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This music is sacred 3ˆ


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Goa trance music and psy trance ... and trance... just that beat in itself is so so sacred. I had a overwhelming spiritual experience recently. I can't belive how spiritual the music is. I am always hearing positive messages and mysticism, sacred chants and aums. it's obvious this is direct spiritual inspiration from the universal source. God universal mind whatever u want to call it. It's a spinning dance . God is a disco ball in my mind. The beat's repetitive nature keeps you in the moment sends you into a trance, where self awareness is hightened spiritual levels. This music points very much in a healthy direction.


there is no light. there is sound, not heard, but felt in many diffrent ways.

I think our little goa hippies could teach other kinds of people like christians or athieiests a thing or two about reality or whatever like to call THIS.


so i just want to say that just incase u haven't realized this music would be good church temple and prayer music.


try meditating with some parasense you'll know what i mean. Listen to their newest stuff. The really fast baselines and nearly nothing else. That represents the universal vibration and it can tune you into it every well! Try it. hum or chant AAAOUUUUUMMMM. or just focus on the baseline or your breaths. Repetition is a very good symbol of reality. Yin and yong forces constently exchanging their virtues, creating life energy and the masculine and femanine forces of the big THIS.


the vibrations point right to it. just listen and focus on it, meditate on it, it's pure insight.



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Guest Zaramatu

If you think that 140>BPM psytrance can be used for meditation, you really have a thing or two to learn about meditation, trances and neurology...

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Guest Quazzi

I would rather meditate with beatless ambient, music you can really melt into. Way to dificult for me to focus listening to some banging psy.



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Guest soyouth

Whatever the music, the most importat is that you get touched and feel the universe, there are hundreds of ways to talk about this inner discovery of unity between brahman and atman but it's all expressing the same idea. I glad to see your post since I feel more and more people just listen to trance and take drugs just for kicks without trying to dig deeper into it whereas this can bring a lot to your inner self (including the discovery that there is no "inner self"...)


Peace Love Unity and Respect

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Guest joyrex

Good point soyouth, some people use running for meditation, some are just still in one place without moving. Also fast music can be used for the same purpose (triggering a 'spiritual experience' or whatever you want to call it) as slow. The same frequencies exist in both ways, just multiplied... there are many ways to truth ;)

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