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Title: The Sitting Goddess

Artist: Various

Label: Phototropic Records

Date: March, 2009



1. Dhamsuta - The Sitting Goddess (8:51)

2. Radical Distortion - Journey Into Your Mind (8:44)

3. Aerosis - Anazasi (9:50)

4. Amithaba Buddha - Obsidian Stones (8:35)

5. Pandemonium! - 4 Snobs In A Row (7:01)

6. Goalien - Spititual Rising (7:41)

7. Aurari - Instant Transmission (8:21)

8. Astreveta - Graviton (8:59)

9. Zirrex - Infinite Space (9:20)



Well, here I am with another Phototropic Records compilation in my hand. That makes 3 for 2009 ("Artificial Sun", "Ya Wichna" and now this) not to even mention the re-releases of Synsun's earlier work. These guys have been busy! I was pleased with the two earlier compilations and am looking forward to this one. It seems like another great track list with a few newbies, but mostly established artists. Wow, even a Zirrex track! This label along with Suntrip, Cronomi, DAT Records, Ezel-Ebed and Ultiva are responsible for keeping the old school spirit alive with outstanding release in the melodic goa trance style.


"The Sitting Goddess"- Title track by a pair from Kosovo. Pads and skittering rushes bring the unknown to this track. An ominous goa melody cuts the air like a knife for over 3 and a half minutes. Nothing in your face, just lurking in the background. Waiting to strike. When it hits, you don't know until it is too late. This track is subtle, more slither than sledgehammer. Great opening track.


"Journey Into Your Mind"- These guys are on quite the roll. Their album Psychedelic Dreams was super and their compilation work continues to impress. The thudding kick springs a saddened melody as it snakes its way around my mind. Devious, I would call it. The final melody grows out of a short break and this track finishes strong. Great!


"Anasazi"- C'mon already, where the hell is this album we have all been waiting for? Aerosis is Bobby Ognyanov & Jeremy Green and they have released several tracks that were received very well. Gurgling sounds give way to rich, textured pads speaking for the ancient Pueblo Peoples. This is a spiritual sledgehammer. All aspects come together for a lush mind warping experience. Leads bounce, pads sing, and the bass grumbles. Superb.


"Obsidian Stones"- Filipe is at it again with one of my favorite goa trance projects. He does not disappoint. The Indian mysticism is thick with possibilities. Leads seamlessly meld into each other as the kick thunders underneath. Full power. The 303 screams in defiance and anchors more delicious leads weaving about with razor sharp precision. This is the definition of melodic goa. Outstanding!


"4 Snobs In A Row"- This is one of Filipe's other projects. Is that an accordion? Clever. More goa melodies zip about and the track has a phuncky feel to it. Whereas the last track was full steam ahead, this is more bob and weave type stuff. No less entrancing however. The accordion gives the track a European feel which is an odd combination with the goa mystique. Nonetheless, I loved it.


"Spiritual Rising"- Boris brings the bubbles and sputterings to go along with the synth kick. The pads speak of Armageddon, but the melodies say the spirits shall rise. There is his penchant for Nitzho in the melodies, but they are full and racy, not silly. It's like looking out over a destroyed city but seeing the possibilities of what may be again. Good track.


"Instant Transmission"- Here are newbies emli Robaj, Liridon Uka & Albert Hasani from Kosovo (two of which make up Dhamsuta.) Gentle melodies creep up the spine as other worldly sounds penetrate the ears. The kick is light, but the atmosphere is one of dread and danger. Nice and dark. Different sounds keep the track fresh. This is another one that won't bowl you over, but it does effectively keep things moving.


"Graviton"- After a pretty good track on "Artificial Sun" the Kosovo-ites are at it again. This one is a grower. Starts minimally, but the melodies come in with a whisper growing to a growl. A new melody asserts itself during the break and then others pile on. Not great but, pretty good.


"Infinite Space"- I don't understand why Zirrex is not put on a pedestal like Hallucinogen or the Pleaidians. His album "Lost In Time" for me is one of the greatest goa masterpieces ever. The track "Hollysterius" is 15 minutes of pure goa deliciousness. He must be some kinda good as that album was re-released this past year. This track is a downtempo goa number. Rushes and pads fill it out as a breakbeat drops underneath. Goa melodies flourish below as a lead combines with others above. It's a sunshine explosion! The track creeps along with a thick washy lead that would be acidic in psytrance. Awesome way to end a compilation!


So there you have it. This label should be very proud of what they have done in 2009. All of their compilation work was strong as well as re-releasing some hidden gems of yesteryear. They have a good bunch of artists who know how to make deep and emotional goa trance that I for one will never tire of. They already started 2010 off on the right foot with the very impressive "Goatronika." This disc is highly recommended and I am looking forward to their next offering. Great. Job.





Goa Store





  • 5 months later...

Thanks to the recent article in Computer Music Magazine, I had to revisit this compilation so that I could listen once again to Amithaba Buddhas track: Obsidian Stones. I am not sure as to why, but when I initially heard this track it didn´t capture my attention, this time I decided to give it a proper listen. And yeah it´s a lovely track, very much in the same vein as Lost In Paradise, but a bit more mysterious, very nicely composed! Gotta love the kick drum :D


Thank you Diaks. :)

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