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psychedelic music & arts festival 29 april - 3 may 2009

Poiana Cerbului (near Dragasani), judetul Olt, Romania



After 1 may 2008 - Vadu Beach, we return with the second edition of the Rebirth:Elements series dedicated this year to the element Earth. This way, we want to focus everybody's attention to the element that symbolises the Beginning and the End, thus Life in general, getting closer to it being of great importance for our evolution in the physical as well as in the spiritual sphere through the rise of consciousness to the source level. In order to find this element in a pure and unspoiled environment, this year's festival will take place in the mountains, clear expressions of the Earth, traces of mineral life on a physical-temporal scale that brings us closer to the main character of our lives, fast and temporary, superficial in contrast. Tuning in with Earth's vibration is the only way to establish a point of reference for finding our way in the vast ocean of existence, finding the simple truth that lies within us and waits to be dived in.

From earth we come, in earth we go, WE ARE EARTH!


After last years' experience, when everbody contributed in building deco and the dancefloor, this year we decided to begin the festival with the part that's usually missing in today's festivals: people's participation. Bringing people together to take part of the Creation, putting Magic into practice, shaping our Creator Being in teamwork for a higher goal, this is the main idea in forming the spiritual base for a true Gathering. Having the Creation in front of you that you are part of, that rolls for days and brings people in such Heights of Beauty and Happiness, makes you experience a Katharsis, the true Revelation of Life.






ATRIOHM [Parvati Rec - Macedonia] - www.myspace.com/atriohm

ATMA [Yellow Sunshine Explosion - Romania] - www.myspace.com/atmastudio

AODIOIBOA [Night Oracle Rec - Germany] - www.myspace.com/aodioiboa

E-MANTRA [suntrip Rec - Romania] - www.myspace.com/emantramusic

SHIVA3 [LUA Rec / Trancemoon / Euphoria / Misterika - Ukraine] - www.myspace.com/shivazproject

PSYBETYAROK [Psybaba / D-A-R-K Rec / NABI / Black Magik - Hungary] - www.myspace.com/psybetyarok

KYA [Germany] - www.myspace.com/grrrkillah

ONCE UPON A TIME... [Electrik Dream - Bulgaria] - www.myspace.com/onceuponatimebg

GAIN REDUCTION [Goanmantra / Triplag / Hypntica / Dead Of Night - Bulgaria] - www.myspace.com/gainreductionmusic

ALIENAPIA [Euphoria / Space Baby / Kagdila / Altar Rec / UP - Ukraine] - www.myspace.com/alienapia

ZERO BLADE [Triplag Music / Black Magik / Unwashed / D-A-R-K Rec - Bulgaria] - www.myspace.com/soundofzeroblade

PRIMAL SOURCE [Moonquest Rec - Romania] - www.myspace.com/primalsource

ZEROHOUR [Triplag Music / Warp Brain Rec / Dead Of Night - Bulgaria] - www.myspace.com/zerohourbg

BIZARRE VISION [Romania] - www.myspace.com/bizzarevision




DJANE GABY [Dreamvision / Cosmicleaf - Slovenia] - www.myspace.com/djanegabysunlight

SHEV & DINA [Elestial Rec - Macedonia] - www.myspace.com/shevdina

GINO [sonica Festival - Italy] - www.myspace.com/solidcream

LATAM [Thrancians - Romania] - www.myspace.com/djlatam

KUNDALINI [intelligent Monkey - Bulgaria] - www.myspace.com/basickundalini

TRIPITALE [intelligent Monkey - Bulgaria] - www.myspace.com/3pitale

PSYDISRUPTER [bulgaria] - www.myspace.com/psydisrupter

KLEPSYDRA [KlePSYdrA live! Rec - Ukraine] - www.myspace.com/klepsydramusic

ROUA [spacesheep - Romania] - www.myspace.com/moononi

BABALEKU [spacesheep - Romania] - www.myspace.com/djbabaleku

ALPHASPIRAL [spacesheep - Romania] - www.myspace.com/alphaspiralis

DIMITRIP [spacesheep - Romania] - www.myspace.com/djdimitrip

DJ COSM [DMT - Romania] - www.myspace.com/djcosmdmt

MAD LIQUID [Electronic Hunt - Romania] - www.myspace.com/madliquidnb

ANCIENT DRUM [Romania] - www.myspace.com/ancientdrum

MANO [Romania] - www.myspace.com/425649874

BIZARRE VISION [Romania] - www.myspace.com/bizzarevision

ZIAZIN TAN [Romania]

NUDE DUDE [Romania]

UNIT [Romania]

TERRARIN [Romania]

GHIAURU [Romania]

THANATOS [Romania]






KLIMENT [iboga Rec / Electrik Dream - Bulgaria] - www.myspace.com/klimentd

R-TUR [Mind Tweakers - Romania] - www.myspace.com/arturtrance

ZYMOSIS [sunline Rec / Skygravity / Sentimony - Ukraine] - www.myspace.com/zymosispsy

