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I would like to announce my new homepage. It was about freaking time! Feel free to tune in :) Feedback is very welcome. Hope you like it. And new music is coming :)


Adress: www.filteria.com


Take care / Jannis


A-ha! Ever since I learned about that site I've been checking it monthly, at least. Took your sweet time. Hehheh. :lol:


Looking good, really like the style of it, though, will there be a download section of sorts like in the old site, where you could get Screaming Butterfly and Chaotic-om?


p.s. how did I miss this???

And new music is coming :)





My input: don't auto-play the music. I'm not willing to go to a site that auto-plays any sound because I'm almost always listening to music when I'm on the internets. That's just my pet peeve.


oooh very nicely done! :) like it a lot :)


but like veracohr says, maybe set the music default to "off", as people will turn it on when they want too :) (what a multitasking world can bring to people) :)




I don't mind having the music on, but it does require two clicks to turn it off (first on the spectrum analyser, then on "pause"), might be worth having both the analyser and the player controls straight there.


Thanx guys :) Actually I think the same as some of you about the player.. Might change it.


And there won't be a downloadsection. The site is pretty much finished. There was some more pics uploaded under media :)


Take care / Jannis


Nice! Download section would be nice, maybe with a Lunar Remix version of some special track :)



//Edit: Just saw your posting...well it was just wishful thinking, I guess. How about a shop section with a Lunar Remix ver....


There was some more pics uploaded under media :)


Take care / Jannis


The pics i seen there are really cool and that devilfish man... gold . ;)

Good to see some of your past-present photos of yourself.

Keep it up Jannis! :)


Nice! Download section would be nice, maybe with a Lunar Remix version of some special track :)



//Edit: Just saw your posting...well it was just wishful thinking, I guess. How about a shop section with a Lunar Remix ver....


That Lunar remix seem to be getting popular and known :) I will keep it only for live-acts, so people have something to look forward to. To be honest, its not thaaaaat different from the one on Heliopolis..


Thanx again for the nice comments about the site :)


Take care / Jannis

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