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----- Original Message -----

From: annie leffingwell

To: psy-trance@dewline.com ; trancevillage@alienmassive.com

Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 10:04 AM

Subject: ||/| Hi friends, Burningman is in a bad spot, please help with this petition


Burning Man needs a bit of help, and it needs it

fast, so please read on. As you may or may not have heard, the Washoe County

Board of Commissioners have refused Burning Man a permit to use property

they own near Gerlach, from which the event is staged. This staging area is

the ranch from which all operations are run, and where all the gear is

stored. Apparently, if they can't use this land, it will make it nearly

impossible to organize the event.

BM has requested that as many people as possible show up at the county

meeting on June 10th in Reno to voice their opinions, and that those who

can't make it write letters to the Reno Gazette voicing their displeasure. I

figure that a petition wouldn't hurt either, so here's the plan:

We need to get at least 5000 signatures in the next 4 days, so we really

need to move on this. Please go to the petition site at the link below

immediately, sign it, and forward this email to as many sympathetic people

as possible. It would probably work best to simply copy and paste this msg

into a new email rather then forward so as to avoid getting the text all

screwed up, as often happens in forwards.

I'll be informing the BM organizers of the petition in hope that they also

spread the word, and so that they can bring a printout to the meeting.

Again... sorry for the spam, but I figured that this is worth it. The petition

is can be signed here:



Burning Man founder Larry Harvey has said that the event will be able to go ahead with or without the use of the property so that is some good news at least.

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