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V /A Surreal Detachment (2006 Bootheswara records)

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V /A Surreal Detachment (2006 Bootheswara records)

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It's the first release from Bootheswara records, a Macedonian label runned by Blisargon Demorgorgon (Valentino Trencev). The CD was mastered by Tim Schuldt (4CN).

The cover artwork design was made by Ernest Dlutek, the style is similar to a Megadeath cover album to my view.




1>Para Halu – Welcome To Future (148)

2>Atriomh – Rakija (146)

3>Traskel – Knas (148)

4>Encephaloticys – Red Ball (149)

5>Astrometrix – Kill0gram (150)

6>Baphomet Engine – No Room (147)

7>Blisargon Demogorgon vs Stranger – Cosmic Dance Of Shiva (150)

8>Phobos Azazel – Ninth Gate (Abandoned Noise) (148)

9>Tryambaka – Multipass (146)


1> Let's open this v/a with Para Halu (Adam Hohmann & Andras Fekete from Hungary) which delivers some quite minimal dry darkpsy in Welcome To The Future, definitively mentally oriented for me. Usually i'm not matching with the dry darkpsy side but here the mental atmosphere contributes a lot in the positive re-evaluation for my taste.


2>Generally when some positive feedbacks about an artist come to my ears before the opportunity of listening to him ; i always check-confirm it with the music. That's the case here with Atriohm(Aleksandar Golcev & Leonid Golcev from Macedonia). In a way there's something similar in Rakija with Ocelot's atmosphere but in a darker & deeper way with the same raving feeling with twisted fx. It's not the pure pumping darkpsy style, it's more on the dark story telling expressive side.


3>Traskel (Marcus Ryman from Sweden) with Knas is a good discovery for me. High sharply, twisted lead coupled with a muffled bassline confers a nice intriguing evolving all along with a same common basis. I consider this tune even if the tempo is quite high (148) as mental & dance floor.


4> New track & new orientation with Encephaloticys (Vasko Velickovski from Macedonia) – Red Ball, this time the register is more apocalyptic& intense. Not too much things to say, it's a pure trippy music, just enjoy...


5> Astrometrix (Moshe Ivan from Israël) delivers like Atriohm in Killogram, an Ocelot's production alike. It's very twisted, lots of fx, plus a cosmic & robotic-satellite feeling. There's especially this Ocelot's trademark: an always collapsing lead & i must admit i'm quite fan about this trick too :). Nevertheless I wouldn't considerate Astrometrix as just one of his clones as he got his own rhythmic pad furthermore his break building is completely different at 2'50 (it goes faster contrarily to the major part of the classic breaks).


6> Baphomet Engine (Luis & Fabio from Brazil) offers what they usually produce: some intense, fast darkpsy. In No Room, i'm happy coz it's not as dry as usual, indeed it's more hypnotic groovy & crazy. I've got the impress of becoming a computer which is nearly reaching the saturation point of explosion. Very mental & fast-powerful hypnotic dance floor tune here, be careful too much listening of this song can only damage your toxins :) .


7> Blisargon Demogorgon vs Stranger (Stephanos Gkokakos) for Cosmic Dance Of Shiva, bring a linear dark production for me. Indeed it concerns the bassline: a rolling flat one very oppressing one. It's without doubt very psychedelic, but for some reasons, it's not my taste. I have to mention here, that this track is more dedicated to Parvatti, Doof & others heavy psychedelic psytrance label's fans (maybe you), according to me.


8> Phobos Azazel (Darko Noveski from Macedonia) – Ninth Gate 'Abandonned Noise remix' (Elena Simonovska & Valentino Trencev) propose us a corrosive darkpsy production, aggressive tortured synths accompanied with plaintive lead. It's probably the most body involving track of the cd.


9>Tryambaka (Tiago Pimentel from Portugal) has cooked the most coloured tune from this v/a, as a result it's also the happiest track of Surreal Detachment. As an antagonist contrast result philosophy compared the rest of the compilation which could be resume this way: 'from the dark comes the darker, & from the darker if life still resides into it, one day will emerge the blinking result composed of sweat yellow shinning lights'. At first it hurts, it's normal it means that you're still alive, & the physical pain will vanish quickly :).






This first V/A ranges from a large spectre of the darkpsy production, it's eclectic from mental to pumping dancefloor through apocalyptic or more melodic or colourful productions. It's also artistically & geographically diversified (Macedonia, Sweden, Israel, Brazil, Portugal,Hungary). If Bootheswara records Keeps going this quality & diversity , they should expect to encounter a long musical business career.

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