misterika Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Once a long ago in old times everywhere on earth there were magic circles, or rings in which supernatural creatures - kind and heroic, vagrant and domesticated, merry and lonely, tiny, falling asleep to rest in the cups of flowers, sang and danced night long. Their clothings were from moss or foliage - and even from agglutinate with dew spider webs. These creations were so light, that not a single leaf, not a single floweret, moved under their feet. And if it happened someone to enter into their circle, he could stand, listening wonderful music and forgetting about time, by years. Under this tune even stones and trees are dancing. None of all dances which led somebody to see could compare on beauty and lightness with flittering of these creatures. It is talked that somewhere there is a magic island in an ocean, where they transmigrated. There nobody disturbs them, they feed on with fruits, always smile, sing songs and never get old. Getting on a magic island, it is possible to grow into the same supernatural creatures. This possibility falls out one time per 365 days, but nobody knows the road there. On this island among the gardens always in bloom there are the same mystic circles for dances and merriment. We found a road there! Welcome on a fairy-tale islandMisterika Family with support Northernpsylight Records (Norway) , Forest Wizards Records (Macedonia) , Сlocktail Monks (Ukraine), Spirit Medicine promo (Ukraine), Y.K.I.L. (Ukraine), Space Baby Records (Ukraine), Euphoria promo (Ukr)24.07.09 – 30.07.09 Crimea Mountains - Ukraine*** Misterika***Festival (part 2) Summer Sessionwww.misterikafestival.com www.misterika.1gb.ua (ua fest forum) (Tickets)At the festival is plannedMain dancefloor Chill Out Alternative Stage Indigo Child Room Krishna Kitchen Art Shops Info center Camping Car ParkingLINE UPArtists SOLAR FIELDS (Ultimae Records ,Swedish)http://www.solarfields.com/http://www.myspace.com/solarfields GOASIA (Suntrip rec / Soundmute rec / Unicornmusic, Serbia) www.goasia-project.com www.myspace.com/goasiaproject www.discogs.com/artist/Goasia www.last.fm/music/Goasia OPSY (Soundmute rec / Digital Diamonds , Serbia) www.myspace.com/opsy www.soundmute-recordings.com www.last.fm/music/Opsy www.discogs.com/artist/Opsy KANC COVER (Soundmute rec / Cosmicleaf rec / Blue tunes rec , Serbia) http://www.myspace.com/kanccover Loopus in fabula *** (Fabula rec ,Italy)http://www.loopusinfabula.com/http://www.myspace.com/loopusinfabula TROLD (Glowing flame rec. / Northern psylight rec Norway)http://www.myspace.com/troldmagichttp://trold.trance.net/ Braincell *** Rastaliens (Glowing Flame / Phar Psyde,Switzerland) http://www.braincell-studios.net http://www.myspace.com/braincellstudio http://www.rastaliens.de Solar Spectrum *** (Free Freak Records ,Switzerland) http://www.myspace.com/solarspectrum Talpa (Up Rec/MMR, Australlia – Soundmute.Serbia) http://myspace.com/talpator OmegaHertz (Greece) ***http://www.myspace.com/omegahertz Imaginary Sight *** (Glowing Flame Records, Macedonia)http://www.myspace.com/markoglowingflamerecords Yudhisthira (Glowing Flame , Macedonia) http://www.myspace.com/yudhisthira Paramatma (Northern Psylight Rec. / Forest Wizards Rec. Macedonia)http://www.myspace.com/paramatmastudios Shiva3 (Lua rec., Trancemoon, Euphoria pro, Crimea) http://www.myspace.com/shivazproject Genepool (Ireland) http://www.myspace.com/genepoolie