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Guest LynxBoy

Can anyone out there tell me if any other Goa groups sound like this? I love the scarry sound!!! When are they going to have something new?

Guest Protex Midget

I love Dark Soho, and I find them to be very original. I can't really think of anyone who has a simillar style, except for a few of tim schuldt's tracks. I guess that's what's great about Dark Soho, their sound is unique.


You might wanna try

Dark Nebula or Source Unknown..

For me thats proly close...

Guest Protex Midget

I guess source unknown is quite close, but Dark Nebula isn't.

Guest Psychedelic AllabertA

Maybe "The Delta - Scizzoeffective"? They can come in quite scary sometimes too... Heavy bass, crunchy technoish effects atop, and some guitars too ;-)

Guest AtomicCow

4 Carry Nuts. They also use guitars now and then, they are very full-on and use good melodies.

Guest LynxBoy

Thanks for the suggestions.I'm going to have to check out "The Delta" and "Tim Schuldts" and "Source Unknown" Who is 4 Carry Nuts? Is There CD reviewed on this site?

Guest Protex Midget

Four Carry Nuts are Tim Schuldt and Detlef Funder.....

Guest lynxboy

Can you please tell me more? Like the name of there CD or CD's are they still in print? Are they reviewed on this site?

Guest AtomicCow

I don't think they released an album. Do a search on this website...See the Search button in the menu on the right? click it and then releases by artist and type in "carry nuts". Check out Lucy(Male) and Donuts.

Guest Astyanax

My favorite dark 'n' scary albums:


Xenomorph - Cassandra's Nightmare

Infected Mushroom - The Gathering

Sandman - Witchcraft

The Delta - Scizoeffective

Guest spacemonkey - 604

battle of the future buddha's - twin shark fish


beat bizarre - lewd.


'nerve - channel 59' has a pretty dark a scary touch to it... no guitars like dark soho, though...

Guest mkay11......

depth of emotion - dark soho

get's quite aggresssive near the end...


delta - thing....

bit boring though...

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