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Infected's Freestlye (it's sad)

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Guest Mike D

It's really sad reading so many reviews baggin the new freestlye cd fom I.M, it is sad not only because the vocals and the music is amzingly great, but also that this scene has reached such a point that it is perceived to be bad to experiemnt and redifine anything, welcome to the generic state of psytrance/goa music, not only is it wonr go for a group like Califoirnia Sunshine to revisit the past, not only is it worng for a group like Astral Projection to try and update their sound a bit, but it is wrong for Infected, the group who made experimentation in psy music such a pleasure, to take us one step further, I don't beleive that mp3's are the only thing killing this scene, I think it is the sad generic state that we have reached and fail to push and respect the future.

Guest jonathan

sorry man but I just don't like it. It sounds bad to me. It isn't even that innovative do you think that people here listen to stricly psytrance here? How exactly is this freestyle stuff they are doing a step foward? Mixing hiphop vocals on top of a (very nice) built up electronic groove , wow I have really never heard that done before.


While listening to side B of the cd I was acually thinking most of the time how familiar most of it sounds. I disctictly recognized things that sounded like: Shpongle, FSOL, Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, the Eurythmics, and Madonna. Lucky for me I was driving the first time I heard it because otherwise I would have fell asleep it is so boring and predictable.


If you like that though, good for you, enjoy it. Its a matter of taste. I hate it when people tell me that because I don't like a specific artist or album then I am closeminded or I should listen again (and again and again until I'm brainwashed).

Guest spacemonkey

doing something different from what you did before doesn't mean it's innovative.


now let me say that i haven't heared the album, but i wanted to point that out.


also i do think that yes their is some formula for psy trance nowdays (tip world GMS), but you simply have to look at labels like demon tea, psy harmonics, exogenic, surreal audio, devix craft cordings to see, that it isn't all formula work.

yes there is a certain "main stream", but a positive reaction to that is a certain underground sound which is completly different and expiremental.


hearing all these different things about IM's new album i get curious, but i also am afraid i might be dissapointed. only way to find out is buying the piece of plastic.

Guest homsy

What is so sad about artists developing their music and sliding into different areas.


Whats so great about this electronic revolution is that it has no end when it comes to abillities.


On the other hand one doesnt need to like or to dig all these changes and such.


But to cry that the end of the scene is comming, well thats a bit childish and narrow.


Many faces to the world we live in, some are likable some are not.


Find a path - enough with all of this criticizm

Guest --==1400MiLeS==--

From what I read and heard, many ppl regard the trance side as boring and play-it-safe whereas there is appreciation for the freestyle side.


I especially like that 80s touch...In fact, it is the first time since Classical Mushroom that material from IM didn't disappoint but exceeded my (somewhat low) expectations.


My only gripe is that the production isn't exactly fat and that the synths could have been trippier and weirder. Its a bit thin on sound. But composition wise the trax are quite good.


I find the trance side quite boring and the freestyle side just boring.. I do like those 2 tracks with michelle though.. but it's like they used the same formula on every single track.. it's not ground breaking.. it's boring..

Guest --==1400MiLeS==--

Its somehow groundbreaking since freestyle like that is scarce in psytrance. Only Flying Rhino stuff like Red Seal and Boom Devil come to mind. Maybe the Emou album...


I agree that it could have been better...But the genre jumping of IM isn't that common...

Guest Daniel

I 100% agree with you Mike D!!!!!!!!!!!!!


both Freestyle Side AND Trance Side rock!!!!


Like all Infected albums this one needs time to grow on people....on the Infected Phorum at http://www.infected.co.il/ people have been discussing how each individual Infected album has always gotten a lot of bad remarks in there 1st several weeks, even months after it's release....but after the album gets digested into the listener (Infected's music is hard to digest for the average listener at times...) they love the album...this one is no different I say give it time.

Guest Kiph T. Elephant

I'd say it's the opposite. Infected is very easy to get into, but it gets boring quite fast.


I think The new sound of infected should have been what they have been doing all along. I heard it in classical mushroom and now i hear it again. Trance for them is too limited. They should follow their creativity. I don't see people attacking simon for takeing a break from trance.



My problem with infected mushroom has always been that their music is too full of raw blurps and farts mixed awkwardly with raging, screaching, over-the-top melodies that take to long to get to. Their music also tends to lack any groovy quality and is just too thin and acidic. This is of course for my tastes. God knows there are tons of infected fans out there, so they must be doing something right.


I listened to the samples of this album and it sounds like more of the same so no thanks...


As for the freestyle stuff, it sounds okay, but a bit too popy and not worth buying really. I'll pass.