Zymosis / MagmaDivers / Alienapia (Sentimony, Skygravity, UP) http://www.myspace.com/alienapia http://www.myspace.com/zymosispsy Agneton (Phototropic Records / Eutuchia Records Belgium )http://www.myspace.com/agneton Dosage (Glowing Flame, Stereohemia, Forest Wizards, Macedonia) http://www.myspace.com/dosaged Haltya (Exogenic records / Finland)http://www.myspace.com/haltyahttp://myspace.com/tommisirkia http://haltya.net Highpersonic Whomen (Exogenic records / Finland)http://highpersonic.net http://myspace.com/highpersonicwhomen Dirty Hippy (United Kingdom) http://www.myspace.com/dirtyhippydan Kalumet (Halu Beats Rec.,Hun , Budapest; Hungary) http://kalumet.hu/ http://www.myspace.com/kalumetmusic Asoma (Bulgaria) ***http://www.myspace.com/asomabg Zirrex (Rus)http://www.zirrex.ru/ http://www.myspace.com/zirrexhttp://www.discogs.com/artist/Zirrex Torus Knot (Usta.rec, Aleph Zero . Ukr) Intellegent music with acoustic drums, guitars and other instrumentshttp://www.myspace.com/torusknot Psychedelic Quest (Grecee)http://www.myspace.com/psychedelicquest Ork Monk (Budapest,Hungary)http://www.myspace.com/orkmonk Kala (Galactical Exploring ,Macedonia) http://www.myspace.com/kalaproject Balagan / Frog Prog (Euphoria pro, Misterika family ,Crimea) http://www.myspace.com/balagan25 Spirit Medicine (Space Baby Rec / Lviv) http://myspace.com/spiritmedicineproject http://www.spiritmedicine.com.ua Chronos (Ajana/Sunline/Altar rec)http://www.myspace.com/chronosproject Aquascape (Sunline/Altar rec)http://www.myspace.com/aquascapemusic Mental Reason (Space Baby Rec) Ukraine http://www.myspace.com/MentalReason Somatix (Neuroflight family,Ryazan) http://www.myspace.com/somatix Yhtiot (Rus) ***http://www.myspace.com/yhtiot RAPAPAM (Dub Division) (Moscow) http://www.myspace.com/rapapam Harax (Sentimony Rec. UPRecords.Ukr) http://www.myspace.com/haraxmusic Spectrum Vision (sentimony rec, kagdila rec)http://www.myspace.com/ujohttp://www.ujo.pdj.ru Kalumet in Dub (Psylife Rec.,Hun; Budapest; Hungary) http://www.myspace.com/kalumetindub SWA (Rus)http://www.myspace.com/kalmykova Jahba (Rus)http://www.myspace.com/jahbamusic Maharishi (Bulgaria) ***http://myspace.com/maharishiasoma Kyoto (Isoteric promo, Samara) http://myspace.com/djkyoto Salto (Sugarooms, greenflower)Rushttp://www.myspace.com/thesalto Seddler (Japanamatic pro / NCSS,Ukraine) http://www.myspace.com/seddler http://www.myspace.com/klepsydramusic http://www.seddler.all.dj http://www.klepsydra.all.dj Spayo Ventax (Space Baby Rec) Belgium;Ukraine http://www.myspace.com/spayoventaxx Среди Айсбергов (Ryazan) http://www.myspace.com/srediaisbergov *** - await confirmation Dj s Dj Ketil m (Norway)http://www.myspace.com/dj_ketilmhttp://www.northernpsylightrecords.comhttp://www.myspace.com/northernpsylightrecords Ziog (swamp tales) lithuania http://www.myspace.com/soundofswamp Zooch (yegaveda,arkona creation,UK/ Lithuania) http://www.myspace.com/arkonacreation MindWarp (Clocktail Records / Odessa)http://www.myspace.com/clocktailrecords Skywolf (Galactic Freaks Records,Turkey) http://www.myspace.com/theofficialpornoali di.N.A.