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Simon Posford - new stuff!

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Well, me again. So, apart from Hallucinogen in dub, and Younger Brother, what has Simon released in the last year.

I'm aware only of The Antidote - Empty Dot (Hallucinogen Remix).

Someone has mantioned GMS remixes - anyone knows more ...


Yes there is a single with remix of Gamma Goblins and the finger made by gms....look on twisted and you will find it

Guest dam10n

supposedly there's a 12" of GMS tunes remixed by Simon coming out on Spun records soon, but haven't heard it.


Otherwise he's on Backroom Beats 2 as gargoyle with andrew interchill and michelle, also the Younger Brother album (si and benji vaughan).

Guest dam10n

oh, and to get really anal and trainspottery (which I think is just about allowed with posford), Hallucinogen in Dub does count as he played some new guitar parts that Ott used.


okay I'm off to sniff some vinyl :¬)

Guest psyfi

someone's a twisted whore!


and it's shpongle not pongle!

Guest liarliar

Speaking of the Talisman album on Interchill. Traveller: You have any info on when it'll be available?? Loks like a great album for hazy summer days at the beach :)


new growlmonizer track? - booooyakaahhh


eject is killer

Guest jonathan

I think the Younger Brother album will satisfy you for a while. It's absolutely delicious.

Guest Selim

There's also a new Shpongle track on "The Secret of the 13 Crystal Skulls" comp; not Shpongle's best work, but still worth tracking down for all you obsessive Posford collectors out there.


Was anybody else out there disappointed by "Eject"? That melody really grates on me...

Guest moai

seventh revelation is awesome!! one of their best. i love this track!

better than sixth revelation for sure

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