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Talamasca - Back to Bach - Mind Control Records

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1. Back to Bach

2. Epic Transition

3. Back to the Future Remix (vs. Spacecat)


If one looks at Talamasca`s output over the years one thing immediately becomes clear: The man has never met a riff in his life that was too big, never seen a hook that was too outrageous and certainly never encountered a melody that was too over-the-top for him. From the uplifting power of "Time Simulation", to the Buttrock Goa of "Aries" and finally to the cooperation with He Who Must Not Be Named "Imaginary Friend", they are all evidence to the fact that if Talamasca were born 15 years earlier, he would have played in a hair metal band and looked something like that blond guy second on the left:


Posted Image


And now, he has managed to outdo himself and has delivered his ultimate statement in the field of hair-goa: Back to Bach!


(Warning: If you are too cool for school, go away and tell someone else how cheesy and commercial Back to Bach is and how another one of old-timers has sold out and how you are so cool that if you fart, the person behind you gets pneumonia and bla bla bla...)


If I should describe Back to Bach in a short mathematical formula it would problably look like this:


Your Grandpa`s old Bach records + 10 hits of extasy + a rolling bassline + no sense of decency and good taste whatsoever = The best hands in the air melodic piece of music I have heard in a very long time Posted Image


And why does it work? Because Talamasca actually does a great job arranging the complex melodic structure for psytrance purposes and beautifully builds the entire track towards the final explosive peak. Now, I`m certainly no expert at music theory, but the way the melody and harmonies evolve are unlike anything I have ever heard in trance music, and that is exactly why Back to Bach gets away with its ridiculous over-the-topness and never falls into the cheesy trap, at least in my ears. (Ok, I lied, it is cheesy, BUT I LIKE IT!)


The other tracks are not as good IMHO, particularly because I usually don`t listen to full-on and fast psytrance at all. However, Epic Transition certainly has its charms in an, you guessed it, epic kind of way, but the winner on here certainly is Back to Bach.

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