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This isn't such a bad thing, afterall it does improve musical perception into something special from something ordinary and music is fun to listen to. I had this hearing originally but then I started getting visions in 2005 with different things then 'Agent Smith' came. I thought this is another guy - earlier I had Lucifer and some other guy - so who is he meant to be. I saw him flying through the sky at the beginning I think and once he started talking he said he was 2 divided by zero - infinity ie. God. So I thought fine what does he want and he started threatening me (he literally said i was gonna go into the sun at the time which obviously freaked me out and later he said he did it to scare me and it wasn't really true - he likes scaring people) and he also changed my hearing and it became normal and worse. It didn't sound proffessional and proper, songs sounded pretty crappy I was able to get him to change it back cause I was so desperate for my old hearing while I was staying at a mental recovery centre. Well he still hasn't left but he's not threatening although I am hearing a girl screaming badly from outside my house which makes me think she's watching me get tortured (another version of me perhaps). He says he's doing it to scare me cause it's funny to him and he can do anything. It is obviously freaking me out sometimes but just today I thought yeah it's just a joke, that sort of shit is not really normal. I finally got fed up and wrote this on the internet even though he told me I shouldn't because this shit really doesn't happen to anyone does it? What do you think?


Hey dude, didn't you write in some other thread that you're on anti-psychotic medication? I'm not trying to judge or anything, but from the sound of it, it seems like you're hallucinating. And if these are 'people' (if Lucifer and God can be defined as people) are doing things to you, or telling you what or what not to do, it might be wise to pay a visit to your doctor/psychiatrist. :)


I'm not one to judge this, especially not from a distance and without knowing you, but I really think it's wise to consult a professional on this. Good luck! :)


You sound like the psychiatrist that put me on medication in the first place. Who do these people think they are that they can put you on medication for no medical reason? I certainly don't allow that sort of sh*t with me. I had only written a letter to him to get some help with stuff like - being sexually abused, having an obssession with white girls, wanting to explode a nightclub for being excluded from it (maybe that was the recoil effect of anti-depressants that I used to be on and gone off of) and other stuff that made perfect sense, it didn't mean that I was ill, it's just the most appropriate way for me, as a self respecting individual to react to things. Anyway he tried to barge into my house mainly I think because he wasn't a white guy and didn't like what I wrote about white girls and supplied me with anti-psychotic medication which I thought was inappropriate and 'as if' I would choose to take that sh*t cause I was healthy. But then he had to come back another day and force me to go to the hospital and start taking it which gave me hallucinations later and now I'm stuck on it. F*** this bullsh*t world. :)


Actually I never really wanted to go to nightclubs in high school. I can't remember what it was. Can you really suppress someone like that with medication just because they form a smart sane reaction? I guess I have to be stupid and form a stupid approval. I especially hate the side effects. It's just like the Dr Strangelove movie. I hate Stanley Kubrick too.


And I also have a guy with long fingers in my head , is masked who makes me think all this sh*t is his set up for me. The Tomic album has his hand on there and it's called 'My number one' making me think I'm his number one victim or something. Maybe cause he's mad at me for calling God my father (some guy called me Jesus at the hospital) for some reason or other - maybe I didn't like the way I was being subjected to live. Well it's all obvious bullsh*t and I don't need any of this. :angry:


Well I guess it was crazy to think like that about nightclubs but I was so fed up with being subjected to basically stay in my room and excluded from fun. And some wrong people like non-white guys were there attempting to get to you know who. That should not happen to me at the hands of other people is what I thought so..... medication just makes you accept it. It's not like I would actually 'explode' a nightclub. I just get so angry.

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