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V/A Binary Sequence (Resonnant Earth) 2007

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V/A Binary Sequence [Resonnant Earth] 2007


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1. Noble Savage (Marko Yliluoma) - Angelic Visitations


In a Darkpsy style, it's a quite common stuff not especially attractive, neither bad nor good, just one more piece in the immensity of the whole darkpsy production which is quite productive...


2. Malice In Wonderland (Tom, Oli, Fred) – Wonderland


In a psychedelic style (Parvatti rec), Malice In Wonderland brings an heavy,tense, fast & furious rolling tune. Contrarily to major part of this kind of stuff, this song doesn't sound too much cold & flat; coz of the presence of some aggressive tones or funny samples that maintain your braincells awaken.


3. Noble Savage – Ectoplasm


It's without doubt the best Noble Savage tune on this v/a. It's a crazy production which aims to put you in a frenzy, it's a very thick sounding with lots of energy. By moment, the effects on leads (the collapsing detuning one) could remind you a bit of Ocelot's style but globally the tune manages to express a genuine trademark.


4. Spindrift – Kinetic


Ok let's be frank, i find out the melody to be puffing & more globally the tune suffers from a lack of variation all along as a result these eight minutes are really annoying.


5. Uminum (Branko Tatabitovski, Viktor Gavrilski, Goran Antik and Mirko Èorak) - No Control


It's an heavy old school production, reminding many goa references; the kinda smashing, stomping stuff we used to listen a lot through the 1996-98 period. The hardcore goa lovers will certainly enjoy it.


6. Spindrift (Leo Bergman) – Essence


It's about dark-goa with lots of echoes on tones. With a decent mixing of the tune between the bassline & the rest, this stuff could have been interesting; but as it's too much pushed, it nearly covers the others elements & btw results quickly insignificant to my ears...



7. Landscape Observer (Kirill Yumatov) - Mind Game


We start with a fast rolling rolling bassline, soon joined by metallic tones. The tune gets in pression little by little through an hypnotic loop immersed in a nebulous atmosphere. The melodic part comes around 2'38 in its first part, & gets full filled disappointing but hopefully doesn't ruined the whole thing. From 3'00, btw from here you can feel the old-school goa influences. For the break, the bassline changes toward one bouncier & comes back to the initial one after. At this moment (5'10), the melodic thema changes but reveals itself less effective than the the previous one. It can be noticed too the come-back of the metallic tones of the beginning. To sum up, So let's say that the 2/3 of the tune are really working & the final part is disappointing but hopefully doesn't ruined the whole thing.


8. Moodsyne (Jonatan H) - Frogs Breath


We enter directly into a dark-goa flavoured production with trademarks which could emanates from Tim Schuldt, which means some real fatty sounds all around. It's particularly matching from 5'34. If you're fond of the previously quoted artist & /or 4CN (Four Carry Nuts), this tune is for you.


9. Skeletone (Vasko Kosturski) – Ottello


After a birdie singing alike intro, the funky bassline appears. The kick could sounds a bit cheap-massive compared to the fine synth delivering a mischievous melody & the funky bass, that's a little pity. The initial melodic thema comes back in a electric riffs mode as a result the tune is sounding more boisterous now. From 4'45 upto 6'25, the melody gets sweater, & also multi-layered. The tune ends up on with the same musical configuration as it was at beginning.


10. Skeletone – Black & White


Opening on a airy intro with a floating layer nevertheless this second Skeletone's tune is darker & more trippy. Once again, i'm not a big fan of the kick here too , this time due to its flat-cheap sounding. The atmosphere is soft haunted with trembling or jerky leads & layers. The track benefits also of a nice deep purring bassline & otherwise a good global production.





It's always sympathetic to discover new names & different talents from all around the world, Resonnant Earth with Binary Sequence contributes at its turn & with its modest capacity to that. Furthermore, if you have nothing against stuffs ranging from goa to psyke via dark goa & darkpsy, let's give a listen to this v/a on the website of this netlabel .


Favourites: 2,3,10



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