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Ott - Mir

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"to be released on March, 8th"


If it's Twisted Records again - what year? :D


Ott's page doesn't say it's on Twisted and it's nowhere to be found on twisted.co.uk.

Maybe it will be released somewhere else?


Great news, but what MIR means? On serbian means peace lol


Yeah :lol: However my first association was this:



Posted Image


Speaking of Ott's music, I'm huuuge fan of his style, love his unique approach to psychedelic dub sounds and Blumenkraft is masterpiece, just like In Dub remix album. Looking forward for this new one, if it's gonna be on Twisted, I'm sure that this release date will be changed lol.


Good news, and the cover is so much better than the last two albums, and not very twisted-like, maybe a new label?!


If I just saw the cover I would guess it's a new one from Mighty Quinn Records. That seems rather unlikely though.


That's good news :rolleyes:


I really like his work. Blumenkraft is a masterpiece and Skylon is also very good ( first 2 tracks are amazing)


lets wait.


(yeah, I know it should be in other thread, but it's too big to put it there)


true statement...

I always was looking in the artist news section much less than here

maybe this is something to think about that I can get back to some time later...


on topic, I liked Blumenkraft a lot, but rather not because of the "pirate tracks". The first one was marvellous.

Missed out on Skylon, but sorta heard that it was not that great ... and I believe I even checked some tracks and didn't find them so attractive


I hope they do something really good this time again...


true statement...

I always was looking in the artist news section much less than here

maybe this is something to think about that I can get back to some time later...


on topic, I liked Blumenkraft a lot, but rather not because of the "pirate tracks". The first one was marvellous.

Missed out on Skylon, but sorta heard that it was not that great ... and I believe I even checked some tracks and didn't find them so attractive


I hope they do something really good this time again...


I actually really like Skylon. The sound is similar to Blumenkraft. What I like is, that Skylon is more easygoing, more chilled. I guess this is what bothers others.


wow, im surprised how much Skylon was ignored, im even more surprised with people differing ott's music.


you rarely find an artist that can put you through a journey like this one, no one in the music industry for me has reached a level like Ott, he's absolutely crystal clear in production and shamanic when it comes to creativity, this mixture is extremely rare.


what i love most about him is that he usually makes his music in either pure chilled out mode like Jacks cheese and bread, which include oriental instruments, or he does more uptempo dub tracks like Rogue Bagel or the master piece remix of Entheogenic - Ground Luminosity, but in those occasions he uses dominating oriental vocals rather then instruments, and faster dub tracks have more percussion's


he OWNS dub, the gamma goblins remix is an answer how a subject in stepped dub is explained and not chaotically demonstrated like the ugly dubstep does. He even remixed Bluetech, whats worth mentioning though is that he left his ID on the remix, you could write charlie chaplin remix on it, i would immediately know it was Ott behind it.


for anyone who Ott didnt seem a worth name checking (the name is rather Odd), spare yourself 30-40 euros of beer and buy his discography, if you like positive music, he's the man for you.


here's a reference,

, you may have seen the movie around the world in 80 days, or listened to tegmas around the world in 80 minutes, or even heard shpongles around the world in a tea daze, well forget them, listening to cley hill will do that in less then 10 minutes

Here's some new material by the sounds of it. This sounds really, really good, fits with "the great side" of Ott, and should be mindboggling.


Good news, hopefully we get a teaser track before it comes out :)


I'm more excited by seeing he is going to be touring just a 5hr drive from me though :) That's about as close as "psy" ever gets to me (Minneapolis) :lol:


Here's some new material by the sounds of it. This sounds really, really good, fits with "the great side" of Ott, and should be mindboggling.


Sounds really nice! I really hope some more psychedelic from his hand, Hallucinogen in dub was a masterpiece so for me that's where he really glows! Although Blumenkraft have been on heavy rotation on my CD-player in past as well :P


i think is highly possible the album will be on twisted, if you scroll the page you can see the april tour poster with the new album cover (part of it) and saying twisted records... let's see what happens :)


A bit offtopic, but what's Ott's full name? :D


Discogs includes the dubious claim that Ott is his real name, but also lists Grover Smith as an alias, which sounds plausible.

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