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Yeah. As any genre becomes bigger it gets watered down, more generic bland music just uses the name to promote itself


^ exacly.


And I guess random misuse of the word psychedelic this and that from spammers like me doesn't help on the word getting the recognition and respect it should. I'll for one will try to stay clear of spastic usage of the word psychedelic for a while (A comment from Insajn some weeks ago after I posted psychedelic that and that made me realize I had gone overboard .. ). Know what my personal problem has become after nearly 10 years of tripping and loving these realms, it's even become watered down in my own persona (i think). Before I had crystal clear feelings and directions about what PSY was now I'm second guessing my self and leaving a benefit of a doubt everywhere. Everything Is and can be psychedelic, but not everything is meant to be psy. To sit in nature and listen to the birds, wind etc. is psychedelic. To listen to ambient with the same sounds is psychedelic, but when the music is intended to be psychedelic it usually has something extra to it, some X factor or something hard to explain but easier to catch with your senses.


As Oopie said, if I haven't heard what I refer to as psychedelic dunkadunk music for a while I get spasms and need my fix. If in the future I could inject psychedelic trance music in to my vain and store them permanently in my brain, I would So be a junkie :lol:


People are in to this music for many different reasons - What I find to be similar at most times no matter where you come from is the effect of the dunkadunk or ChillOut to make you more P.L.U.R. in thought patters and large opinions. Even new IM fans who has no sssssssssserious connection to psychedelics do get a sense of peace in the world, love everyone, unite our spirits and respect nature thing going on. It's the power of the genre I guess. Some strong forces at work, even in IM's new work ;) It's in human nature to love and explore, hate and criminal behavior is not in our nature. PSYCHEDELICS TO THE WORLD!!!!1!!!KILLARGH


yeah i also believe this "psychedelic" term is over-over-stretched.


As for the peace&love, i am not sure psytones, every kind of behaviour is on our nature.

You can say though that it's our fate that peace&love will prevail in the end, but that's just a hippie wet dream in the end.

Everything is determined. We don't know.


outrageous eh. they should find a dedicated psy-forum to rant about their psy-stuff.

I wuv u.


yeah i also believe this "psychedelic" term is over-over-stretched.


As for the peace&love, i am not sure psytones, every kind of behaviour is on our nature.

Ah-ha! It was you who wrote a comment that made me re-think my spam actions, not Insajn :D


I guess your right, but still there is something about this music that makes people go PLUR :D call it fashion, call it inner human goodness/nature, at least its positive.


Human nature, beyond survival and procreation, is a product of your upbringing. Growing up in a system that contains a HUGE amount of social conditioning or engineering specifically with the purpose to protect the wealth of the few (and the dream to have what they have). In actuality, we're not encouraged to do much more than plod through a life consisting of a career, family and death with little regard to lives outside our "tribes".


or so it feels at times ..


Heh, I myself used to 'call' almost everything arty that I liked "psychedelic". It was the first label that sprung to my mind. But it's much better to describe the music or image or whatever more analytically. See this relevant discussion here: http://asides-bsides.blogspot.com/2009/03/secrets.html ( U can skip the initial text, just read the comments :) )


Well i used to believe something like that , but that's overly optimistic. Psy/Goa music doesn't magically make people PLUR.

Any kind of people can be "plur" at times.


I agree that social conditioning plays a major role, but apart from that, there are archetypes,there are insticts, there are psychological mechanisms we have. Why did the system end up like this anyways? It's not a separate entity from us, it consists of people.

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