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71 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose 5 Favourite SCI-FI Movies

    • Metropolis ( 1927 )
    • The Day The Earth Stood Still ( 1951 )
    • Invasion Of The Body Snatchers ( 1956 )
    • 2001: A Space Odyssey ( 1968 )
    • THX 1138 ( 1971 )
    • Solaris ( 1972 )
    • Soylent Green ( 1973 )
    • Close Encounters Of The Third Kind ( 1977 )
    • Alien ( 1979 )
    • Blade Runner ( 1982 )
    • 2010 ( 1984 )
    • Dune ( 1984 )
    • 1984 ( 1984 )
    • Brazil ( 1985 )
    • Aliens ( 1986 )
    • The Abyss ( 1989 )
    • Twelve Monkeys ( 1995 )
    • The Fifth Element ( 1997 )
    • Dark City ( 1998 )
    • The Matrix ( 1999 )
    • Minority Report ( 2002 )
    • Back To The Future 1 & 2
    • The Terminator 1 & 2
    • Star Trek Series
    • Star Wars Series
    • Andromeda Strain ( 1971 )
    • Event Horizon ( 1997 )
    • Planet of The Apes ( 1968 )
    • Equilibrium ( 2002 )
    • Predator ( 1987 )
    • Gatacca ( 1997 )

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It is really a shame that such rich and descriptive genre rarely gets properly presented nowadays, relying entirely on CGI techniques, with no substance, cause whole genre back in the days, when sci-fi genre was progressing, with low budgets and ambitious ideas, was starting to set the standards for the new and modern sci-fi genre.


There are only few of the new films that can redefine that genre nowadays, and that is a shame, cause now, when we have technology, we should make good stories right. But, since producers are dictating the production, the quality of the picture has to be lower down in tone, adopting the script for wider audiences, making the original stories or ideas bland and naive without any REAL progress of ideas there. Like there are plenty of cyber punk and sci-fi books by famous sci-fi writers that no one dares to film cause they are such big projects, so we are doomed to 'entertaining' kind of science fiction, without real substance.


So, with the 'adopted' script for wider audiences the collapse of the story starts and you end up with heavily produced bunch of crap. Ironic thing, since film production should be all about presenting big and quality ideas accurately and uncompromisingly. So, most of this genre after THE MATRIX went down the drain, and I could really rarely see any new brilliant sci fi film ( waiting for AVATAR later this year, maybe that will set the new standards ). And I've heard good things about MOON. I like minimalistic sci-fi ideas.


And since there are very little number of true scientific kind of sci-fi, I put in the poll most of dystopian/utopian futuristic films, one of my favourite genres of sci-fi. So, I want to know which science fiction cult movies from the list defined the genre for you. And also add the ones I missed to put in the poll... My pics are most definitely 2001, THX 1138, SOLARIS, BLADE RUNNER and THE MATRIX.

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Voted for STAR WARS, The Matrix (only the first!!!), Back to the future, 12 Monkeys and the 5th element....


one that wasn't on the list: Immortals from Enki Bilal.....


I like all the movies of the list, but my votes went to:


Metropolis - For obvious historical reasons


Alien - For taking horror to the space, introducing an all-time classic villain and having one of the best suspenses ever.


Blade Runner - For all the melalcholy, the soundtrack, the classic lines.


Matrix - Cause it's Matrix


Minority Report - Cause Spielberg is a God.


But seriously I love almost anything in this list, since I am THE huge sci-fi fan.


Plus some words/thoughts for the rest of the list:



The Day The Earth Stood Still ( 1951 )

Classic sci-fi gem that everyone should see. The 2008 remake was dissapointing.


Invasion Of The Body Snatchers ( 1956 )

Fantatic photography and suspense. Classic stuff, the best version of the story.


2001: A Space Odyssey ( 1968 )

I've said many times before what I dislike in 2001, but that doesn't change the fact that is classic and ground breaking.


THX 1138 ( 1971 )

Extremelly good movie considering is been made with a teeny-tiny budget.


Solaris ( 1972 )

Not the hugest fan of the movie, but classic for sure.


Soylent Green ( 1973 )

Again classic sci-fi gem.


Close Encounters Of The Third Kind ( 1977 )

The bible of any alien believer/enthusiast


2010 ( 1984 )

Much better than most people believe. Fantastic atmosphere and doesn't copy 2001.


Dune ( 1984 )

This is psychedelic! :D


1984 ( 1984 )

Never watched it :(


Brazil ( 1985 )

Fantastic, surreal and deeply sad, yet optimistic. Amazing film.


Aliens ( 1986 )

The perfect blend of action and sci-fi horror.


The Abyss ( 1989 )

Again great sci-fi by Cameron, before he went all cheesy with the Craptanic.


Twelve Monkeys ( 1995 )

Fantastic movie! Again sad, but optimistic, great plot and acting.


The Fifth Element ( 1997 )

Great dose of surreal, hysterical and god-damn fun cheese!


Dark City ( 1998 )

Personal favorite. One of my all time favorites.


Back To The Future 1 & 2

I'll add 3 too. Great action, great comedy, great effects, great fun.


The Terminator 1 & 2

Classic, classic stuff! T2 is possibly the best sequel ever! Let's hope Avatar will be Cameron'r redemption.


Star Trek Series

I was never a fun, but this is what sci-fi is all about IMO.


Star Wars Series

The movies that change the industry in both good and bad way.


I could add more classic in this lovely list.

Contact, RoboCop and Predator are a few I could think now.


