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Hi all!


I would just like to share some of my fractal art with you people. So from now on I will be posting some new fractal here regularly.

I've been working with a lot of different programs like Ultra Fractal, Apophysis, Terragen, Mandelbulber,... so you will also see different types of fractals ranging from IFS to 3D mandelbulbs and even Lindenmayer systems.

Check out my deviantart gallery!


Here's an image of a Grand Julian in perspective made with Apophysis 7x

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This is another type of '3D' Julian I made when checking out Tsukino Hikari's 'Exploring Apophysis 3D' Tutorial.

I call these types of fractals Julian Isles.


And here's a few old 2D mandelbrot fractals made with Ultra Fractal as well. Sorry for the small resolution. If you want one of these in a bigger resolution send me a message.


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I have hundreds of these images. If you want to see some more of them check the UF5 galleries on my myspace. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewAlbums&friendID=433405752


Here's an image of one of my first tries at creating the relativly new Mandelbox fractal.

My formula is still wrong and it doesn't look anything like it but it's still an interesting fractal.


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this what the shapes are supposed to look like.

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I finally succeeded in making the mandelbox fractal! I did using the program Mandelbulb3D. Still having problems with the Ultra Fractal version.

The colouring and lighting are quite different from UF. This gives the images a bit of another character to them.


Here a render from the entire box (scale-2)


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I'm off to explore this amazing infinite geometrical object. I'll be back with more!


Can you do it 1600x1200? Last one I want as wallpaper too :rolleyes:


Lo-o-ong time ago I was about coding fractal-picture-draw programs on pascal. But computers (286-386) was too slow. And CGA-VGA video cards too crappy to see it in all beauty.


Thanks for bringing me back to world of fractals, but on new level. I'm now exploring youtube. Some guys make really fantastic video trips. Very good match for goa trance, and psychedelic music in general.



Indeed there are a few great animations to be found on youtube. Wish I could do that too but the rendering is way to slow on my system. I will be updating it sometime in the future and then I will definetely make some too.


If you follow this link you can download the 1600x1200 version. You can find all the fractals I post in my deviantart gallery at full resolution.



The world of fractals has indeed come to a new level since the invention of the first 3D fractals back in 2006-2007. The mandelbox is only 5 months old.

I think we will be seeing a lot more interesting fractals in the future and in a few years we will probably be able to render them in real-time.

My dream is make these great 3D HD animations which blend sound, music and psychedelic imagery together to produce the most awesome virtual trips :D Just have to wait a few more years for the technology to become a little better.

It's allready possible with very very much patience and a supercomputer. I may have the patience but not the system. And the software should get a little better first too. But people are working on that :)

  On 7/6/2010 at 11:55 PM, 'Persistent Aura' said:

Indeed there are a few great animations to be found on youtube. Wish I could do that too but the rendering is way to slow on my system. I will be updating it sometime in the future and then I will definetely make some too.


How handy software for making this? Can you just explore it as in video game, and then hit render? Or movement path is in formulas too?



If you follow this link you can download the 1600x1200 version. You can find all the fractals I post in my deviantart gallery at full resolution.



Thanks, bro. This one is perfect as wallpaper.
  On 7/7/2010 at 12:05 AM, '(OM)Open_Mind' said:

How handy software for making this? Can you just explore it as in video game, and then hit render? Or movement path is in formulas too?



Thanks, bro. This one is perfect as wallpaper.


There's a few different types of software to make this. Not all work the same way but usually you have a fixe viewpoint and you rotate the object in front of it. You just set the parameters. It's not too hard but can require some pratice in certain programs.


EDIT: oh yeah. everytime you change a parameter of your image. It will need to render the preview image. This can take from 10seconds to a few minutes depending on the size and detail. So again you can't just cruise around. animations like the ones you showed take WEEKS to render in good quality


Some really cool stuff here!

I have never even heard of mandelbox before, I gotta check that thing out.

I've only used Ultra Fractal myself(Check the link in my sig if you're interested), I didn't really like the way Apo works myself.


Hi Penzo!

You've got some nice things in your gallery as well :)

I got bored quite fast with the normal 2d mandelbrot fractals once I saw the 3D Grand JuliaNs made with apophysis and offcourse the Mandelbulb and Mandelbox.


For my next image I made a hybrid between the Mandelbulb and Mandelbox. It's called the Bulbox ^_^ It neatly blends the tight architecture from the mandelbox with the organic structures from the mandelbulb.


Scale 2, ScaleB 2, R 4

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Here's another Bulbox render! This one resembles the box more than the bulb


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New mandelbox render.

Dowload the original size here! 2400 x 1800

Still need a little practice with colouring and lighting imo


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  On 7/8/2010 at 3:55 PM, 'Persistent Aura' said:

And here's a real oldschool fractal :P


an L-System tree




Yeah! This one remind me times of my first fractal draw experiments. :lol:
  On 7/6/2010 at 1:49 PM, 'Persistent Aura' said:



This is another type of '3D' Julian I made when checking out Tsukino Hikari's 'Exploring Apophysis 3D' Tutorial.

I call these types of fractals Julian Isles.


Woah this one is really nice, looks like some sort of city.. Oh I just read it in the title 'Lost City'. :D


Nice stuff! But I don't know if it's the program you use or not, but sometimes the textures and/or colours look like plastic, if you understand what I mean. I'm more of an organic, "natural" freak when it comes to fractals. ^^


Yes the plastic ones are made with mandelbulb3D. If I could get the formula right in ultra fractal I would be able to do much better colouring, withouth the plastic and metallic feeling to it. But I can't seem to get it right.

Someday though :)

  On 7/6/2010 at 6:25 PM, 'Persistent Aura' said:

I finally succeeded in making the mandelbox fractal! I did using the program Mandelbulb3D. Still having problems with the Ultra Fractal version.

The colouring and lighting are quite different from UF. This gives the images a bit of another character to them.


Here a render from the entire box (scale-2)


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I'm off to explore this amazing infinite geometrical object. I'll be back with more!


wow , Ewoud , you're a genius! :)
  On 7/8/2010 at 5:55 PM, 'Persistent Aura' said:

New mandelbox render.

Dowload the original size here! 2400 x 1800

Still need a little practice with colouring and lighting imo


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Another Futuristic Fractal , really great . Looks like a big Starship with lots of detail. Great work Ewoud.

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