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S-Range - Remixed Memories

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S-Range - Remixed Memories


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It had become quite silent about the artist S-Range in the last few years ... after his two critically acclaimed albums "2001" (released in 2001) and "Space" (released in 2003), there was a big gap. A number of compilation tracks and remixes and rumors of a leaked album was all that remained besides the (official) release of only one single ("Another Theory, the Remixes") that came out until ... well, until one week ago!


However, Anthony Sillfors, the man behind the S-Range alias, decided to break this long period of silence and show the people that he's still alive and making good music!

For that purpose, a series of releases has been planned, where the Remixed Memories album shall be the first one.


Regardless of anything yet to come (we will get to know soon enough), this album per se stands for 10 years of S-Range tracks and what people made out of them over time. It contains some selected tunes out of S-Range's musical history, transformed through the zeitgeist. A remix album. Basically "Astral Projection - Ten" style. Anthony Sillfors' involvement in this release is, that he himself himself picked these remixes.


And that brings me already to the spot what might disturb some fans: since the zeigeist that I mentioned before is fullon, this album contains a well dimensioned share of it. This will not surprise people who have been following Anthony's live acts over the years and noticed the changes in the style, but it will be something new for those who are used to the old sound.


Let me tell you this: I don't like fullon myself. I really don't like it; people who know me here since longer will know. Thus, I was quite skeptical as I checked out the samples on psyshop. But since I'm a great fan of S-Range, I still decided to order this thing -- and verbally rip it apart in a review if necessary...


Turns out it isn't necessary at all. This release is actually good! Lots of new elements and new perspectives for old and already well known tracks.

Well, okay, some tracks could be better and there are a few tracks which don't float my boat at all, but overall it's really not bad.


Track by track it listens as follows:

The first track is Morning Star (Re:actor remix). An instant startoff after a short intro prepares for the basic fullon style of this album. The piece has not much in common with the original except the twinkling synth parts in the background and the voice samples. It has a very trancy touch, especially in the finish. Overall it's a signal regarding what potential Morning Star actually has. However, I'm not too big a fan of this.

Second one is Yellow Base (Atomic Pulse remix). Fullon flair again, a great deal rougher than the first one ... and it seems to have even less in common with its original. This one is one of the reasons for my expression that the album "could be better" above ... but it's nothing too bad.

Third track is Serial Overtypes (Skulptor vs SMS remix). And here now finally begins what I like about this entire album: the elements of the original tracks are still present and are taken and re-arranged in a bit of a new manner, giving the original itself a new touch (after all, this is what remixes are about, but the former two tracks kinda didn't do it for me). This is good! I didn't even like Serial Overtypes that much, but thanks to this I finally realize how good it really is! Yeah that totally does it! And the short synth bleep melody is the cream topping. A total new perspective on the whole track. THIS is what I pay for!

And it keeps getting better, the fourth track is coming: Boom (Zen Mechanics remix). This one is really good ... I loved the original Boom, but over the years I concluded that I kinda missed a bit of a bite in it. This remix gives it just that bite. The rest remains miraculously unchanged -- well, not THAT unchanged, but the basic effects are the same ... and also this absolutely perfect brilliant warm synth melody that Boom is so known for, it's there as ever, no trance overkill or anything ... this makes for a really good finish and a really good track! A true to the original remix. Very nice!

The next one, Kym (Mad Maxx remix), attempts to do it the same way like the third track ... Kym effects in a new dress, but it doesn't really make it, especially in the second half of the song and I end up finding it to be too intense and too fullonish. Clearly not one of my favourites...

And then there comes Hypermental (Exaile vs Uriel remix). Now well, I had great expectations for this one (Hypermental is one freakin', freakin' awesome track!) ... but I don't really know what to make of this one. I want to like it, the usage of the original's background synth loop is good, it's a happy track, nice, warm effects, but then the breaks and the fullon style in this one is what I really can't bring myself to love. Although I see good intentions in it...

