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Guest djdennis

my parents have a shit with theyr firm.during this shit they'll have party nights today and tomorow.

yesterday they had one too.i brought(besides cd-players and a pc) one of my reloop 4000 mkII decks.

there was a total of about220W(and today theres another 600 to come :D ).the prob is that if i put some volume on my deck i get this crazy hurling sound like when a mic is not set correct...dunno whats called in english..in romanian its called MICROPHONIA. :o


how can i get rid of this???i have a 40W speaker extremely close to the deck,i'll move it,but will this solve the problem..can anyone help???????



and please explain why i get this sound?someone told me that it is because of the "inferior quality" deck,but isn't the cartidge which generates the wave?btw i have a shure.

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