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Hey people, I dont know if you have heard about the Amorphous Androgynous. Its my fave band I guess. The FSOL guys rocking it out in a very psychedelic rock way, mixed with sitars, sytnhs, reverse guitars and all that you can think of.

I will be heading to their Athens concert, I just wanted to hear if anyone else is making it and what do you think about the Amorphous Androgynous.

FSOL for me is one of the top psychedelic bands of all time, I had great time on their music. I used to listen to and play in a psyrock band and when they got into it and blow the whole genres roof off I was quite happy :)


Hey I would love some pointers for Athens too, where to go, relaxed places, cafes, bars, places to hang out, psy shops, head shops :)


I was at the FSOL live in July.... The supporting acts were crap but FSOL were fantastic!


I'll be there for AA... The event hasn't gotten mych publicity here, I've only seen posters and I hope they put a lot of effort in the sound because the place they're holding it in is an sound-man's nightmare... Long building with a metal roof!


Anyway, will be there!


Wow? FSOL live? Doing FSOL stuff? Oldschool shit?


Am still not out on whether I dig AA or not... I have been listening to their An Enormous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding In Your Mind mixes and those are excellent... but haven't so far really gotten into their psychedelic hippy rock stuff.


Alice in Ultraland wasn't all that bad though. But I know practically everything FSOL have done by heart, and AA is not even close.


Actually, while I was in Greece, I had a dream about them doing a live show, very small and intimate venue, very sixties hippy show, and extremely mellow... :D So yeah, I guess I'd go. Alas, I'm no longer in Greece...


trunksan: tell me something about the live show dude... I want to know!


I choose their FSOL stuff over AA anytime man. The music they did was excellent, cant think of all those moments listening FSOL. But, for me, its the next best thing :P I


have seen the videos of FSOL Athens and I was so pissed I missed that show, but I had to work and still counting that I dont live in Greece, cant blame myself too much.


Hey mate what's up ? I was at the FSOL concert, FSOL live (via ISDN .. ) was worth it.

Not sure about AA, their first 3 AA albums are really good, don't like the latest sweet&salty rocky stuff though, I will most likely not attend the event since I have uni at that time.

Anyways, we could go out for some beer unless I am too busy with uni exams, but contact me in any case!




To snap:


The live show was via ISDN, meaning they were in London in their studio and we got glimpses of them in between the visuals....... It was realy stunning, the use of video and sound effects, it was just a great show overall and the final track they played I hadn't heard before... Maybe it's ureleased or it's in their 2009 album (since I've only got their old albums).

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