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Guest fugelpitch

I know most of you probably has seen the new im cover, but does anyone have any thoughts or "actual evidence" on what it has to say to us.

Personally I hate the cover design AND the name of the record. But the sound clips I've heard isn't bad. (although I'm a bit dissapointed).

Hopefully I will get it in the beginning of next week since I've pre-ordered it. :)



Guest etherdesign

not bad? you didn't hear duvdev rapping on the title track?


bwahahahahaha.. awful.

Guest Setsuko

the coverdesign is estethic .... composition is ok and definitely an eye-catcher ...


but on the other hand , who do they think they are , I mean really ... this cd title is just FOOLISH !!! no respect at all and even on the other hand an insult...


but hey ... I don't care anyway . those guys are arrogant cause to many candyravers worship them ... the tracksamples I heared sounded a bit 'been there done that' ... very lame


... I'm just waiting until the Phoney Orphants album will come out and I really can't wait ....

Guest Daniel

What the fuck? Why all the Infected Mushrom bashing!? The new album is full of great material....and the track "Converting Vegetarians" is fucking genious.....if any group could take singing/rap-like vocals and put them in psy-trance it's Infected and they did a damn good job. They are awesome producers and you have no support to why they suck.


yeah setsuko you are going a litlle bit too far imo...

i don't think that infected mushroom picked the title because they are arrogant. it ws probably just a joke. As far as calling them arrogant just because candy ravers like them, i think you are reading too much into it. I have read many interviews from them and talked to erez at a party and i can say that they are not arrogant, at the contrary. And they could be arrogant, considering the succes they have, which gives them even more credit.

As for the music: i heard the samples and they don't sound too exciting..

Guest cubentis

yes goa head

and trash a good band

you are just jaleous

infected mushroom have the guts to try something new

the are musicians, not just little pussy whos following each others...

they are one of the most prolific and ingenious electronic band on this scene, this new album is a great piece of work givin the fans what they need with killer trance trax and a beautifull freestyle side to show to all the other jerk that there is more thatn psytrance in electronic!!


if you cant see the beauty in a artist work , well continue to live in your sad foolish commercial do-like-everyone-do world


im an infected beliver !!!!!!!

and they diserve it


you speak of having no respect, setsuko... infected has created some of the greatest psy tracks ever, you are the one showing no respect, where it is definitely deserved. you need to chill out, infected is in no way arrogant.

Guest Setsuko

... ok ok


before everybody starts flaming about my opinion ... I don't think they picked the name just for joking . with this cover I start thinking what kind of message they want to spread . this isn't about enlightenment anymore , nor peace and love ... according to me they think vegetarians are silly people (convince me if I'm wrong but this is what I think about it)


respect ???


just tell me the opinion about the coverart , so we can start a descent discussion ... ok ?!

Guest anzon

there are many theories, but I'll start with asking: -how the fuck can you get offended from an album title, if you do maybe this world is not for you.

There is no peace and love right now...

But let's go easy now, thery're jewish and you know their relation to certain meats (!) so I don't think amit or erez means vegetarians are silly, thou they would stupifies a part of themselves.

Why don't you ask this question on their "homearena" and i'm sure you'll get a descent answer if you clean up the language about them...


Candyravers/Been there done that???? Give me one, JUST ONE example of another artist who has acomplished souch melodic psytrance or souch delicate, talent way with sounds and rythms! Their currage to try new things is praiseworthy!!


have you thought... maybe they are not speaking literally of vegetarians as in people who do not eat meat but maybe figuratively for something else. someone on the infected forum mentioned their thoughts that it could be about getting people who listen to mainstream trance like tiesto and crap like that to convert to listening to real trance.

Guest Daniel

Yeah Infecteds album titles have usually had "other" meanings and I'm almost 100% sure "Converting Vegetarians" means that they want to convert disbelievers of there music and people who listen to other genres to listen to there unique psy-sound....it NEVER crossed my mind that they meant literally converting vegetarians....that's just plain stupid.


On a side note: I am doing a research paper for my World Religions class on Kosher (Kashrut) and Vegetables are considered more or less "neutral" foods in the laws of Kosher....so considering that they are from Israel and are most likely Jewish I don't think they are talking about vegetarians in the literal sense. I think they consider people who don't listen to psy-trance or there music don't like the "heavier" or "meatier" sounds of music that they like the "timid" and "lighter" forms of music....there's so many theories.


