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Synops Effect deco family consists of 4 people: Niko Kononov, Eldar Mamedov, Miko Anikushin and Andrew Velichko. We have created and put into practice our first works after unforgettable magic adventures on festivals of the Total Solar Eclipse in Turkey and Boom Festival '06 in Portugal...

The main idea underlying our art-installation is to make it possible for a human being with the help of an unconventional, flaming, imaginative and emotional influence on the basic human senses (sight, hearing, smell etc) and 5 elements of the Universe, to feel itself like an ephemeral, ratio body walking freely across unknown Universe into mysterious space, listening to the Harmony of Spheres in the Way the Ancient Tribes realized their fantasies and abilities to penetrate into the other world and capture its essence...


~booking information~

e-mail & msn : rainbowfamily2012@hotmail.com

skype: synops_effect



Some of our art-installations for the last few years:


Skvoznyak project (Kalevala Festival 2009, magic lake Valdai, Russia)

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CONARIUM project (Transylvania Calling festival 2009, Romania)

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The project is based on the Indian system of chakras, relative colours, platonic bodies (Tetrahedron-Fire, Octahedron-Air, Icosahedron-Water, Cube-Earth, Dodecahedron-Quintessence) and parts of the world.

This fractal construction, made in accordance with the laws of Sacred geometry, is a vivid implementation of ’Harmonization of Vibrations’ as well as a centre for meditations and practices.

'CONARIUM' consists of seven independent spaces connected by means of fractal braiding fluorescent strings:

1) 5 similar tetra-pyramids (based on a regular triangle, with the rib A), situated on the relative circles Flower of Life and braided with the relative colour. In the centre of each pyramid there is a relative pivoting platonic body, totally constructed of mirror plastic sheets, what creates an effect of a ’pivoting core’ inside the pyramid as a result.

2) The central hex-pyramid (based on a regular hexagon, with the rib B), inside which there is a pivoting Mer-Ka-Ba( Mer - Light, Ka - Spirit, Ba - Body), totally constructed of mirrors.

3) 'Totemic space' (white colour). The central post will be presented as a totem by means of roots, natural rope and other natural materials.

'CONARIUM' has been projected in accordance with the laws of Sacred geometry - the construction is based on Flower of Life (all posts are established at the points of circles intersection), all lengths are correlated in accordance with the principle of golden section:


r (radius of the circle «Flower of Life») = 1.73 meters;


R (radius of the external circle «Flower of Life») = 6.92 meters;


A (a rib of the tetra-pyramid) = 3 meters;


B (a rib of the hex-pyramid) = 4.30 meters;


h (the height of the tetra-pyramid) = 2.45 meters;


H (the Height of the hex-pyramid) = 3.96 meters.


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Hiawatha Art Festival (Kalguskaya region, Russia)

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Private Festival by Zitron and Yeti (somewhere in Moscow region, Russia)

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"Sri-Yantra portal and 5 rotating elements of the Universe made from the mirrors"(Rirkirmurt privat gallery, Ekaterinburg)

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With Love, Light and Spirituality

  • 3 weeks later...

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