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Hallucinogen - Mi-Loony-Um!

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Did anybody else notice the weird, misplaced click in My-Loony-Um! vinyl version? I have two different copies of the EP, but the click is on both of them... although not on the CD-version, for example the one on Distance To Goa 9.

Guest El Hongo Loco

I don't have it on vinyl... So why do I post then you ask?? I just had to say that I luuuuuuuuv that song... Especially the first 2 minutes... Wonderful stuff!! =)


nah mann... a friend of mine has it on vinyl, and I have listened to it a few times when I was at his place... I didn't notice any mistakes... And I never heard my friend complaining about it either!

Guest phaeton

yeah i noticed the click as well and thought my copy was a misprint or something at first ... needless to say i went insane hehhe ... but then i downloaded an mp3 of it and found out that it was in there as well, so i guess it's actually supposed to be there ... the click does go quite rhythmically with the music, but it is definitely rather odd ;)


Really odd indeed... but why is it there? Maybe Simon Posford used it for some kind of count down? It ain't there all the time, and I haven't heard it on any mp3's as well.

Anybody noticed the vinyl for Mi-Loony-Um! as well? The first I have is really heavy and thick, while the one I received to day is standard sized and very light.


I have the Distane To Goa and the Demented versions on cd and it has the click, it annoys me but so what?? It is only there for a short while and the song kicks arse! One of Posford's all time greatests! An Awesome way to start a set I found out hehe, at my mates 21st!


I have SA 2000 comp and i havn't noticed anything... but i LOVE the modem and phone sounds. that is just amazing amzaing amaizng creative genious and just BUAERORJOJR!JOI!JROI awesome SHTI!!!

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