Plain and simply: The title is ambiguous

Guest Mike D

it is just funny that you get so upset over a cd title and cover hahahaha...man you must never walk out your door or turn on the tv coz every little word must send you mad...I think the while peace love thing kind of left the arena a long time ago in this scene, take a listen to Skazi and Dark Soho and Schuldt...I think maybe you should chill out and if infected are arrogant and up themselves, I think apart from Astral Projection they are the only artists to have earned the right to be so :-)

Your comments aren't dumb or stupid they just ridiculously funny because they based on such ridiculous and funny assumptioms, maybe listening to the freestyle cd won't do you any harm eh mate?

Guest SpeeDFX

Mike D you took the words right out of my mouth.

Guest Setsuko

at least some people give descent opinions but still I don't get it ... I'm sure it was supposed to start some discussions about their new concept (and they sure did ) ... I'm not that kind of person that just say infected sucks ! they can make good music and are really talented but many many factors give me a stupid view on them and their music ... a bit childish , like puberty psy .


some people call progressive psy house commercial ???? well , you guys obviously are blind ... If Infected perform live in Astral Phoenix a few days ago ... you really can't call this underground ... oh no .


Mike D ... you say they have the wright te bo arrogant ??? I know this is for joking but really , I can't stand the worship , fanatic , autograph hype entering psy ... and obviously many other artist don't like that to and are moving towards a more chilled progressive style ... because in there , you don't have to wear fluoro ...


just stop posting fanatic treads , it makes me feel ashamed I once start listening psytrance ... things like that really drag me out of it , and I'm sure I'm not the only one in here but I just love the feeling and groove in psytrance ...


ffffffffffffffffffflame on....

Guest substandard

Dont any of you people just love music any more? Does it matter if its commercial, psytrance, chilled out ,progressive, underground, overground or wombling free?

If you like it you do, if you have to analyse everything, you may be missing the point a little. You dont need to analyse it you just need to love it or ignore it.

I was at astral phoenix and Infected rocked, and I never wear fluoro.

Infected Mushroom can make whatever music they like, and good luck to them.

If you feel ashamed of the music you like, you are a bit strange

Mike D said everything I wanted to, but I thought I'd have a whine any way.

Guest phaeton

humm .. what did i do wrong now? curse me for my html-skills!

Guest phaeton

okay, lemme try again without the html:


*more laughter*


http://www.infected-mushroom.net/Mp3/Conve...Vegetarians.mp3 is possibly the silliest thing i've heard in my life, at least it shows that they don't take themselves too seriously. the more i read and hear about infected their new album, the more i feel like it's all just a big joke they're playing on their fans to see how far their fanatism goes and to find out what they can get away with ..


i'll definitely give it a listen for a laugh once it is released, but there is no way they will earn any pennies on me with their wicked sense of irony ..

Guest cubentis

they are trying someting else

they dont wanna proove anything

as a creator myself, i love to switch styles

no do one only genre....

its been 7 years that theyre doing the same things...

they are just evoluating...

theyre are letting theyre imagination go

they have the talent to do it

nobody cares if its..... Suposed... to be psytrance...

its only MUSIC


we are just really good fans

most of us dont just listen to electronical....

we are a multi-music minded crew


and for ALL the music i listen in my life by now....

nothing bring me more joy than an infected sound


its good to see that !!!

we are all human discussing

we are the ancient greece in the 21st century

a forum is good for that

discussion from around the world....

to discover that we are all the same !!!




so i don't get it what hppend wht does the IM cover say???

Guest cubentis

its maybe 2 thing

as erez said , theyre trying to convert people like you

who just listen to mainstream trance...........

and converting vegetarians could be refering to the term CV currently use

in hardware for control voltage

like they did for bpempire...

Guest Mr.Hanky

The new album is amazing by every means.


'nuff said

Guest Slidingtrancer

I'm not really decided about their new stuff, but I can tell I only appreciate Converting Vegetarians (the song) as an ironic output to criticize psy-purist views, omnipotent here and prolly in every scene.


I can't really judge the album from the small snippets I heard, but I'm more impressed (whether its negative or positive has to be decided yet) with the freestyle bit, the pure trancesongs sound a bit BP-Empire + if you ask me...


The cover would have been great for a folkrockband...

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