&sHev (Elestial Records) Macedonia http://myspace.com/shevdina Tamara (Macedonia) ***http://www.myspace.com/kuglicka Inatroya (Bulgaria,Sweden) ***http://www.myspace.com/inatroya Leprezoic Era (Lugansk) drums –live Сонцеворот (Crimea) *** Leksa (Russia,Krasnodar) *** Divex(Streamlight, Kharkov UA) Afonya (Trancecarpathiarts ,Uzgorod) Roodee (Trancecarpathiarts ,Uzgorod) Maximus T.Z. (Tendala ,Uzgorod) Sunny Kitten (Lvov) Alexxdrum (Lvov) Alfacentaurus(Belgorod) Absolute fuel (Kharkov) Plan (Crimea) Chip (Crimea) Psyche (Polesye) PsyTo (Lugansk) Rushman (Dnepr) Raizer / Calamus Shivaki (Odessa) Skylander (Rus) Seraph (Lvov) Sundoze (Kiev) *** Sphinx (Krasnoyarsk) HoverFly (Kharkov) Om & Mila (Mosсow) OkuIri (Peace) Maja (Kiev) Michedelic (Kiev) MZ (Lvov) Mutlu (Belaya Tserkov) Max Rider (Dnepr) Memosponga (Lugansk) Nosovoy (Crimea) Kin_Dz@ (Crimea) Коллега Пруль (Kharkov) *** Vadiom (Zp) Yz Shroomov (Kiev) Art : Naria Inri Magaria / NIM (Bulgaria) ***http://www.myspace.com/nariainrimagaria Shankara LAB (euphoria promo , misterika family)http://okujah.gallery.ru/watch?a=g7m-ATZ Fair Theatre *Proty Nochy* (Ukraine) http://protynochi.com/ TranceCarpathiArts (Uzgorod) ***http://www.myspace.com/trancecarpathiarts Sugarland Russia ***http://www.myspace.com/kitanasun Hyper Icons (Spirit Medicine Promo) Ukraine http://www.myspace.com/spiritmedicineproject "SMEрыки" (Jitomir) Paul Spider (Ukraine) di.N.A.&sHev - fire juggling Ivolga - s4i , isoteric(Samara) Khanoriya (Ukraine) Multi Pulti Transformation (Ukraine) Fire Show – Psy Flame(Euphoria)Ukraine *** Fire Show - Fenix Ukraine Also, with the assistance of DJ will be provided to chill-out room with ultramodern divays change of consciousness: a planetarium and an electronic kaleidoscope. You can watch the starry sky, the Earth and Moon. Exhibition of works from*Joep Hommerson*Netherlands http://www.myspace.com/shivanebula ПСИ (Planetary Art Network). St. Petersburg. Video: Bars Records & Lahmatuy Doctor (Euphoria , Ukraine) Эзотерические Чебурашки (Планета Океан) Ukraine *** Ethnic – Fluro- Shops Avatara art shop (Kiev) http://avatara.kiev.ua/ Ethno-wear, fashion accessories (handbags, jewelry, belts, etc.), Ninja-summer collection shuz. Spirit Medicine | Hyper Icons shop-metaphysical ritual artifacts (fluoro handmade T-shirts, bags, amulets)http://www.spiritmedicine.com.ua/project_d...hi_psyshop.html Shop Dobra (Misterika family) (Ukr) Tea Room "Квiтко-Чай" http://www.smereka.ho.ua/flur_keramika.html Festival Place : Only unusual creatures open doors to another dimension, full of magic, where all the plans done! We invite you to the fairy tale world, where eternal summer and all living things penetrated fun, sincerity, and are creating huge heart, full of endless kindness. Pakuyte your magic sunduchki, enough for the wings of the air's in the festive mood of madness. At the designated hour, we'll wait for you and only you have the portal in a picturesque corner of paradise among the mountains and untold Bakhchisaray space. Attention! On the territory of the activities forbidden to carry weapons, drugs and facilities for their use.PreSale:For the all days of the Festival (7 days) 10.05.09 - 20.05.09 30 euro 21.05.09 - 20.06.09 35 euro 21.06.09 - 20.07.09 40 euroFor 24 - 27.07.09 (4 days) 20.04.09 - 20.05.09 25 euro 21.05.09 - 20.06.09 30 euro 21.06.09 - 20.07.09 35 euroIn the dates of the festival For the all days of the Festival (7 days) 60 euro One night 25 euro without flyer 20 euro with flyerAdvance to the festival can also be done through a bank account for this data: Your bank account information for prepaid tickets for the festival EUR account number 26202601282211 Bank PRIVATBANK Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine SWIFT-PBANUA2X Payment is made in EURO After payment you need to