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Aura - Saturday, July 11th, 2009


featuring Audio Navigation by:

Moksha Mind (Overmind Works, AZ)

Nick Synergy (Sonic Dragon Records/Overmind Works, AZ)

more TBA


Deco and visual stimulation by OMW, Stimulate Productions, Psyteknology, and friends.


18+, $5 presales, $8 at the door

Plaza de Anaya

~World Fusion Studio

524 W Broadway Rd

Tempe, AZ 85282

(Broadway and Roosevelt, behind El Buen Sabor)

9:00 PM until we stop dancing.


Hookahs, refreshments, and a friendly, inviting atmosphere await you. Glow poi encouraged.

Plaza de Anaya features a beautiful hardwood dance floor that is perfect for dancing. In

order to keep it that way, we ask that you remove your shoes when dancing (socks are perfect

for this venue).




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