Guest Mike D

Nice to see all these opinions coming out and I'm sorry if I hurt ya feelings, just that to me, this is by far Infected's best work and it is vyery groovy and danceable :)

Guest peaceful warrior

To jonathan and traveller: What you guys are saying sounds fine in theory, about people having the right to have their own tastes and everything, but unfortunately I don't think that is what these complaints are about in reality. Jonathan says "While listening to side B of the cd I was acually thinking most of the time how familiar most of it sounds. I disctictly recognized things that sounded like: Shpongle, FSOL, Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, the Eurythmics, and Madonna." Well by his standard how is anything at all truly "innovative". Traveller I have seen you around and it seems that you worship Simon Posford but don't tell me that you don't hear a little bit of FSOL, Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, The Eurythmics and even Madonna in his music.

Jonathan also says "How exactly is this freestyle stuff they are doing a step foward? Mixing hiphop vocals on top of a (very nice) built up electronic groove , wow I have really never heard that done before." Well actually jonathan I haven't heard it in exactly that way before. I do think it is quite innovative. Just like I think that the Shpongle albums are quite unique and (more importantly) good. Of course if I wanted to take a cheap shot at it I could just say it is some unoriginal electronic beats and psychedelic sounds with a lady singing over the top of it sometimes, but of course that is a stupid oversimplification of the music. What bothers me is that no matter how asinine and ignorant someone's views are, they always act like they can escape criticism just by saying "well it's a matter of opinion". Of course there is room for personal taste but that doesn't give you the right to contradict an objective fact. Traveller you say ".. but it's like they used the same formula on every single track.. it's not ground breaking.. it's boring..". That has got to be a joke. Show me how they use the same formula on every track, I dare you. They no more used the same formula on every track as did Simon on his Shpongle albums. I really believe that you guys just have something against Infected Mushroom, what you say just doesn't make sense. After all, you guys would be fine if I said that Simon Posfords work wasn't my favorite but if I claimed he sucked and that his music was just plain boring everyone would know I was just an idiot who had something against him.

Guest Daniel



Beauty to my eyes Peaceful Warrior! I agree with everything you said. Very nice explaination and debate.


Like I've always said, too each their own....some people like Infected Mushroom and some people like having sex with farm animals. Case in point. :-)


*Oh and one little note....I do recognize a formula that Infected sticks to, every artists has a forumla, and it's the artists that find a good one and can seem to change it but never really do....Infected does that well at least IMO.

Guest jonathan

Infected was the first trance that I ever heard (psycho was the track)


I have seen them play here in the States 5 different times, and I have massive respect for what they have done for the trance scene. I have actually sat down and chatted with Erez and I found him to be a very nice down to earth guy who was willing to answer all my questions very patiently.


That is exactly why I am so dissapointed with their new album, I have been waiting for this for a long time and I even preordered a copy I was so sure that it was going to rock.


I have some more to say but I need to go back to studying.


The thing that got me going and still does is that some people think that there is only one genre in the whole world and if somebody steps outside of our little cage and makes something slightly different then he should be showered with praise because we are all so ignorant that we have never heard anything like that before. I resent that.


Infected does have a formula of course and it is usually a good one. The fact of the matter is that you can hear a brand new infected track (that you've never heard) and you will immedietly know who made it. Thats not a bad thing its just that they have an unmistakeable trademarked sound. The thing is this formula might be kind of limiting because they need to use the same basslines, grooves, melodies, fx's, etc. I hope you get what I am saying. I really do hope that this CD will grow on me because I could have used those 20 bucks on some of the other great CD's out right now: Younger Brother, Ticon, Panick, and more.


Yes. Most good artists have a trademark sound. I've never understood why people slag an artist for being recognizable. Hell, Simon, who many seem to worship around here, has a very distinctive sound. I don't think this by itself makes the music good or bad. But whatever...


I don't care so much whether an artist has "a sound." All that matters to me is whether I like that sound :)


I personally don't like the infected sound (although they have made a few tracks I just love).


Llisten to what you like. That's my reccomendation ;)


just saying.. allmost all the tracks in the "freestyle" side are interrupted at some point with that growly bass synth thingie..


if the freestyle side would have been made in "the messenger" and "dancing with kadafi" style I wouldn't have a problem with it..

Guest peaceful warrior

Jonathan I understand what you are saying but I don't agree with your mis-characterization of people who think that this new Infected Mushroom album is both innovative and really good. It seems you think people are praising Infected for stepping outside "our little cage" and "making something slightly different", but I don't think it is about that at all.

I think people recognize that it is a well composed/produced album with some fresh ideas and they happen to really like it.

