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Artist: Various

Title: Demolition School

Label: Neuromind Records

Date: November, 2010



1. D.N.A Frequency



2. Wonderland



3. Mind Granade



4. Terrorist Attack



5. Demolition School



6. Mutants



7. Psychedelic Entity V2



8. Energy System



9. Black Pack



10. Sao Paulo




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Holy sh*t there's a school for this? Where do I sign up?


This was done is Cincinnati a few years ago. They should've taken the Bengals with them cause they still blow. I went to school to be an eye doctor, but this seems way more cool. I would love to go to work each day knowing I would be wrecking sh*t.


This is the first release from Neuromind Records compiled by Killer Buds and Xtatic. I really enjoyed Interfiber Skunk and Synthetic Vision so they had me on board already. There are more than a few unknowns here so it should be interesting.


D.N.A. Frequency- "When the skirmish occurred...a certain group of entities fought in space.. and won the territory of Earth. These new owners did not want the native Earth species, the humans, to be informed of what took place. Uninformed, he species would be easier to control."


With an alien backdrop like that the space feel is thick. Rich effects, lasers, and lots of melody is the name of the game here. The bass line races as layers of sound deliver a great atmosphere. When the break arrives it brings a similar sample and the feeling of dread is inescapable. I didn't care for the rising string but that is a minor quibble. Listening to this there is a lot going on. Another break has another similar sample setting things up for the climax. Great way to start.




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"It is a place...like no place on Earth. Some say to survive it...you need to be mad as a hatter. Which luckily...I am."


Well, I don't want to be late for tea! This one is even better. Consisting of one of the members of Killer Buds, they bring a night time treat. The bass is juicy and fast, and the track has cyber computer effects to give some atmosphere. The synth stabs work well, and the lead rains down the acid. The break has some cool Alice in Wonderland samples, but doesn't hit you over the head with them. When the end comes around, there are lots of sounds to keep you busy. Nice!


Mind Grenade- The Buds deliver a nicely evolving track, that ebbs and flows. It's very groovy with its fair share of acid leads that ricochet like a bullet. After a break it changes tempo which kinda killed the flow. Gonna have to work hard to get that momentum back. Somehow they do it, with rhythmic synth work building it stronger than it was before! Great track!


Terrorist Attack- I don't really know who this is, but it is more on the commercial side of things. That's not to say it's bad, just...different. It's got a galloping bass line and repeated samples which put me off as well as high pitched samples. The music itself is pretty good, but put all the ingredients together and well...meh.


If you're going to name yourself after one of the most deadly snakes on the planet you should have a track that can bring it. This one, ummmm...does not.


Demolition School- This one starts off with more computer ambience and a pretty driving bass line. Sound familiar? The sample is interesting, about a little girl that calls a demolition company and wanting them to knock her school down. With the teachers in it. We have all been there, haven't we? I know when math started inviting the alphabet to the party demolition was something I could've gotten behind.


Oh, the music is fine, but it's totally swallowed up by the sample.


Mutants- Sidhartha and Khopat drop a f*cking bomb with this track. The lead is a dirty, squelchy sound that is out of control. Add a heavy beat to it and it's groovy to the 5th power.


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That's in real time by the way. It's not the most detailed work you have ever heard, but it goes all out. Awesome work gentlemen.


Psychedelic Entity V2- I've run into several of his tracks as of late in my reviewing and I always come away with the same feeling.


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Stops and starts, buildups, and stops and starts during a buildup. All this tells me is that even on the 2nd try he couldn't get it right. Homie, just run the f*cking label.


I've been waiting to use this fail gif, so, there you go...you've earned it.


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I love how his slippers fly off. What a tool. Dad's just trying to do his taxes and now he's wondering how he could have given birth to such a dumbass.



Energy System- You spelled it wrong. See...right there, it's actually psycho. No problem, just left off the P. I haven't the foggiest idea of who this is, but the bass is really


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And don't think I didn't notice you trying to slide the BEP's sample in there. You're on the list...if I ever find out who you are.


Black Pack- Satya, man whoever. Package? Like this?


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Ha, Germans love this guy.


I didn't think it was possible, but this track was more boring and unremarkable than the last one. It's like you guys aren't even trying.


Sao Paulo- And closing out the compilation is another unknown with a misspelled moniker. Maybe Synapse was taken. This one is the darkest yet, with bubbling effects and a mid tempo groove. Think of it like a progressive twilight song. The break is soft and contributes greatly to the atmosphere, almost giving it a forest feel. Hands down the best of the unknowns. Again, nothing groundbreaking but a very slick way to end the compilation. Congratulations on a pretty smooth track Sinapse with an "I"


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Can anyone end a psytrance compilation as strongly as it begins? I know you want to grab peoples attention. I know that making money in this genre is hard and this economy isn't helping. Knowing listeners probably listen to the first few track samples and get hooked you put all the crap at the end. I'm starting to think you do it on purpose. I really enjoyed the first 5 or 6 tracks, but then it seemed like you didn't give a f*ck what came after that. I don't want to be a d*ck, but money is tight these days. After shipping, 15 or so bucks is a nice bit of change. I don't want to say download it illegally, but I also wouldn't want someone to pay a bunch of dough for 5 good tracks.


Get your sh*t straight yo!












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