SCI-FI 4 EVER!!! :wub::wub::wub:


And I've heard good things about MOON. I like minimalistic sci-fi ideas.



What makes it minimalistic?


As for the list, I haven't seen most of them, my knowledge is very restricted when it comes to movies generally, so I voted for The Matrix. The first of the trilogy is probably the best , but I also tend to disagree with dissing the rest of the trilogy :]


You didn't have any of the great Japanese sci-fi classics like Godzilla, Ghost in the Shell, or Akira so that list is incomplete.

And why did you include movies like the Fifth Element in a greatest of all time poll? :blink:


I really feel like I'm one of the only ones who can't bring myself to watch OLD sci-fi movies. You know, black and white ones. They're just plain cheesy and boring to me. Shame.


Plus some words/thoughts for the rest of the list:



I could add more classic in this lovely list.

Contact, RoboCop and Predator are a few I could think now.


SCI-FI 4 EVER!!! :wub::wub::wub:


You said it all!


Maybe Andromeda Strain '71 version, Logans Run and Things to Come are missing.


Brazil, 12 Monkeys, the Fifth Element, Dark City and Soilent Green are my favourites.


I must've seen the Fifth Element probably over 10 times allready, still love it, it's just fun to watch. :)


From seraph's list, my picks are Alien, Brazil and Blade Runner. I really do like Metropolis as well, but have already seen it twice, and I do not consider it a movie I could watch three times and get the feeling I have just been exposed to something new. I will wait until I'm old and senile.


The child in me is madly in love with Predator, and T1 & T2: Judgement Day...


Maybe Andromeda Strain '71 version, Logans Run and Things to Come are missing.




A Scanner Darkly - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405296/

Gattaca - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119177/

Equilibrium - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0238380/

Planet of the Apes (well, the original first one ;) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063442/


I agree about these ones with you guys, I will add them to the list. How could I forget Andromeda Strain ? :D


Event Horizon :rolleyes:


From that list:


The Matrix

Alien / Aliens

Blade Runner

Terminator 1 & 2

The Abyss


[Why would you put T1 & T2 together as an option but not the Aliens?]


Commercial direction I guess, but at least I wouldn't have voted Armageddon no mather how comfortble it is as a Blockbuster flick :P


no bad :)


Event Horizon :rolleyes:


One of my all time favorites!


There's something about this movie that will haunt me forever. I don't know exactly what.


I would add Sunshine in the list too. My favorite modern sci-fi space movie.


I wanted to put Event Horizon, but didn't quite fullfilled the cult status, but it is still very good film.


One of my all time favorites!


There's something about this movie that will haunt me forever. I don't know exactly what.


I would add Sunshine in the list too. My favorite modern sci-fi space movie.



Oh, Sunshine, really?

That movie where they travel to the sun and want to activate it again with a huge bomb,and then some guy turns into a sunburned super-mutant with supernatural powers because he got radiated too much by pure sunbeams? (fucking lame)


The beginning started out really great, I was facinated for a good while, there where plenty of great scenes in it, but really, that supermutant sun-drugged guy ruined the whole thing for me.


When I was a kid I loved Armageddon, and maybe I would've loved this one too, but now it just doesn't work with me, at all.It's totally unrealistic, I know it's science fiction, it's supposed to be unrealistic, but really, theres no science in this science fiction at all.




Ok, sorry, I am aware that you did not ask me for my opinion on this movie, but it was stronger then myself.

It sucked balls BIG time imo.


Oh, Sunshine, really?

That movie where they travel to the sun and want to activate it again with a huge bomb,and then some guy turns into a sunburned super-mutant with supernatural powers because he got radiated too much by pure sunbeams? (fucking lame)


The beginning started out really great, I was facinated for a good while, there where plenty of great scenes in it, but really, that supermutant sun-drugged guy ruined the whole thing for me.


When I was a kid I loved Armageddon, and maybe I would've loved this one too, but now it just doesn't work with me, at all.It's totally unrealistic, I know it's science fiction, it's supposed to be unrealistic, but really, theres no science in this science fiction at all.




Ok, sorry, I am aware that you did not ask me for my opinion on this movie, but it was stronger then myself.

It sucked balls BIG time imo.



Just for the record the guy is not mutated! :D

It's just insane. He went insane when he realised what an earthling really is next to the sun, which felt more and more like a God the closer he approached it with his ship. He sabotaged the mission, because he believed that it's our fate to die when the universe decides.

About his appearance he was terribly sunburned not mutated.

And he didn't have any super powers. :unsure:


I agree though that at first he feels out of place and possibly the film would worked better without him, but after some views I liked him as a character and and an idea more and more. :)


The term Sci-fi doesn't nesseserelly translate to Unrealistic. It's Science Fiction, ergo might happen :P


Has anyone seen Knowing with Nicolas Cage? I got to be honest and say I had low hopes for it after some burns like Next, but this film took me and gave me a very suprising twist :) Had some feel of N.Nightingale, but lacked the shit he tends to come with, or lack of , depending. Anyway, this Knowing film isn't bad.


Oh, and the new version of The Day the Earth Stood Still with Keneau Reeves isn't that bad wither, better then War of the Worlds, which sucked.


My top five:


1. Stalker (not on list!)

2. Solaris

3. Blade Runner

4. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

5. Star Wars IV


Others not included:



The Black Hole (a sentimental favorite of mine - must be cult at this point)





A Clockwork Orange


And a whole shitload of animated stuff like La planète sauvage, Heavy Metal and Vexille, but that's probably not the point.

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