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If he wasn't planning on it in the first place, as stated, and only did it because he was talked into it by some fans, it probably wouldn't turn out that great.


Is he serious? Like he doesn't know that there are THOUSANDS waiting for that.. I mean, he plays at tons of festivals each summer. :/

If it has to go like that it'll probably suck anyway. :D


He already started to work on a new track, just in case ^^


I think he wants to do one and the votes just motivate him to finally get started!


So, gogo, vote!


i would tolerate if he was curious of asking the community, lets just say for RESEARCH reasons, but thats how much he knows (cares), just a simple Facebook fan page would've contributed for the album just to convince him that there are still fans out there, and you dont need searching skills to open google and "coincidentally" find Isratrance or Psynews, but hey, he doesnt give a shit :), and nor do i, i've listened to him a year ago and his music made me vomit, i just hate the senseless MINIMAL, it affected way too much into the artists lately, but i guess Coke is just way to powerful for the mind to notice background modifications


ps, i only liked LSD from his whole discography, i never felt the hype people wrote about his music anyway...

  On 8/18/2010 at 3:37 PM, 'PlutoDelic' said:

i would tolerate if he was curious of asking the community, lets just say for RESEARCH reasons, but thats how much he knows (cares), just a simple Facebook fan page would've contributed for the album just to convince him that there are still fans out there, and you dont need searching skills to open google and "coincidentally" find Isratrance or Psynews, but hey, he doesnt give a shit :), and nor do i, i've listened to him a year ago and his music made me vomit, i just hate the senseless MINIMAL, it affected way too much into the artists lately, but i guess Coke is just way to powerful for the mind to notice background modifications


ps, i only liked LSD from his whole discography, i never felt the hype people wrote about his music anyway...


You didn't like Twisted? Did you even listen to it?

I could care less about the "1000 clicks" part, but what I can say is that this year @ O.Z.O.R.A., the first half hour or so of Posford's performance he played a bunch of unidentified tunes - not that I'm the largest fan of his, but my friend who's a bona fide Posford addict claimed that he had never heard that material prior to then either, so if any of that stuff is an indication as to what may his new album sound like, then the only thing I can say is: I can hardly wait!


It was a pretty powerful set too, but the first part was as impressive as anything I've listened to lately, really twisted and outer wordly!

  On 8/18/2010 at 3:45 PM, 'Penzoline' said:

You didn't like Twisted? Did you even listen to it?


why would i bother giving an opinion then? there's a factor that creates a contrast between people, it's called TASTE.


though my point was bypassed as it seems, even though i dont like much of his material, a single track made me register and vote, but keep in mind, i voted as a GOA fan, and i wont beg him for an album, cause that's what the posts on the twisted forum are broadcasting.


Such an over glorified self obsessed tit this guy is ! sorry to use such language but what does he mean by if you can get me 1000 posts then i'll do it? like he needs the 1000 posts to believe that he will be able to break even or to re-assure himself that his brand equity hasnt diluted in the last seven years since he released one due to lack of creative ideas? wtf !


mr hallucinohen just seems to be proving me right everytime and i dunno what is that is more pissing off whether its his music which never really appealed to me from day one or his highness of psytrance making his followers beg and plead for an album. puke to the power puke


Bizzarre levels of negativity going on here,,,




What would it hurt to just freakin vote? Judge the album after you hear it, and judge the music not the person


A new trance album from Hallucinogen would be a hell of a lot better than what's out there at the moment,,


The idiots are winning..



  On 8/19/2010 at 12:12 AM, 'djt.' said:

Hallucinogen did not start that topic ! Read the start post of it...



Seriously! Si jokingly told a fan "hah sure if you get 1000 votes on the forum I'll do it!" and so the fan is spearheading an effort to do so. Really don't think it has anything to do with Si's "ego" (if he even has one, somehow unmelted by the doses of this and that which have surely destroyed it like penicillin finding bacteria...), it is a noble fan based effort to put some flame under his arse and get some new, complex psytrance into the scene. And we all know he has the gusto to do it, so I think it is well worth joining the grass roots effort here and to Vote for Si!

