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Namaste from the UK


I have very much fallen out with the UK psy scene and this is my attack upon it. The rest of Europe and the world have the right idea but unfortunately the UK doesn't seem to like it. We're all a bunch of cheesey fuckers... :(


This is a no nonsence, heavily psychedelic combination of tracks. I hope you enjoy and I would value any opinion, good or bad...


Fraggletrollet - Unknown Cause - Human alien

Oneiromanix - The Bipolar Magician

Access Gremlin - Nordular

Procs - Samsonited

Encephalopaticys - Error 11

Alien Mental - A Time of Lost Theories

Troglodytes - No Isolated Archetypes

Attoya - Paradise Found

Access Gremlin - Nordular

Attoya - What I've Felt

Derango - Glo So

Whirikk - Rainbow Riff


The track list may be slightly wrong...correct me if it is :)



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