register Fill out the form and send it to mail: misterikappl@gmail.com For registration information provided by: Name/ Mail / icq or skype / details of paymentWe coordinator for cooperation: +380972869116 Email: misterikafestival@gmail.com icq: 389-213-531 If you want to share their creative ideas and make a unique contribution to the festival, we look forward to hearing your ideas and work Email: misterikafestival @ gmail.withCoordinators : Israel +972524536156 Dan Dino icq: 240186771 ddandino@gmail.com Lithuania +37064528497 skype - zioginfog Russia General Partner in Russia: Tourist Transport Company «Lidia Group»: http://lidia.su/ http://lidia-tour.ru/ E-mail: dynamo@lidia.su and anastasia@lidia.su ICQ #: 415-963-369 and 478 452 327 Tel. / fax: +7 (495) 605-65-60 Tel.: +7 (495) 928-8-928 Buy tickets can also be in the shop * World Ganesh * m.Savelovskaya, seat B-35 or koordinators Moscow Alina + 7 916 679 02 06. St - Piterburg *Dolina Bortango* shop Ekatirenburg +7 908 906 53 06 Alena icq: 486015161 Samara +7 927 600 40 92 Marina icq: 138548533 Krasnoyarsk +7 923 366 9003 Jenya icq: 383883025 Rostov 8 950 859 99 82 Maxim icq: 311021974 Belgorod +7 920 553 0 883 Alfred icq: 413885230 Ijevsk 8 904 315 84 16 Ksenia icq: 323307662 para-shakti@ya.ruUkraine Kiev +38 063 295 64 02 Gleb icq: 262497419 Belaya Tserkof +38 066 328 07 21 Vitaliy icq: 461779090 Dnepropetrovsk +38 095 510 15 65 Kirill icq: 273593753 Donetsk +38 095 617 27 76 Denis icq: 365284711 Zaporojie +38 050 453 65 32 Alena icq: 432119015 Kr Rog +38 097 687 97 79 Denis icq: 307344332 Lugansk +38 093 442 44 78 Andrey icq: 169075146 Melitopol +38 063 867 95 26 Sasha icq: 438952965 Nikolaev +38 068 115 56 60 Slaventiy icq: 314758748 Odessa +38 063 150 83 26 Sergey icq: 496018004 Lvov +38 068 842 51 04, +38 066 762 33 27 Maria icq: 285673177 icq: 260648234 om@spiritmedicine.com.ua , mindzeroart@mail.ru Sevastopol +38 067 631 02 42 Olya icq: 371369652 Simferopol +38 050 842 11 86 Sergey icq: 382471413 Kharkov +38 063 715 64 13; +38 050 534 72 66 Daniil icq: 283523844 Yalta +38 068 498 43 42 Andrey icq: 435175900 On questions of cooperation: Hot Line Festival: icq 322863239 call: +380972869116 Andrey +380676310242 Olya skype name - okujah Email: misterikafestival@gmail.com msn okujaka@hotmail.comInternet – Support : http://www.northernpsylightrecords.com http://www.myspace.com/northernpsylightrecords http://www.magicstation.ru http://sunstation.ru/ http://www.euphoria-promo.com http://forum.isratrance.com/ http://trancemoon.forumotion.com http://www.myspace.com/forestwizardsrecords http://ganesha-shop.com.ua/ http://www.elixiria.fi/forum/ http://poi.org.ua/forum/ http://trance.myural.ru/ http://hotclublife.com http://avatara.kiev.ua/ http://www.fm1.org http://www.psyshine.org.ua/ http://www.goto.mk.ua http://www.chill.org.ua http://psytribe.ru/ http://www.kailas.ru/mag.html http://www.crimusic.info http://www.intrance.ru http://www.cosmosounds.com http://ouim.org/forum/ http://www.psytechforum.com/ http://psy.com.mk/forum/ http://www.inpsy.info/index.php http://www.rusisrael.com/forum/?subcat_id=5& http://eilo.org Welcome to Misterika Islands
