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Guest Danne

hello! I just wont to say that I,m very disapointed on the psy Releases now a days. Most of the music just sounds very plastic, but maybe it´s just a trend that will fade out soon. One example of this plastic sound is Digital structures new releases. I dont know how to express my self in a good way but i hope that it is someone out there that understands me!



Guest Drat Mafia

hmm, this seems to completely contradict what i just posted...Digital Structures new releases...plastic?? are u out of your mind?? or are u just from the UK...

Guest danne

Now I,m not from the UK I,m from sewden. I usally like everthing that comes out of DS and the other labeles on mpdqx, but what can I say.....

the nwe ticon album sounds good but it isnt compareable with the other releases on DS. the vibrasphere album is very good album indeed. Have you heard Bigwigz album exprimental but way of line... The post you just posted I agree with you aboute gms etc etc that kind of music is driving me mad just seeing it being released,bllllllllläääääääääää.


Maybe I just wanted to say what you just sad about fullon..............



Guest psychotronic

well,in fact i'm VERY dissapointed of all this year's releases such as: infected mushroom - converting vegetarians (and many more..) and yes psytrance is becoming a boring genre with all these lack of quality the artists are making to their classic sound.Very sad but true!

Guest danne

Ohhhh goooooooodddd my english is bad!!!!!!


both of you two are big fucking idiots you fucking drum machine assholes.

you dont know shit and to say that you think that ticon and the other stuff is good means that you have very big problems in your brains.

simply minded music like minimal makes me vomit you dickshits.

fuck off and die.


im from sweden and i hate all the trance artists here besides logic bomb, weirdo beardo and miraculix.




...start respecting other peoples perspectives before you post your point of view



Guest psychotronic

i really hope that x-dream and all of their side-projects don't release any albums this year! ;)

Guest Daniel

Boring, yes...but don't give up faith....we have NEW artists to look forward and I have a big feeling that once Talpa's debut album comes out some heads will turn and a new psy-trance master will be born....Talpa's musical direction is where Infected SHOULD have taken their music this year w/ "Converting Vegetarians"......search on soulseek for the Talpa Live @ Transplant 10, and you'll see what I'm talking about :)

Guest danne

rez writes:both of you two are big fucking idiots you fucking drum machine assholes etc.....


Hummm seems to me like you are the stupid one that cant repect other peoplespiont of view! Minmial is´nt simple minded, fullone is simple minded easy bought and sometimes very commercial. Some of the full on music is very good, but when I only see new reales with gms, skazi wannabies all the time I fell that the industry is just releasing this cause they dont got any bether to release, most of the time the cds have a drug concept to sell music to kids that thinks that drugs are very cool and so one. I´m so greatfull to those artists that are doing something else than this full on stuff. And I hope you rez put your act toghter and stop of calling us fucking idiotes it seems ass you are the konow nothing guy when you say stuff like that, buy the way how old are you? 15?......................................


Danne the drummachine asshole with problem in his brain


to danne kukhuvudet.


by the way i am 27 and have been going to partys since 1991 and that means that i have seen alot of directions the trance have gone but the music you two fucks is lagging on have always staid because the music is always good produced and keeps changing forward not backwards like the shitty music you are listening too and by the way i knew son kite and ticon before they started making music they tried to make psychadelic but they couldnt they got rejected by all the psy labels so when minimal started they made that music instead beacuse its too easy to make so they are big sell outs.



keep your opinions too yourself nerd and dont mess with the big boys.

Guest Danne

ooppps I´m so sorry, you are 27, LOL!!!!

Hmm are´nt you a big sad cunt rez.?. and I dont belive that you are 27..

I can also see that you are from Örebro and all the artists you like is also from Örebro, if you really know soething aboute the scene don make false statements like that son kite is sell outs??? loke at the swedish artists you wrote about; Logic is not bad but they becomed sellouts when they got sined by tip, the record is very well produced to (Bad in your oppinion).

you make me feel sorry for you.. maybe it´s time to retire old and wise man!!




Agree, this is a lame post, so full of shit, starting with the father of Goa Gil and California Sunshine himself, Mr Rez:

If you have been in the sceen since 91 and have seen soooooo many kinds of trance going and comeing, how come you haven´t learn about the PLUR attitude? how come can you be so closed mined?


...rest my case on this treath



im not från örebro but from malmö....................


and to i dont like california sunshine.


and danne lär dig att stava på engelska klant huvud....


and about the bad attitude you two guys started it but danne because you live in sweden and love digital structures means that you are one of the ravers you see at a swedish or danish party who screams every time a drums starts and dressed in all uv colors and think that that makes you a cool raver: a nerd by the way without you guys i wouldnt have fun at the partys we all have too laugh at someone so have a nice life and please stay the fuck out of mine.



by the way my favorit groups are:

Juno Reactor, Hallucinogen, Doof, Spies, Dino Psaras, GMS, Talamasca, Etnica, Joti Sidhu, Antidote, Logic Bomb,

Guest Quazzi

"and about the bad attitude you two guys started it"


Bbbbhhhuuuaaahahaha, this guy rules!!!

Guest danne

I dont own any Uv clothes! how can you say that you dont know me!!


Om jag ska låta dig vara i fred, kan du ju svara ordentligt eller diskutera isället för att bete dig som en fjant. Ok så de är dina favoriter vem fan bryr sig?! Jag tror du borde gå till en psykolog så som du beter dig.


Om du gillar GMS så gillar du nog uv kläder,


Buy the way the music is not about what clothes you whare, so who gives a shit about peoples clothes anyway!???



vadå danne klara du inte av att få kritik buhu ska du böla nu för att jag hade rätt fjant


are you sick or what just because i like gms i have to have uv clothes thats why i just said that i laugh at the kindf you are at partys what are you stupid or you just cant read english.........



and one more thing when i was at a party in new york doof got up on stage and turned off son kite just after they started playing 2000 people were cheering becuase he stopped their live set




hahahahahahahhahahahahaha they never turn off psychedelic artists do they



love and hugs to danne aka i have taken too much drugs so i cant listen to psychedelic i much just listen to drums hey buyu a drum machine its equal fun.


peace out

Guest Towelie

ROFLMAO !!! what a killer we have here: Rez.. i hope you will start visiting this place more often..


he has been in partys since 91' HAHAHAHHAAHA! its just.. so fucking what..


I took a crap in the bog of a Chinese train once (twice, to be exact, but it doesn't count as it was caused by the same meal). You can all start hailing me now. Having no scands on your keyboard won't be considered as an excuse not to, you can easily copy&paste it from my official signature:



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