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I have tried many other artists in hopes of getting something truly special like Aes Dana's music and nothing is giving me quite the same satisfaction and deep feelings.


I am hoping that some people here can give me some suggestions as to what other artists I may like, preferebly by some die hard Aes Dana fans since they will most likely know what I am going for.


I am somewhat picky with my music and I have gotten other suggestions even from Vincent himself in an email but I just can't seem to find anything as powerful to me. I'll just name a few artists I have tried some which I like and some I do not but even the ones I like such as CBL and Solar Fields just don't compare to me :(.


Carbon Based Lifeforms

Solar Fields


Hol Baumann


Farenheit Projects - No one really stood out to me although it's unfair to judge an artist by one song, so maybe some good artists here.


That's just a few but I'm sure that these would be what most people would suggest first so I figure I'd get them out of the way.


Any help is appreciated thanks.


Well, H.U.V.A. Network is naturally what could come closest to Aes Dana's solo work. Other than that, and the artists you've listed, I guess other music from Ultimae Records is what recembles most.


I'll throw you a wildcard - Try Biosphere - Substrata






The bitrate is really shoddy, but in my mind, these guys have much in common. Hope it helps!


Aes Dana is a strange one, When I listen to Aes Dana I don't feel how unique he is but it is hard to think of similar artists. He msut be pretty unique then ay?


Listen to Asura - Code Eternity. Each track is like an Aes Dana album, really ambient parts aswell as upbeat stompy parts.


Also try Distant System - Spiral Empire which you may like too.

  MattMan said:

Well, H.U.V.A. Network is naturally what could come closest to Aes Dana's solo work. Other than that, and the artists you've listed, I guess other music from Ultimae Records is what recembles most.


I'll throw you a wildcard - Try Biosphere - Substrata






The bitrate is really shoddy, but in my mind, these guys have much in common. Hope it helps!

They have much in common indeed, and the funny thing, when Vincent played a dj set this summer in Aurora, he played at least 3 (!!!) tracks of the Substrata album, so he must love it very much :)


This is great I appreciate all the responses already.


I have most of Biosphere's stuff and I love it especially Substrata.


I should have mentioned the I love H.U.V.A. Network too, obviously.


I have listened to Asura but it didn't really sound like Aes Dana even though Vincent was involved, maybe I need to go back and give them another listen as it has been awhile.


Love Androcell too. I will definately check out all the other suggestions, keep them coming!


Speaking of Asura, only the first album for me sounds like Aes Dana. This was when vince was still part of it.

  roncoallstar said:

I'll just name a few artists I have tried some which I like and some I do not but even the ones I like such as CBL and Solar Fields just don't compare to me :(.

good that you address this, I feel the same ... not about Aes Dana in particular though


but still, I don't like when people throw all Ultimae stuff into one pot ... the artists on there have still pretty different styles...


My post here won't help you in any way roncoallstar, I just wanted to say that I fully understand how you feel.


Music by Solar Fields gives me the same sensations as you get while listening to Aes Dana.


Big ups for that. Cheers, mate! B)


There aren't many artists that can touch you truly deep. And also, it wouldn't be any fun if many could, just appreciate that you have found you're personal music maker, I think that during ones lifetime, you will only come across a handful of such artists. :)


Yes it is very rare that you find and album or artist that is special to you, and I Know that some music just has a certain effect on some people while it has no effect on others and vice versa.


BTW just bought the new HUVA Network album and it has satisfied my hunger...for now. 0.o Loving it.


But...bring on Leylines I cannot WAIT! Any day now :D.

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