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Ok. So as we can't discuss things openly, we'll discuss them in boxes, which is the most unnaturall things to do, but the highers decide so.

Yesterday I've realized that Stan's puking on Wendy is substite for ejaculations. I feel little delayed, but anyway - Any others observations?



"I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberalls", Matt Stone.


I guess that one can argue that Kenny's death and the apparent indiference that the other carachters have to his death (not to mention that he's back again the next episode) is clear evidence that Kenny is an imaginary carachter, caused by spontaneus hallucinations, probably from smoking Cartman's cat catnip . A dead give away that Cartman is the main figure behind these psychedellic experiences is his claimed hatred for hippies. Of course he pretends to hate hippies, so he won't get uncovered and busted by the cops for drug possession, it serves him as a great cover: who'd ever suspect someone who hates hippies to actually have psychedellic experiences of his own?


So the 4 kids in South Park are actually 3... Lately Kenny doesn't die anymore (except for very rare occasions) because the boys have turned to a new phase in their mental growth, realizing that death is a serious matter, even with imaginary carachters, and they prefer to concentrate their hallucinatory powers on more important things like unravelling conspiracies in America ;)


I just think it's funny.



By the way, Kenny can't be imaginary; he has parents, friends and others with who he has contact, even when the boys aren't there. How's THAT fo' breakfast

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