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Guest DoMat

i wanna do a party in my small town i use to do it since a year ago. but now i had money agian to do it..

please tell me some recomentations of: names; i was thinkins some of theses: magnetic spheres, magnetic times, magnetic circuits, magnetis system v 1.0. tell me more.

services: i f you know some drinks or stuff.


of deco: some figiueres or some simple flowing draws some like geometricals draws some figures that look like spining or something like that. send me the draw or tell me the www


and other things that can help the ambient and atmosphere or the party that make it light.


please the party is in agost 12.

see you around.

Guest Mergi

party name: neuro receptic hybrid v 3.14159265358979323846264338327950244819716939937510....

Guest Tentwins

Magnetic Fields


As for the drink, you can buy drink in consignation (a consignación) that it means you have to pay only what it's consumed and returned what's left.


If you need more help just tell me, I'm in Mexico too.


Where are you planning to throw the party??

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