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Guest nomad

i posted yesterday about mp3's but someone seems to have wiped it..


are there any good sites that have a good selection of mp3's FOR SALE ??

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Guest spacemonkey

post in the off-topic.

and why do you want ot buy mp3's? seriously paying for crappy quality?


and the sites doing it are mostly not giving it to artists unless they have a deal, so it's fishy and probably just as illegal as normal DLíng that's why it's deleted.


like someone posted ion the older topic, this site can be shutted down iof illegal trading is done so find out for yourself, you can't post it here sorry.

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Guest dam10n

I believe apple's itunes has launched recently in the US where you can buy downloaded mp3's for 99 cents each, then do what you want with them... mainly stick 'em on your local itunes desktop, or d/l to an ipod


apple are currently speeding along to get the service launched in Europe (before someone copies their business plan) but other than that, maybe try groovetech.com (not sure if they actually sell mp3's though)


anything psy-specific, don't think you'll have any luck tho

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Guest spacemonkey

for some strange reason it works damned good though, the itunes bussiness is doing at least 10 times better then they had expected.









the read from mailbag:


At the end of that Apple article I asked the Mac fans, in jest, to send me over a dollar for reading the article. What do you know...


From: xxxxxx@umich.edu

Sent: Friday, May 09, 2003 9:35 AM

To: briggsb@bbspot.com

Subject: Here is my dollar.


Dear BBspot,


You've got cash!


John xxxxxx just sent you money with PayPal.


John xxxxxx is a Verified buyer.



Payment Details



Amount: $1.00

Transaction ID: 4MS2896XXXXXXXX

Subject: Here is my dollar.

Note:(Eds. Note: Apple users, the cost of reading this article is $1. Please send your payment to BBspot.com)


Thanks for the great article. Here is my dollar.





The rest of you probably just downloaded the article off Kazaa! Thieves!


Not everybody could find my PayPal address...


From: Paul [mailto:xxxxxx@comcast.net]

Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 9:30 AM

To: briggsb@bbspot.com

Subject: 'cooler' poll



If I sell my soul, maybe you'll stop using the words 'Neo' and 'cool' in

the same county, much less the same poll. Hmm...


Nice Apple article - can you take a check?




From: Gary [mailto:xxxxxx@mac.com]

Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 3:59 AM

To: briggsb@bbspot.com

Subject: one dollar


I use mac OS. Should I use paypal? I really enjoyed the article.

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