamental cause that is yet to be discovered (the mayans actually already predicted such patterns centuries ago for crops, and there weren't any gready bankers at that time). For example, Kondradieff already predicted in 1925 (yes, that's not a typo, I said 1925!!) the end of the bull market in stocks that we are witnessing now. Yes, if only we had listened, I know...


So like I already said, once someone comes with the "THEY" theories, you should be cautious and look for other more plausible alternative explanations...


First of all I think a Venus type of society would be much better and would serve as a good next level in evolution. So I don't care if this is the agenda, but hidden? nope. Its quit obvious. Its as clear as day that we over-all wold we live in today isn't a good one. So much more could be done but we are stuck in a comfort zone that isnt as comfortable as we'd like to believe.


And sure, it might not be such a person behind the curtain as they try to make it at times than more of a natural escalation of the chase for profit.


its out of control and about to implode. Like the Mayans crop.


First of all I think a Venus type of society would be much better and would serve as a good next level in evolution. So I don't care if this is the agenda, but hidden? nope. Its quit obvious. Its as clear as day that we over-all wold we live in today isn't a good one. So much more could be done but we are stuck in a comfort zone that isnt as comfortable as we'd like to believe.


And sure, it might not be such a person behind the curtain as they try to make it at times than more of a natural escalation of the chase for profit.


its out of control and about to implode. Like the Mayans crop.

Well you see, most of the Venus project "revolutionary ideas" actually came from a certain Karl Marx in the 19th century. And guess what, most of the ideas WERE put in practice under the form of communism!! And we all saw where that led us... Every time I hear someone argue about the decadent capitalist society we live in, and that we'd be better off in this wonderfull magical world where people work for pleasure and don't need money to survive I ask them "look, do you prefer to live in the US or in North Korea?" Cause most of the utopic ideas presented by such "forward-thinking philososphers" are currently very much in force over there. Noone ever prefered North Korea, I wonder why...


.. try to think potential solution, not problem. :)


It pisses me off that the Electric car development was canned and forced to fail because of finical interests from the oil industry.


If it wasn't for the boundaries of financial gain and modern day slavery we could have achieved so much more.

I'm to tired to rant about stuff now but I think you feel the same in most senses.


Zeitgeist is a load of rubbish. Poorly researched and executed, relying more on sentimental/emotional arguments than anything rational. I really don't understand the appeal of it... but I will say that I've put literally hundreds of hours into researching conspiracy theories of various kinds so it isn't as if I haven't given this stuff a chance.


Try this one:

Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove



Have a look at this documentary.

Alex Jones snuck into Bohemian Grove, California, a supposedly highly guarded resort where the most

powerful leaders in the world would get together and perform crazy "sacrifice like" rituals, dress in robes with hoods

and burn giant owl statue.

He caught one of the rituals on camera.



This is some weird shit :)


lol all of those Alex Jones films are funny. So much crazy stuff


Yeah, he is sensationalist and funny, but this movie is not just him talking unlike other stuff he did.

I have no way of authenticating the footage he claims is the ritual the most powerful

people in the world engage in and how it relates to ancient Babylon, The Devil or what have you..but it is thought provoking.


All these conspiracy theories are so dumb.


It pisses me off that the Electric car development was canned and forced to fail because of finical interests from the oil industry.

The electric car is just a stupid idea all around, it would have no support whatsoever if it weren't for ignorant people believing it was "environmentally friendly".

All these conspiracy theories are so dumb.


The electric car is just a stupid idea all around, it would have no support whatsoever if it weren't for ignorant people believing it was "environmentally friendly".

No, at most times they contain a lot of truth.


Excuse me, but we could all today be driving around in "environmentally friendly" cars if the development and research hadn't been forced to an halt.


Your comment makes absolutely no sense Bwhale, more ignorant then anything else.


At most times they contain a grain of truth vastly misinterpreted for some cause.


And electric cars are useless but I'm not gonna teach you science, maybe some day you'll see a video on youtube that explains why, though you'll probably condemn it as being a conspiracy from big oil. :D


Excuse me, but we could all today be driving around in "environmentally friendly" cars if the development and research hadn't been forced to an halt.

well I guess that what bwhale is trying to say is that it takes a LOT of energy to extract and transport the natural resources needed to built the batteries. Also, the electricity used to recharge them comes mostly from fossil-fuel burning electric plants, so all you're basically doing is transfer the pollution source from the exhaust pipe of your car to the chimney of the electric powerplant... Electric cars don't really make sense unless the electricity used is generated by renewable resources. :)


ok so that first part of Zeitgeist with Jesus = Horus stuff got me interested in the matter and I've started to do some research on the side. Guess what? It turns out (like with most such "theories") that most of the "facts" are actually just suppositions based on thin air and the "conclusions" are at best oversimplyfied:


1. Horus was never born of a virgin. Actually, Osiris and Isis (Horus' parents) were BOTH gods and Horus was a God as well, contrary to the Christian belief where Mary was 100% human being and Jesus was the son of God but not a God himself (which is to say from the start that any similarities between Jesus and Horus are a bit far-fetched...)


2. Horus never had 12 disciples... he either had 4 divine disciples, or 16 human disciples, but never 12.


3. Horus' birth was never anounced by an angel (I don't even think that angels were part of the Egyptian mythology...)


4. Horus never walked on water, nor did he perform any miracles (at leat in the biblical sense)


5. Horus was never crucified. Crucifixion was a Roman tradition, created many thousands of years AFTER Horus' legend, just how could Horus be killed in a way that was invented a few thousand years after his death?? BTW, there are almost no indications that Horus died at all (after all he was a God, so technically speaking he couldn't die in the first place...). Most accounts of his "death" are attributed to assimilations between Horus and other Egyptian gods, and even then, there is not even ONE story about any of the assimilated gods dying on a cross, burried in a cave and resurrected 3 days later...




So, just like other such theories, they seem very plausible when you don't know squat about the matter in question but the more you read some legitimate source, the more holes you can see in the plot...


Ya, that was my first problem with the movie. You take 3 seconds to look into any "fact" and it turns out to be bunk. Gotta love all that nonsense about Jesus ushering in the age of Pisces or whatever... given that it wasn't until the 5th century that Ptolemy hammered out the basis for today's supermarket astrology. Oh, the fact-checking could be endless... which turns it into a huge time waster (above and beyond the 2 hours of your life sucked away by watching the movie itself).


Of course, this is the Internet. Someone else has already taken care of all the hard work:



Grand insight from Part 1 of Zeitgeist? Christianity did not spring forth uninfluenced by previous religions. Woopity do. This might be news for Evangelical American bible nuts. The thing that struck me here is that... well, the movie does such a bad job of ripping Christianity apart. It isn't that difficult to point out the logical inconsistencies and expose Christianity as a manmade religion (just like all other religions). Still, it fails.


The rest I could write about but who cares... it's all bullshit for non-experts. I mean, really. Any engineers or economists out there able to do any first-hand fact-checking and number-crunching? No, probably not.


Anyway... where are those microchips?

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