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Best/Worst of 2003 so far?!


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So, what's the best & worst stuff to come out this year in your opinion?


I don't download so I can't listen to ALL releases... I've done quite a few trades though and have bought loads of stuff, and here's what I like/dislike...


My best investments this so far this year:

[in no particular order...]


Younger Brother "A Flock Of Bleeps"

Vibrasphere "Lime Structure"

Mumbo Jumbo "Speaking In Tounges"

Infected Mushroom "Converting Vegetarians"

Bio-Tonic "On The Rox"

Silicon Sound "Pure Analog"

Parasence "Avangard"

Asura "Lost Eden"

Dark Nebula "8th Sphere"

V/A "Raja Ram's Stashbag 2"

V/A "Psycho Laboratory"

V/A "The Secret Of The 13 Crystal Skulls"

V/A "Zoo 2"

V/A "Pavarti - Third Trip"

V/A "Blissfull Moments"

V/A "Klatu Barada Nikto"

V/A "'Israliens 4"


Biggest let-downs this year so far:


Zorba "Zorba"

Spirallianz "Stereopark"

Igneous Sauria "Encephalophagus"


Still waiting for a few new incoming CDs... And I'm pretty sure I'll buy loads more through the rest of the year...


What's your fav'es/worst releases this year?



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Guest snoosnoo



*Igneus Suria


*Dark Nebula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




*Wizzy Noise

*Aes Dana


*VA - Radical Simplicity

*VA - Orbis Tertius

*VA - Interzone Vol. 2

*VA - Israelians 4

*VA - Virtual Memory

*VA - Psycho Laboratory

*VA - Third Trip

*VA - FX

*VA - Born Again

*VA - Swamp

*VA - Dilation





*IM!!!!!!! Big time disappointment

*Aphid Moon

*Bio Tonic

*Faktor D (I almost cried when I heard this one)

*Shiva Shandra - not because it sucks, but because I felt it all fell apart when I heard "Bucketgroover" which he made with Mapusa Mapusa. I think Daniel's lost his magic. I really hope it's not true :( :(

*Mumbo Jumbo

*and of course, YAHEL


*VA - Blissful Moments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *choke*


*Night 24 Hours (too many mediocre tracks)

*Irresistible Meltdown 2

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Guest mijis

best : biotonic , mumbo jumbo , perplex , younger brother , vibrasphere , s range .



Worst : Dark soho , ticon ,tegma .



worst show of the year : frankee (psycho pod / kox box ) at pachuca

why ?? because he was very drunk .


Best show : xenomorph at avantgarde

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Guest massive_yak


wizzy noise - elektro theatre

va - psycho laboratory

infected mushroom - converting vegetarians disc one

shift - white widow EP

va - orbis tertius

dark soho - combustion (2002, but close enuff to consider it)



fractal glider - digital mandala

infected mushroom - converting vegetarians disc two

c.o.n. sequencer - impulses

tim schuldt - first error code (i do like two tracks on it though)

parasense - avangaro

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Guest WSTE_M

Best album : Parasense - Avangard

Worst: IM - Converting Vegetarians


Best show: X-Dream @ Amager bio

worst: Shiva Chandra @ Bastionen



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Guest peaceful warrior

By far the best is:

Infected Mushroom - Converting Vegetarians


Other good ones are:

Younger Brother - A Flock of Beeps

Wizzy Noise - Electro Theater

Panick - Rocket Pocket

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Guest Perro Andaluz




Dark Nebula-The 8th Sphere

Panick-Rocket Pocket

VA-Virtual Memory

VA-Psycho Laboratory




Biggest Disappointments:


Younger Brother- A Flock of Bleeps


Raja Ram's Stash Bag Volume 2

Asura-Lost Eden

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Guest Final Conflikt



SPIRALLIANZ - stereopark


CLANGOUR (compilation)





there are too many shit releases to mention...

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Best: many ambient releases



Silicon Sound - Pure Analog

Younger Brother - A Flock Of Bleeps

V/A - Blissfull Moments

Zorba - Zorba

Fractal Glider - Digital Mandala

V/A - Ice-O-Later



too many

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Guest psychotronic



-Wizzy Noise : Elecktro Theater

-Ticon : Aero

-V/A Clangour

-V/A Psycho Laboratory


Worst and dissapointing:


-Infected Mushroom : Converting Vegetarians

-Zorba : Zorba

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Guest Lair

As I paruse the lists I see one person's treasure is an other's trash



So far this year I have bought


Infected mushroom- Converting Vegitarians

Dark Soho- Combustion




SO far this year I have not been disapointed by anything I have bought.

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Guest Space Ninja

Well it supposed to be a better year but we had some nice releases so far:


Younger Brother - A Flock Of Bleeps

Infected Mushroom - Converting Vegetarians

Vibrasphere - Lime Structure

Panick - Pocket Rocket

Son Kite Receptive 12"


The Best Compilations:

Think Sync




And some dissapointing ones:

Silicon Sound - Pure Analog


The Secret Of The 13 Crystal Skulls

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Guest Kokoretsi


Oszilla - Return to Neverland ( The Amazing Suprise ) :))))))



Dark Nebula - The 8th Sphere (aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!! its hoot... 8) )


Very Good

Silicon Sound - Pure Analog ( Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!) :)))



Charm - Pathfinder (Yes my sound !:) )



IM - Converting Vegetarians (sounds ok buuuut...)


mmmm... not good

Intergallactic - Outer Galaxy (Not another teen movie.. :P)



Frequency Deluxe (ZZZZZZ)



Flying Scorpions - Lipoptena Cevi (WTF?)



I just heard the new Planet Ben in psyshop and sounds WUNDERBAR !!! :))

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Guest unikos

Perro: I know its all a matter of taste, but how can u say that asura - lost eden was a dissapointment ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Guest --==1400MiLeS==--




Flying Scorpions





Fractal Glider (ugh)


Silicon Sound



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Guest ciotera

I can understand if someone is disapointed by the new Asura. I could listen to the first Asura for hours without getting bored, but this one.. the only song that I really like is the "Land & Freedom".. most of the others aren't bad either, but some are simply annoying.. It's all a matter of taste of course, I'm annoyed when vocals dominate the track, whether it's a Turkish guy singing or a Jewish guy rapping.

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Guest snoosnoo

I agree with you 100% ciotera. After one listen, it's been sitting there collecting dust and neither I nor my cd player have any desire to ever hear it again.

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Guest perro andaluz

Indeed I was expecting something spectacular from Asura, but instead I got a very mediocre release, the tracks that seem to be promising are like 3 minutes long!! Like ciotera said, the only one I really enjoy is Land and Freedom, but it is still too short. =(

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Guest Mike D

Worst of this year:


seeing Alien Project live... if you think GMS sounds the same all the time here this shit live/dj'd for 5 hours str8...

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Guest Echoes From Maharashtra

The best :


- Younger Brother

- Asura

- Silicon Sound

- Talamasca



The Worst :


- Zorba (really disappointed)

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