Of course we have all heard and listened to music outside of psytrance and we are well aware of the sounds which have been done before. So I don't understand your resentment. All people are saying is that Infected have again created something that is quite unique and that furthermore they think it is quite good. It is reasonable that some people might come along and say 'yeah I do see some innovation but for me personally it isn't as good as some of the other stuff coming out'. But what is unreasonable and completely dishonest is people who want to make it a black or white issue, i.e. it is either perfect goodness or perfect trash. They expect people to respect their "opinion" when they say that they see "no innovation" and that it is totally boring and just completely sucks. I am sorry, but anytime I see this attitude it seems to me that the person is really motivated by something other than expressing their honest opinion and it usually comes down to jealousy, a desire to be contrary to other people's opinions, or an attempt to put down one artist so as to elevate another (i.e. Simon Posford is god therefore Infected Mushroom must suck).

I don't see a reason for such black or white thinking. For instance, I think Simon Posford is a very talented musician/producer whose music I really enjoy and I also think that Infected Mushroom are talented musicians/producers whose music I enjoy. That is not to mention all the other talented artists whose music I enjoy. My point is that opinion is usually a matter of preference and degree. Especially within one genre like psytrance where all the music is very similar, it doesn't make sense to say you think Simon Posford's music is genious and then turn around and say Infected Mushroom's music is complete crap. Both artists's music are so similar that to "hate" one's music would be to "hate" a majority of the others' music and so the only sensible conclusion would be that one sucks and the other sucks almost as bad. Or we can say that we like one better than the other but that they are both good and that it is only a degree of preference which might make us listen to one more than the other.

So, in the end, this album may not be your favorite and you may prefer many other artists albums coming out at the moment but please don't expect us to believe that you really think this album "lacks any innovation" and that it is completely boring. If you love psytrance there is no way that you can hate this album.

BTW having a characteristic sound or style is not the same as using a "formula" to create every song. Art is an expression of the soul and the uniqueness of each artists' soul will necessarilly translate to a uniqueness in the sound and spirit of their music. Whenever I hear a track by Simon Posford I can tell that it is his music without being told that it is. This does not mean that Simon Posford's music is unoriginal or formulaic. It just means that he is expressing himself through his art.





P.S. The new Panick album IS awesome.


Guest Setsuko

..well , my opinion .. if someone is interested .


listening to the new infected , it's like re-living my puberty ages ... the years I listened to chaotic psy on mdma ...


nut now in real live , "converting vegetarians" sounds so cheesy and ridiculous being sober several years ... sorry if I hurt somebody but the music is for kids ... there's no deepness inside it (like in the Passages album by MidiMiliz) .. it's all too predictable ... some elements have nice filters and stuff , like we're usual hearing from IM ..



I just can't handle the 'coolness' in it ...

Guest Peaceful warrior

O.K. Setsuko you convinced me. Converting Vegetarians is children's music. There is no depth and it is totally predictable. I mean you must know because you're all grown up now and stuff. But us kids were just fooled by the 'coolness' in it and we were deceived into thinking it is good. I am glad we have people like you to come along and set us strait or else we might go on listening to cheesy and ridiculous music like Converting Vegetarians.

If you couldn't sense the sarcasm in my writing I am telling you now that it was dripping with it.

Really Setsuko, you go on and post another stupid irrational opinion of the sort that I was just talking about. I guess its hopeless. Some people are going to keep on posting reviews and opinions of the kind that say "this sucks", "this music is soooo boring", "it is music for kids", "it is not innovative at all".

Well I'll tell you what sucks and what is boring is reading stupid, worthless posts like those.

If you just can't handle the 'coolness' (whatever the hell you mean by that)in Converting Vegetarians then don't listen to it but please don't bother us with your irrational remarks.

Guest Setsuko

ok they are just experimenting ... and sure it should have a funny effect but it irritates me as hell ... after listening to Banco De Gaia "Big Men Cry" which is insane IM sounds like fisherprice with lot's of fancy fluoro colors ... no depth at all


I'm not going to blame you listening en enjoying IM , no.. that's your own wright ... all I do is giving my opinion ... there is still such a thing as free speech no ?

Guest aricz

IM is very easy to get into. That's the reason they're so popular outside the psytrance-scene. Kids music, well.... hehe, i agree with setsuko on it has no real depth. IM is poppish. quite cheezy. very thin soundscape. bla bla bla bla bla bla, i like'em.

Guest Bajen_vraket

Converting vegeterians is a very cool album. i like it...its not like classical(which album is that?). "The other side" is an ordinarie soundjourney and i love it!

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