LOGICAL ELEMENTS [Mind Tweakers / Thrancians - Romania] - www.myspace.com/logicalelements

AODIOIBOA [Night Oracle Rec - Germany] - www.myspace.com/aodioiboa

SHAMBALA NETWORKS [Audiosex Rec - Romania] - www.myspace.com/shambalanetworks



DJANE GABY [Dreamvision / Cosmicleaf - Slovenia] - www.myspace.com/djanegabysunlight

ALAUTUN [scared Evil Rec - Austria] - www.myspace.com/alautun

KLEPSYDRA [KlePSYdrA live! Rec - Ukraine] - www.myspace.com/klepsydramusic

LATAM [Thrancians - Romania] - www.myspace.com/djlatam

DJ COSM [DMT - Romania] - www.myspace.com/djcosmdmt

SUPAFLY [Romania] - www.myspace.com/realsupafly

CUM VREI [Romania] - www.myspace.com/cumvrei

MANO [Romania] - www.myspace.com/425649874

INDRIYA [Romania]

NUDE DUDE [Romania]

UNIT [Romania]

SUBHUMAN [Romania]


GHIAURU [Romania]

THANATOS [Romania]





GUERRO [Romania] - www.myspace.com/djguerro

L'ORCHESTRE DE ROCHE [Mamut Events - Romania] - www.myspace.com/lorchestreroche

BUMBAPA [Romania] - www.myspace.com/bumbapa

SUNDAY PEOPLE [Romania] - www.myspace.com/sundaypeople

ROLF [Romania] - www.myspace.com/luminalro

JO.E [Groove On Preachers / Music Arena - Romania] - www.myspace.com/hacdj

SUPAFLY [Romania] - www.myspace.com/realsupafly

ALEZ [Dubstep.ro - Romania] - www.myspace.com/alecsez

DAN O [synthplants - Romania] - www.myspace.com/synthplantsevents

LATAM [Oscillator - Romania] - www.myspace.com/djlatam

MR DISKO [Romania] - www.myspace.com/diskoparanoid

K-NTO [ALN Studio - Romania] - www.myspace.com/milkywaysoldier

LUCAS [Romania] - www.myspace.com/djlukum

KLEPSYDRA [KlePSYdrA live! Rec - Ukraine] - www.myspace.com/klepsydramusic

W [Romania]

EMAP [Romania]

CAMIL [Romania]

DJ ALEX [Romania]


The Circle and it's host Guerro welcome all artists and musicians with instruments / laptops / synths / kaospads and a sound to deliver.





PSYTESTUDO [spacesheep / Thrancians - Romania] - www.youtube.com/vladioan

SUSMA [Romania]





SPACESHEEP [Romania] - www.myspace.com/spacesheepcommunity

SHANKARA LAB [ukraine] - Shankara Lab





Fireshow: www.juggler.ro





17E / 65ron until 15 march

20E / 80ron after 15 march

25E / 100ron at the entrance



+40723 486 184

+40723 192 824









Poiana Cerbului (near Dragasani), judetul Olt, Romania - click >>> HERE <<< for the map



Please note that this date is not very warm in the mountains, so please take everything with you to keep you warm (for any circumstance): wool sweaters, warm socks, jackets, rain protection, sleeping bag, extra clothes for change, water resistant boots, good tent, flashlight, etc.





In order to explore and crystalize different ways of expression in our vision, we are creating the Groove Circle, where musicians from different musical and cultural backgrounds are invited to gather and Tune In with the primal vibration, leave egoes outside and align for the creation of the Sound, the Spark that lights the fire in our hearts and spreads through Love in the world, creating a better place for All. Jam sessions, groovy sounds, sound experiments, cold and plugged, warm and distorted, you'll find them all unified in the Circle.


Healing workshopsS (daily 1 / 1,5 hour-all 3 days)


1. Inner trust - through body work / movements to get reconnected to your trust to the outside world;


2. Man & woman balance - through body work & other supports get your male & female energy in balance;


3. Inner Journey - peaceful mediation journey with a special key message for you.


All those workshops & mediations will be based on the reconnect to yourself & your life. On a playful easy way will Gaby show you exercizes and affirmations for daily easy way. Dont be afraid and just step in and be welcome :)

Each workshop 7E for the energetic exchange......if YOU worth it.


There will be as well if ANY interest-possibilities for >solo< energetic treatments with Gaby!


- Expanding Conscience through natural art and land art;

- Do-It-Yourself poi-poi workshop.


E-Mantra and Primal Source will launch with the ocasion of their live act at ReBirth Festival the compilation Organic Vision vol 1, the first romanian goa trance compilation, scheduled to be release at the newly found romanian label Moonquest Records. The compilation will contain only tracks from romanian artists and will be available with this ocasion for buyers at the promotional price of 25 ron (6E). More details at: www.moonquestrecords.blogspot.com


Other themes and initiatives are welcomed!





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