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I've noticed these in the credits of some of my favorite releases like Dimension 5 and woob1194. And these releases really are on another level largely because of the beautiful dynamics in the sound. Does anyone have further information on such tools? I'm wondering what they do, how common they were in the 90s, how much of my love for these releases is thanks to these processing programs, etc.


I don't exactly know what they mean by saying that. It could be the mastering studio, because it doesnt mention anything about mastering. Or it could be the studio where they made the album.

Both albums you mention are from the uk. So it could easily be one of those instead of a ultrasupersounding tool to enhance 3d. There is something called a stereo enhancer which does give it a wider feel. But if they used it they probably did during the production. Or maybe a little on the master.


Maybe mars or anoebis can shed some light on this.


well.. basically pretty much all music is 3d. You can pan sounds to the left and right. You have low and high freqs. And soft sounds or big reverbed sounds will sound far away and hard short reverbed sounds will sound close. So there you already have 3 dimensions. How much can you add to that? It will only sound more 3d i think if it is in 5.1, But i doubt if any psytrance is made in 5.1


Perhaps it's made with account for haas effect to enable "real" stereo in headphones? Though that would sound really weird on speakers.


Very nice information thanks!


> basically pretty much all music is 3d. You can pan sounds to the left and right. You have low and high freqs. And soft sounds or big reverbed sounds will sound far away and hard short reverbed sounds will sound close. So there you already have 3 dimensions. How much can you add to that?


Well of course no program is going to add another dimension to sound, it will just make it easier to control your sounds in 3d space by taking control of the precise details for you.

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