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I work for the charity the RNID. We have set up a free online hearing check. So if you have any hearing concerns from going to loud gigs and clubs, listening to your iPod etc, then you can do the quick check here - www.rnid.org.uk/hearingcheckaug. It tells you if your hearing is within 'normal' range for the most common hearing problems.


Hope that is useful for some of you out there.




I'm not really sure how this is useful for anyone. You don't know what sound card, amplifier and headphones I have. One setting at 90 % of full volume may be a different dB for everyone who is trying out the test.


I didn't listen to it since I'm at work, but:


During the check, you will hear several sets of three numbers spoken with a rushing noise in the background. This rushing noise occurs because this is a 'speech-in-noise' check. It assesses your ability to hear someone speaking when there’s background noise, similar to being in a crowded room. The advantage of this kind of check is that it checks your hearing ability in a real-life way.

This isn't even a frequency response test. I'd think "speech-in-noise" is more an aspect of perception than physical hearing, but I don't really know.


:) Actually this is not a spam item, i just tried it and it seems i have lost a bit of my hearing, but not much :)


thanks for posting this, its good to check just to be sure on the levels






I am somewhat suspicious about my hearing (and I have a reason for it), it's exactly about this hearing of speech in noise.

Unfortunately, the test doesn't want to start, the space is blank. There seems to be an Adobe Flash Player application, but it doesn't do anything. I have the version 10,0,32,18 installed.


Reputedly, not only the sound volume is dangerous, but also a long-termed listening on the in-ear headphones. Years of steady beats may wear out the hearing cells.

This is why I invested into a normal loudspeakers. Right now I torture my rock&metal loving younger bro' with Aes Dana :)


Thank you for taking our hearing check. Your result suggests that your hearing is within the normal range.



Well that was a waste of time. Just a woman saying numbers over increasingly horrible static. And she says the 6's really quietly.


even though this is spam, you have to admit that this is one of the most useful spam threads that this forum has ever seen (aside from eventual carnal pleasure advertisings that have gotten deleted), don't you?


I won't take the test though since I'm confidend that my hearing is good ... even too good maybe, for when I already can register the sounds that bats make in the night (I mean the ultrasound cries ... it's no sound that I hear, but I feel the air vibrating in a certain way ... it's like I feel there's a tone, but it's too high to hear for me) I think I might be hearing already too well :rolleyes:


It's not a spambot, the same thing was posted on Psymusic recently and various people have been having a conversation with the poster.


ok, good that it's not a bot then





I practice this every day. :) When listening to music on my iPod that's not overly exciting I'll try to eavesdrop on conversations through my noise blocking earphones.


My result from this test, which I quit liked. I got to admit though, I was a tad nervous about the result and wanted to do get a high score! :P


Thank you for taking our hearing check. Your result suggests that your hearing is within the normal range.


Wonder if anyone aces it. I know I missed a couple of digits, at least.


I hear bat's too, take the test RTPman


I practice this every day. :) When listening to music on my iPod that's not overly exciting I'll try to eavesdrop on conversations through my noise blocking earphones.




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