dr1ft Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 LOCATION - Lake at Eski-Kermen. http://okujah.gallery.ru/watch?a=g7m-czTn photos If you go by their own: From Simferopol - (route to Sevastopol) for g.Bahchisaray (for rail), turn left (on the left side of the monument to the soldiers! there also is a pointer to Yalta) to the village tank, and then sharply to the right before the village of Red Poppy, and then to the village of Red Poppy turn right and right again to the village HOLMOVKA . Short HOLMOVKI, turn left, and passing along Holmovki and continue on the road (5 km) to the economy Eski-Kermen. Transfer to the place of the festival You can order a taxi or a minibus, and agree on any convenient time for you on this contact: Apply by phone +3 8095 322 00 22 (Dmitry) Call strictly from 14 00 to 21 00! Camp and parking Camp, and parking will be charged for accommodation of tents will need to pay a minimum fee foresters (15 - UAH 20 for placement of tents for the whole duration of the festival) Ohronyaemaya Parking will cost UAH 15 per car per day, Another civilian placement options for the festival: 1. Tourist-recreational complex "Привал", which is located in Bakhchisarai in the old town, near Khan Palace Official site of TOCs' Привал "- http://www.prival.crimea.com/ - here you will find all the information on resettlement options, prices, ext. services and photos of rooms Distance to the venue of the festival - about 20 km 2. Fishing Village "black stones" (cottages) off. Website - http://www.blackstoun.crimea.com Distance to the venue of the festival - 10 km 3. Mini-hotel "Dilyara-Khanum (Bakhchisarai, Old Town) Website - http://bahchisaray.net/ Distance to the venue of the festival - about 20 km The festival will be left-luggage office Cost of services will be provided at the site
misterika Posted August 8, 2009 Author Posted August 8, 2009 Dear friends! Here was the summer of Misterika festival! Thanks to all who supported us and granted our love and attention throughout the festival - each of you have even the smallest man is a part of our magical island Misterika, we make a low bow, and express good feelings and honor of the whole team of our festival! We hope the next time you are all going close to us, namely light and real good! We are glad to present you with an overview of the photo festival, and express many thanks to photographer Bogdan Spiryaev for what he has done a very conceptual image review to fully transmit the atmosphere of the festival and all that is happening there! Many thanks to the author of the whole team Misterika festival full album here http://okujah.gallery.ru/watch?a=g7m-c2Hs or contact http://vkontakte.ru/album2997543_95063465 We love you and are waiting for you at 3 parts Misterika which is scheduled for New Year 30 - 31 December in a two-day full moon, a truly magical and unusual dates. At the Winter Festival will be submitted to a double CD which is now under way is work on the compilation are tracks from most artists who performed at the winter and summer parts of the festival. At the forum in the near future you will find a preliminary announcement and details of forthcoming announcements http://virtpolis.com/misterikafestival/index.php?act=idx Your application to participate, you can always send to our email Artists and djs: misterikaartist@gmail.com | Shops and seminars: misterikashop@gmail.com General questions: misterikafestival@gmail.com We are always happy and willing to cooperate with us! Many thanks to all the people who have been on our island this summer: all the artists, fire show, tea, lecturers, and a simple party ppl big thank you for what you have! See you on the island - your Misterika
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