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SUMMER NEVER ENDS FESTIVAL 2009 - Alps of Switzerland


supported by Vibrative Sounds & Klangwerk



Open Air Floor




Logic Bomb (Solstice Music) SWE

Cosmosis (Holophonic Records) GB / CH

Scorb (Trick Music, Last Possible Solution) GB

Perplex (Fineplay rec/ TLV Music) ISR

Slider (Noya Rec / TLV Music) ISR

Hujaboy (Tip World / TLV Music) ISR

Dual Core (TLV Music) ISR

Feuerhake (Free Form Rec) DE

Ibojima (Planet BEN Rec) SWE

Concept (3D Vision) FR

Freakulizer (Alchemy Rec) CH

Prism (Trick Music) FR / GB

Suntree (Iono Music) ISR

Soul Surfer (Dream Vision Media) SWE

Tranan (Solstice Music) SWE

Refract CH




Slider (Noya Rec) ISR

DJ Noon vs DJ Yod (3d Vision, Trick Music) FR / GB

Pinky N’ Brain (TLV Music / Vibrative Sounds)

Terranostra (Klangwerk)

Jackatek (Spin Twist rec.)

Müstik (Dream Vision Media)

Dr. Magnus (Digital Psionics, Verteilt)

Q.E.D. (Nandan)

Bi-Molecular (Aphonix Rec)

Nygma (FrakaSound Rec)

Smartmonkeys aka C-Mohn vs. Idefix (Pippifax Connection/ Index)

Urban Tribe (Painthouse Rec / DMT)

Cämix (Vibrative Sounds)

Adastra & Nightwalk (Vibrative Sounds)

Om Gnom (Verteilt)



Tent Floor




Andromeda (Dream Vision Media) SWE

DuoTekk (Planet Ben Rec) SWE

Atma (Y.S.E. Rec) ROM

Julia Lautner (Benchmark) Berlin


Acid Prophecy (Anunaki Rec) IT

Khainz (Sprout, Autist/FranzFranz, Kumquat, S.A.S) CH

Insane Creation (Domo Rec) CH

Sensual Squeak (Woodroom Rec) CH

Subconsciousmind (Fiin Rec) CH

Sokrates (Logi Rec) CH

Rumble Pack (Morphonic Rec) CH

Simply D. (Simply Productions) CH

Catweazle (Animi Defectus) CH

Vibracoustic (Shaman Electro) CH

Dualism (Blue Tunes Rec) CH

Vendetta (Knopfloch)




Mama Gaia (Underbra Vindunder) SWE

Julia Lautner (Benchmark) Berlin

ResQ (Klangarena) Berlin

Akustik (Spin Twist Rec)

IC-Dave (Domo Rec)

Shybe (Blue Tunes)

Face Design (Aphonix Rec)

Wasabidelux (Underdog)

Quinto Elemento (Burn Head)

Pow Low (Autist / Virgin)

Magic Mind (Space Nomads)

Beat Brothers (Free Flow Foundation)

Garfield (Logi Rec)

Pinch (FrakaSound Rec)

2Dirty (Vibrative Sounds)

Aechi (Jetlag)

Lynkish & Morix (Klangwerk)

ABS-DJ-Team aka Alexsoph & Boom Shankar (BMSS)


Sany Sunderson

Father Oblivion (Samsara)

Painter (Wundertüte)

Psythai (DMT)

Frontal (Magic Lounge)


More Info:



Alps of Switzerland

Rona/Mulengs Graubünden



take public transportation - keep the nature clean


By Car

A3 / A13 till Chur, E43 direction San Bernardino / Ticino

A2 /E9 exit Bellinzona, E43 direction San Bernardino Chur

EXIT: Thusis/Sils, direction St. Moritz. In Tiefencastel direction Julier.


Watch out for Signs ins Rona/Mulengs Graubünden


By Train

Intercity Zürich / Chur (Last train from Zürich HB started 19:37)

In Chur take regio-train to Tiefencastel

In Tiefencastel take post bus to rona posta or Shuttlebus


Watch out for Signs ins Rona/Mulengs Graubünden





supported by Vibrative Sounds & Klangwerk

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