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Guest spacemonkey

to be honost i am not even sure i own A 2003 release, i have been way to busy collection (very) olreleases the lately.

Guest liarliar

twisted - younger brother album

twisted - ott album

lsd records - butterfly dawn

Guest unikos

until now i think its asura-lost eden or ott's album which i havent heard yet but from the samples im sure i will love it... But there are some releases planned for this year that will most probably come first.. like new rip van hippy album for example...






"; ) to syn"

Guest Quazzi

You mean you don't have Infected Mushroom's album Converting Vegetarians space???!!!!






Come to think of it i don't have it too. Those custom bastards have it in their hands. I wonder what terrible atrocities they might be doing my beautifull cd. Aaaahhhhh, the horror!!!



I don't think i own any 2003 releases either. I prefer collecting the old stuff.


12 Moons - Nimbus EP... can't get enough of that track, its so warm and summery =)


Albums? Ice-o-later was released this year riiight? well thats a smashin' comp, those Boom guys have exactly my musical taste for new stuff I must say...

Guest peaceful warrior

Infected Mushroom - Converting Vegetarians

Younger Brother - A flock of Bleeps

Ticon - Aero

From what I heard of the new Fractal Glider cd it might turn out to be one of my favorites as well.

Guest neomenia

ticon - aero

highpersonic whomen - alternative energysource

green oms - comming trhough in waves (that cricklewood crickets trax puts a smile on me any time i play it)


; - )))


(np: green oms - cricklewood crickets)









share the knowledge before it's too late

: }

Guest Daniel

I too have been collecting older album this year. The only 2003 release I have bought is Infected Mushroom's "Converting Vegetarians" which I absolutely love....it's one of my most cherished CD's.


I'm looking forward to Ott's album and of course Talpas new album.

Guest Mike D

Boshke Beats - Clangour hands down best release this year, and I dout it will get any better lest Boshke release another similar compilation :)

Guest shango

Virtual memory has some good funky psychedelic tracks

Highly recomended.


full on psychedelic:

talamasca - zodiac (the best album by talamasca...12 great tracks )

silicon sound - pure analog (big surprise for me :) )

progressive psychedelic:

s-range - space (i love this style!!! great album )

ticon - aero (i didn't like rewind that much but aero is true killer!!! especially some simple sounds and it breakz my heart....oh this album really breaks my heart (in the good way ) )


infected mushroom - converting vegetarians

flying scorpions - lipoptena cervi (ahahaha what a weird album )


ott's new album is fantastic, too :)

zorba also came with a nice soft album...hehe maybe to cheesy for the minimal lovers but it works perfect for me, i just love this album (actually i don't like typical gms sound that much)


i hope cosma - non stop will be released soon...i've already heard 3 tracks from this album and they are all pure killers (people on hold!!!)

Guest maxi

ott, younger brother, panick, manibus and lsds butterfly dawn :)

Guest rx7style



Ott - Blumenkraft would be next on my list.

Guest sangg

I've just heard "Younger Brother - A flock of bleeps" and it's the BEST!

Guest dzsonee

Most defenately Squaremeat - Jungle Boogie Party Line ...I can't stop listening.

Guest massive_yak

Zaramatu said:


"Juno Reactor - Transmissions"


haha.. 2003.. 1993.. same thing, right?

Guest aricz

ticon and wizzy noise.... *gnaaaaaawrrrrrrrrl* !


dammit you guys youre supposed to pick one.. naming 5 doesnt count as there were only 5 notable releases anyways:)


flock of bleeps - hell yea.

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