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Some of you may know the tune from Paul Oakenfold's Perfecto Fluoro



Yeah well the tune is pretty damn sweet so I looked for more from the same artist, turns out, the artist doesn't even exist and the name terrorvision is greeted by time paradox


Terrorvision is a pop-rock band from the 90's, they made a track called conspiracy, and it's shit, but that's beside the point. That track is rock, while the other Conspiracy is goatrance and they're nothing alike

Terrorvision - Conspiracy from Perfecto Fluoro(Albeit it's a mix version, but you get the idea)

Terrorvision - Conspiracy from the rock band



Zero connection with the tracks, absolutely none but here's the fun part, the paradox part...

This is the promo cover for the goatrack Conspiracy hexadecimal mix, who's done by Steve Osborne according to the youtube page


It says "Taken From The Forthcoming Single Bad Actress" and bad actress is the rock bands track


But then there's this little fuck



So, basically...











Posted Image


Help me psynews, before my head explodes.


What's the big mystery? It was fairly standard practice in the 90's (and may still be now AFAIK) for pop bands to have dance remixes of their tracks as B-sides. And the remix certainly contains recognisable elements from the original, for example the 4th - 1st cadence that can be heard in the amazon sample occurs repeatedly in the trance track.


I seriously don't hear any relation with the 2 tracks, absolutely none. And yeah, I know stuff like remixes have happened but these two are so nothing alike.

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