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I translated one text from my friend.

Very good, instructive and emotional story about Trancers and Ravers.


I am not sure how good is my translation from Serbian to English, but I hope you can understand mostly.

Here is the text:




- life style -


Our emotionally-election position was ecstasy. Our food is love. Our commitment is a commitment to technology. Our religious choice is music. Our market is knowledge. Our political choice does not exist. Our social choice is utopia but we know that it will never come.


You may hate us. You can waste. You may misunderstand us. You may be uninformed about our existence. We can only hope that you will not worry about that condemns us, because we will never disapprove you. We are not criminals. We are not losers. We are not addicts. We are not naive children. We are a massive, global "village" that exceeds the law that has made man, which exceeds the body and the geography of time. We are massive. One massive.


We were first attracted sound. Somewhere in the distance, thunder was muffled, reverberation beating was comparable with the mother heart, facilitating the child in her uterus concrete, even steel and electrical. We returned back to the uterus and there in the heat, humidity and darkness uterus, we came to accept that we are all equal. Not only us but the darkness and throbbing music and a strong inside us and passing through our souls: We are all equal. And somewhere at about 35 hertz can feel the hand of GOD in our back pushing us forward, pushing us, we pushed ourselves to strengthen our minds, our bodies and our spirits. Pushing us to turn that back to the person next to you coupled hand and hand raise them hide the joy you feel from the creation of this magic circle that can us to a greater protection from the horror, cruelty and pollution outside world. This is a very direct, with the initial understanding that each of us is born.


We continue to push our bodies in the clubs, or in the warehouse, or building that you have left, and left them useless, and we make life for one night. Strong pulse, reverberating in his unselfish life, worst, most hedonistic form. In this improvised spaces we strive to deliver themselves from the burden of uncertainty for the future that you were powerless to stabilize and provide for us. We try to leave our obstacles and delivered from our mooring and restrictions that have you hang your own mental peace. We are trying to correct the programming that you tried to convert us from the moment when we are born. Programming that tells us to hate, to condemn, that tells us to meet you in the nearest and the most possible noodle. Programming that tells us also that you set ladder, leaping through the hoop, through the run for our maze, even the hamster rim. Programming that tells us to eat from the great silver spoons, which are trying to eat us instead of us bred with our own capable hands. Programming that tells us to close our minds instead of open them.


While the sun is born to burn our eyes detect the utopian reality of the world you created for us, we are with our brothers and sisters play in the very glory of our life, our culture and values that we believe in: peace, love, freedom, tolerance, unity, harmony, experience, responsibility and respect.


Our opponent in the election of the ignorance. Our weapon of choice is information. Crime is a violation of our elections and causing whatever forcing you to feel that they should stop us in the celebration of our existence. But know that as long as you can close any party present, grant any night in any city in the grant any land grant or continent on this beautiful planet will never be able to close all the party. You do not have access to the turn regardless of what you can think. Music will never stop. The wounds of the heart will never disappear. The party will never end ...


I am a Raver, and this is my Manifest.





Hope you was enjoyed!



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