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i wanna know how to make psy leads not the notation but rather the sounds...some leads by pros like gms are so harmonicaly rich and the sounds are so varied...i wonder if they get all those sounds by just using combinations of waveforms such as sine sawtooth triangle noise and a few others...how are their leads so phat....they occupy a broad spectrum but still fit in the mix perfectly......they also have a typical psy sort of texture to them ,almost granular...dense,nasal....what are they doing?? is there a lot of pitch modulation or pitch envelopes being used??

everywhere i mostly find tutorials and questions about psy basslines...but personally i find psy leads and the sounds so much more intriguing...

i love stuff like digital talk but i also think that gms has such clean tracks...everything where it should be......how????? clean, crisp, shiney, and also phatttt...

any tips on making psy leads ?? does it all boil down to the access virus??? cause i have been using vst for a long time....i still have not been able to get that sound that i am after....composition skills (notes, theory,motifs etc) have improved alot but the sounds have not improved much....

is there some secret to making great leads?? occasionaly i can make decent sounds for leads but almost by chance....i really need to know how......thanks guys......any help will be great...


something i like to do is jam with really long riffs. i mainly do this on my nord lead 2 because i dont have to worrie about assignin nobs on the midi control to the vst. but it can be done just a little time consuming. start with a few of the basic controls such as. frequency, resonance, amp attack & amp release. hit record so ur riff is playing & start tweaking those nobs. crank the release up for 2 two beats then cut it back out. etc. & just keep recording. its a lot of fun & this way the lead sounds are constantly changing & exciting the listener. then after u have checked out the recording & choosen the ones u like add effects such as 'effectrix', dual filters, reverb etc. dont forget u can also automate all the controls on the effects. also layer a few different vst sounds together & drop out a few notes here n there so that there not all playing the same notes all the time.


the thing that i really like about psytrance is how they get sounds to 'move', a noise may sound like it is coming out of the speaker towards u then goes left & back into the speaker, then seem to go up in the air. i really dont know how to achieve this but i have accidentally come across it in some preset.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

The trick to adding the psychedelic movement effect is to manipulate three parameters of the synth; pitch, volume and stereo pan, and also note velocity. To manipulate pitch, use either the "detune" and "semitone" parameters, or the filter cutoff frequency. In order to make a sound "push" out of the speaker, increase volume and pitch together. To give the feeling of movement, simply alter the stereo pan. So,for the example of making a note push out of the right speaker then go back through the left, youd start with the pan biased to the right speaker, increase volume/pitch, change the pan to a righ speaker bias in a smooth motion, then lower volume and pitch. If you try this on a synth with a modulation matrix you can link different parameters to each other and to midi controls, either directly or inversely. You could even try linking volume and pitch parameters to an LFO for a "throbbing" effect (particularly good on basslines) The bottom line is to experiment with your synths to see what you can come up with. As always with psychedelia, one mans bad trip is another mans paradise.


Happy Producing!


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