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Welcome to the first annual Nirvana Festival. Six days of bliss in the beautiful sierras in the heart of Argentina, under the full moon.


Our intention is to create a gathering where we can come together as One.


Let’s re-create together a new vision for our future. Let’s re-unite the visionary family….


Our intention is to create a sacred space where we can honor our Mother Earth, honor each other and trascend our ordinary reality in comun-unity.


We get together to celebrate Life in all diferent aspects ……through music, art, dance, sustainability and visionary culture.


It is a festival for the new tribes, for the free spirited people ….


Our idea is to focus on Permaculture Principles…. Have less impact and leave a smaller footprint on our land, healing our Mother Earth with our intention and actions.


This is a way of life….a new way of life that is emerging all over the world….a new level of consciousness ….Let’s get together in celebration!


Anyone interested in participating in this magical event please contact us @ participate@nirvanafestival.com...




LINE UP...!!!!!!




-Total Eclipse, France

-Tranceluz, Holland – GOA.

-Aeternal, Italia.

-Shawnodese, Holland.

-Erofex , Bolivia.

-Ital, Chile.

-Aho, Chile.

-Proyecto Ajayu, Chile.

-Sakyamuni, Brasil

-Invid Mind , Argentina.

-JhUnix , Argentina.

-Paranoiac, Argentina.

-Cipro Status, Argentina.

-Nutram Kalku, Argentina.

-M4nos, Argentina.

-Nu Tao, Argentina.

-Pepsan, Argentina.

-Polper, Argentina.

-Shinouda, Suiza.




-Pan Papason, Grecia-Ibiza.

-Dhyan Moksha, Argentina.

-Anala, Argentina-Goa.

-Avisman Alan, Argentina.

-Adakt, Guatemala.

-Andrea, Argentina.

-Arditti, Argentina-Chile.

-Caemix, Suiza.

-Humento, Chile.

-Jowe, Argentina.

-Mauri Maori, Argentina.

-Murray, Argentina.

-Nacho Clear, Chile.

-Neural, Argentina.

-Pixi Pax, Argentina.

-Polper, Argentina.

-Reconnect, Brasil.

-Sadhaka, Argentina.

-Tad HugArt, Argentina.

-Tokerau, Chile-Montemapu.

-Utkarsh ॐ Goa, Argentina.

-Varaha Dasa, Argentina.

-Zyrack, Proyecto Extrateravers, Chile.




-Ananta, Holland.

-Andrea, Argentina.

-Polper, Argentina.

-Nu Tao, Argentina.

-Shabda, Argentina.

-Claudia Yaya Fuentes, Chile. Live performance with Hang Drum.

-Vegetarian Batu Band, Argentina.




-Trilab, Chile.

-Vj Camp Attack, Holland.

-Vj Haniphonic Visions, Argentina.

-Vj Quartz, Argentina.




-Funktionforms, Argentina.

-Shamballa, Argentina-California.

-Quartz, Argentina.


more coming soon….




Hello brothers and sisters!


You can get the Pre Sale Tickets for Nirvana Festival.

The price include 6 days of camping and all the activities and workshops during those days.


The price of the tickets is going to be:


- From today until December 5th $150 pesos argentinos ($38 usd)


- From December 5th to December 31st $180 pesos argentinos ($46 usd)


- From January 1st to January 18th $210 pesos argentinos ($53 usd)


- At the door $250 pesos argentinos ($63 usd)



**Pre sale Locations:



Buenos Aires: Avisman Alan Email: alan.stegman@gmail.com / Phone # 011 15 6492 2249


Zona Norte: Facebook: Paranoiac Cordoba Peralta.

Email: ezequielcondeezequiel@hotmail.com


Chile: Zonatrance. Tel 56 897 93 42 (oficina)

bascuñan guerrero 240 depto A Santiago de Chile.


Cordoba, Capilla del Monte, Sante Fe: Ramiro Petitti . Facebook: Ramiro Petitti..Tel 03541 15615736


San Marcos Sierras: Andrea Email: tickets@nirvanafestival.com


**The rest of the world:


• Western Union.


• Paypal.


• Deposit in a Bank Account.



Please, send us an email with your name, passport #, address, phone number and number of tickets to tickets@nirvanafestival.com


Please, specify what form of payment you want to use and we’ll send you the necessary information to do the transaction.


Remember that you have to bring with you the same ID that you used to make the payment.


Those of you that are unable to pay the total price of the ticket and want to participate like volunteers, please send us an email with the title “I want to participate in the festival” to participate@nirvanafestival.com, describing what is your situation, why you want to participate and in what ways you want to contribute.


We have a limited space for volunteers, so please send us your request as soon as possible. We’ll write back to those that have been selected.


We will not accept volunters requests at the door.


Thank you!


We’ll see you at the dancefloor!!!!!!!!!!!!!











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