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Panzar-Tranz from the Swedish label Panzar Produktionz Have their first track ever made out for download, to anyone who wants it.....


On This link u will find info and some other stuff about Panzar-Tranz, but most importent is the free track button, klick it and u will get the first of all Panzar-Tranz tracks ever made for free.(want the .wav version? Drop us an email and u will get it)


The Track is called "Lébyd" witch means nothing special really...


More importent though is the track itself, if u like progressive music and are a bit tired of the "SOUND" that clames to be progressive, but really is some kind of prog-house tech/electro thing, in BPMs from 124-135, and you think all releases seem to be suffering of "allsoundthesamebecauseitshowprogressivemusicsoundsnowadays" symptom....

Are u one of thoose people? If so you must give this a try, please visit the Panzar-Tranz Site


The track is free and downloadable (might require Quicktime)or(Quicktime Alternative), and if you listen to it, like it? and want to hear more of Panzar-Tranz music, please visit us on our myspace site.


Track also available under the Music page on




Swedens only progressive label that doesnt go mainstream. And never will....thats a promise!! B)

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