  On 8/18/2010 at 5:31 PM, 'PlutoDelic' said:

why would i bother giving an opinion then? there's a factor that creates a contrast between people, it's called TASTE.


though my point was bypassed as it seems, even though i dont like much of his material, a single track made me register and vote, but keep in mind, i voted as a GOA fan, and i wont beg him for an album, cause that's what the posts on the twisted forum are broadcasting.


Oh wow I was a bit tired when I posted that, I missed the "Whole discography". So, I thought you had only heard LSD on a comp and maybe like The Lone Deranger, which I find good as well but not as good as Twisted.


My apologiez

  On 8/19/2010 at 3:22 AM, 'Astrognomix' said:

it is a noble fan based effort to put some flame under his arse and get some new, complex psytrance into the scene. And we all know he has the gusto to do it, so I think it is well worth joining the grass roots effort here and to Vote for Si!


This, pretty much.


Must be in a bad mood yesterday for being a bit harsh in my perception of this gathering votes for a new album thingi but what really got me so worked up was his reply on the 1st page saying the same people with different accounts are voting so the poll is rigged... he should be thinking WOW people love my music so much that they are creating fake accounts to poll... but doesnt he know that already? saying something like that makes him comes across as someone who needs to get off his high horse with all the praise and accolades having gone to his head. just release an album without having to resort to a 1000 votes. that IMO is just a cheap way of playing hard to get

  On 8/19/2010 at 12:07 AM, 'Lost & Found' said:

A new trance album from Hallucinogen would be a hell of a lot better than what's out there at the moment,,


Are you serious? There's some GREAT psytrance out right now! Over the past few years it's just been getting better & better!


I like Hallucinogen, "Twisted" more than the rest, I just think that if someone has to be CONVINCED to make an album, it won't be very good. He's obviously heavily invested in Shpongle, I'm sure if he wanted to make new trance he would.


an artist doesn needs external motivations to create

all the other moves is just kind of childish


not exact childish(but i dont want to waste more time for such behaviours)

a big LOL to all the ''artists''


  On 8/18/2010 at 4:15 PM, 'rino' said:

I could care less about the "1000 clicks" part, but what I can say is that this year @ O.Z.O.R.A., the first half hour or so of Posford's performance he played a bunch of unidentified tunes - not that I'm the largest fan of his, but my friend who's a bona fide Posford addict claimed that he had never heard that material prior to then either, so if any of that stuff is an indication as to what may his new album sound like, then the only thing I can say is: I can hardly wait!


It was a pretty powerful set too, but the first part was as impressive as anything I've listened to lately, really twisted and outer wordly!


That set was pretty good ;) and sure some of it also seemed unknown to me as far as I remember. Sounds like something good might be brewing! B)


(btw I never saw a guy wearing a Yankee cap :P)


If he ever released a Hallucinogen 3 it would be a disappointment. Even if it was good people wouldn't like it as much as their expectations of it. He hasn't even made it and it's already a classic, so imagine the amount of disappointment when it's not.


The recent stuff released under the Hallucinogen moniker has been pretty weak.


Hallucinogen's best tracks are e & The Herb Garden which makes me hope Simon would make a solo chill album.

  On 8/19/2010 at 2:44 PM, 'abasio' said:

If he ever released a Hallucinogen 3 it would be a disappointment. Even if it was good people wouldn't like it as much as their expectations of it. He hasn't even made it and it's already a classic, so imagine the amount of disappointment when it's not.




  On 8/19/2010 at 2:44 PM, 'abasio' said:

The recent stuff released under the Hallucinogen moniker has been pretty weak.




  On 8/19/2010 at 2:44 PM, 'abasio' said:

Hallucinogen's best tracks are e & The Herb Garden which makes me hope Simon would make a solo chill album.


and this!

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