However, once past this point, the album really shows its qualities. Track 7, Larger Plan (Squidfingers remix), is probably the best one on the CD. Larger Plan is my favourite old (pre-2001) S-Range track and this remix absolutely does it justice. Good bassline, wonderful effects with a significant touch of the original and the melodic part is plain awesome. It got me dancing through the flat to this ... really good!

Test Tones (Alternative Motion remix) is a very good one aswell. I loved Test Tones, this track is well known and also has been remixed by Chromosome already (an awesome remix aswell btw). This one adds quite a new touch to it with a different melody theme, but it feels good and solid and fitting. It's really worth listening ... and the really good progression in this one also makes it worth dancing to!

But the best one has been saved for the last track: Space (Ibojima remix)! Unlike all the other tracks, this one is progressive ... and it's damn good! This tune is smooth and nice, with a wonderful warm feeling that triggers memories and lets you just smile and be at peace with all the universe, all that was and all that will ever be. It goes down like a good Southern Comfort on the rocks on the roof of a skyscraper under a clear summer night's sky. Wonderful! A really new polish for Space; not even the original is that good.


The second half of the album is somewhat better than the first one ... but as a whole most of the tracks make a nice impression. Even though there are a few that I don't like (Mad Maaax remix for example) ... the release of this album shows what potential the original tracks have, that they are still rockin' and now even having a comeback in the form of remixes! That's a very strong signal for really good music.


So ... overall, this album should have something for everybody. S-Range fans (old and new!), fullon lovers, even progheads, although these would be better off beatportin' just the last track.

And if you plan to just buy one release with some fullon in it this year, choose this one!


Favourites: 3, 4(!), 7, 8, 9(!!)


I reviewed the CD version here. The Compactstick version contains three more remixes, a DJ mix of 8 CD tracks, the original version of the song Ten 4 and remix files for Ten 4 (in wave format). If anybody owns it and has an opinion, I'd be glad to hear...




I´m very glad to hear u liked my track. It was really special doing this remix, as the original is one of my all time favourite. I´ve just missed a fuc*ing female voice sample that I couldn´t find(I saw and re-saw the movie)! lol


Thiago Naka aka SMS


Meh, I wasn't too impressed with this release. Most of the tracks are just generic full-on (with the exception of the Ibojima remix.) I felt the Mad Maxx remix didn't belong also.


There are much better discs released out there if you are looking for your proggy or even full-on fix.


I feel I should mention that I was never a big S>range fan to begin with. His tracks felt to minimal to me with not a lot of depth.




Meh, I wasn't too impressed with this release. Most of the tracks are just generic full-on (with the exception of the Ibojima remix.) I felt the Mad Maxx remix didn't belong also.


There are much better discs released out there if you are looking for your proggy or even full-on fix.


I feel I should mention that I was never a big S>range fan to begin with. His tracks felt to minimal to me with not a lot of depth.




You know, I wasn't looking for proggy and I wasn't looking for full on, I was looking for the S-Range sound and this release has got some of it, hehehe :)


But if you say for yourself that you never have been a big fan, then it's not really a surprise that you aren't digging it. I'd say this release is particularly for people who know and like the old S-Range tunes and aren't turned off by full on ... for these people, this release can offer something. It's really good to hear some of the old tracks still offering something.


I agree with what you said about the Mad Max remix though.


But the five tracks that I picked out, they are worth it IMO.


oh and cheers for the comment, Mr. SMS :)


But if you say for yourself that you never have been a big fan, then it's not really a surprise that you aren't digging it. I'd say this release is particularly for people who know and like the old S-Range tunes and aren't turned off by full on ... for these people, this release can offer something. It's really good to hear some of the old tracks still offering something.


I agree with what you said about the Mad Max remix though.




Could not agree more.





I like hearing, 'mentioned before' the s-range sound,

but it does not top other releases,

in the contrary, it sounds indeed a bit flat sometimes...


s - range : another theory (chromosome rmx)


is still unbeaten imo Posted Image

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