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Peter Gun - Strobe (Tribal Vision rec)

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Peter Gun - Strobe (Tribal Vision rec)





01. Silverstream

02. Barbeque Shapes (Martin H remix)

03. Microsleep

04. Perfect

05. Pressure Point 2010

06. Montagsrokka

07. Oyster Farm

08. Barbeque Shapes

09. Show at Frankie's Bar

10. Deep Flow (with. Martin H)


After the successful number of release from Tribal Vision rec, I stopped to ask my self what will be next to each encounter. I even thought on experimental digital releases that appears from time to time between albums and compilations. I know that they are built their own style since long ago, but lately it comes to expression in particular. Peter Gun, with his new album, totally and perfectly fits into this new label idea.

Lot of electro melodic motives from track to track. Beautiful pads and harmonic moments are everywhere arround. I didn't had a chance to hear those tracks in clubs or any kind of event but I can imagine. Surround with dancing love. Easy going beat reminds on minimal technical moments and background of tracks tell us a quite full story. With the bassline here and there, goes even into progressive water. Successful manipulation of styles into a one whole. The most impressive moment of this album is that, when I heard my friend to play some of tracks themes on his guitar, I realized that this album can be played by live band actually. We have that times while listening music to cover with some instruments that we have arround. About live gig, I guess that would sounds less club, but it would be good as that kind of variations. Very rhythmically and floating. I love housy spots in album but from other side is much more than just a house music. Very innovative. It can be combined in different types of DJ sets. Above all it's spectacular. I see a great lights arround me. Like open space with wide spectrum.

I personally caught the "Montagsrokka". My favorite on this CD!!! Should be a hit!

Will not praise it too much. Really no need for that. Cliche or not, but music has already said enough.

All thubs that I have goes UP!!!




the samples that are least psy sound good (1,6,7,9). we need either more tech in prog or more psy, but the spiceless middleground prog ive heard so much lately is not cutting it. This seems like it has enough tech.


Clearly the style is generic progressive. The problem isn't that it sounds bad, because it does sound good, the problem is that it just sounds slightly better than roughly two thousand other progressive albums. I guess this is a critique against the genre rather than the album however; overall a good progressive album.

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